What is XXIV in Roman Numerals?
XXIV in Roman numerals equals the number 24.
This is because:
- X = 10, of which we have 2 of, so we get 20
- I = 1
- V = 5
Because the smaller number (I or 1) is written before the larger number of V (5), then the smaller number needs to be subtracted from the larger one. More information on this subtractive principle can be seen on our Roman numerals page by clicking here.
The full equation to translate XXIV into present-day numbers is therefore:
X (10) plus X (10) plus V (5) minus I (1) = 24
If the I came after the V, so that the Roman numeral was XXVI, then the 1 would need to be added to the 5, which would give us the number 26. Having no subtractive principle in this equation makes it easier to work out!
Math Questions Containing the Roman Numerals IX
Why not have a go at solving some of the math equations below which each contain the Roman number for 24, XXIV, in them somewhere? This four letter Roman numeral number can make the sums quite long and tricky, so take your time when solving them.

1. What is XXIV + L?
A nice straightforward one to start us off with. We know from the above that XXIV is equal to the number 24, so all we need to do is find out what number the letter L represents and just add it to 24.
The Roman numeral L is equal to the number 50. This means that all we need to do is add 50 on to 24 to give us the answer, which is 74 (or LXXIV in Roman numerals... again, remember the subtractive principle regarding IV (4) for this one).
2. What is XXIV – XIII?
As we know that XXIV is 24, we just need to work out what XIII is.
XIII is a nice an easy Roman numeral, that requires all addition and no subtractions. It is just X (10) plus I (1) plus I (1) plus I (1), which gives us 13.
So the answer to the question is 24 – 13 which equals 11 (XI in Roman numerals).
3. What is XXIV multiplied by LV?
This sounds like a big number coming up...
The Roman numeral LV is the equivalent of the number 55 (L = 50, plus V = 5).
So we need to multiply 55 (LV) by 24 (XXIV).
This gives us the answer of 1,320. In Roman numerals, this equates to MCCCXX, which is in actual fact not quite as long a Roman numeral equation as it could be. There are certainly longer ones, such as the number 3,999 for example which is MMMCMXCIX!
To work out why MCCCXX equals 1,320 we just need to work out what all of the Roman numeral letters mean and then break down the equation into smaller parts.
To begin with, M = 1,000 which gives us our starting number. C is equal to the number 100, and there are three of them, which totals 300. Adding that to our 1,000 gives us 1,300.
Then we just need to add on the two X, which each represent the number 10, so we need to add on two 10s, or 20.
So we have our 1,000, plus the 300, plus the 20, which gives us our answer of 1,320!
4. What is CLXVIII divided by XXIV?
Another long Roman numeral equation to work out! However, this one does not have any smaller numbers written before larger ones, which means the whole lot simply need to be added together, and makes this Roman numeral much more easier to work out thankfully.
All we need to do then is find out what number each letter represents, and then add them together.
We need to know that:
- C = 100
- L = 50
- X = 10
- V = 5
- I = 1
Once we know this, we just need to add all of the letters in the equation together. It therefore becomes:
C + L + X + V + I + I + I
Which works out as:
100 + 50 + 10 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1
Which equals 168.
To solve our question then, we just take 168 and divide it by 24 (XXIV), which equals 7 (or VII in Roman numerals).
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