What is XXVII in Roman Numerals?
The Roman numeral XXVII is equal to the number 27.
Unlike other Roman numeral examples, such as XXIV for instance, which require the subtractive principle method to be used - where a smaller number is written before a larger one and needs to be subtracted from this larger number – the Roman numeral XXVII is a relatively straightforward one to convert. Even though it is five letters long, they simply need to all be added together.
The sum to convert the Roman numeral XXVII into the number 27 is therefore:
X (10) plus X (10) plus V (5) plus I (1) plus I (1) which equals 27.
Math Questions Containing the Roman Numeral XXVII
Why not have a go at the below math questions to test your knowledge of Roman numerals? Each of the questions contain the Roman numeral XXVII in them somewhere.

1. What is XIX plus XXVII?
Straight off, a question requiring us to make use of the subtractive principle!
While the first X (10 is fine, the I (1) is written before the second X, which indicates that the 1 needs to be taken away from this 10.
The equation XIX can therefore be written out as:
X (10) plus X (10) minus I (1) which equals 19.
Now that we have worked out that the Roman numeral XIX is the equivalent of the number 19, we can solve the puzzle.
It is simply 19 plus 27 which equals 46 (or XLVI in Roman numerals… remember the subtractive principle for the XL at the start!)
2. What is XXVII minus IV?
Another fairly straightforward question; we just need to work out what IV is equal to.
Using the subtractive principle again, because I (1) is smaller and written before V (5), we can see that IV is the equivalent of the number 4 because it is V (5) minus I (1) which equals 4.
To answer the question, we just subtract 4 from 27, giving us the answer 23 (or XXIII in Roman numerals).
3. What is XXVII multiplied by LV?
Multiplying large Roman numerals together usually gives a big answer, and this one is know different.
We know that XXVII is 27, so we just need to work out what number LV is. This is quite painless, as it is just a case of adding V (5) to L (which represents the number 50), showing us that the Roman numeral LV is equal to 55.
We now have all of the information we need to solve the question. Multiplying 27 by 55 gives us the answer of 1,485.
In Roman numerals, this is the rather long figure of MCDLXXXV. The full equation for MCDLXXXV, which also includes a sneaky subtractive principle occurrence towards the beginning, is:
M (1,000) + D (500) – C (100) + L (50) + X (10) + X (10) + X (10) + V (5) = 1,485.
4. What is XXVII divided by III?
A nice, simpler one to finish. The answer to this is just XXVII (27) divided by 3 (represented by III or 1 + 1 + 1) which is 9. For reference, the number 9 is written as IX in Roman numerals and also contains a subtractive principle element (the I (1) is written before the X (10) so needs to be taken away from it.
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