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Learn in your car Italian

We don't always have time to read up and study a language no matter how much we might like to. A busy daily schedule of work and family does not always allow one to actually sit down and learn a language.

What better way then to learn a language than on your way to work and back home! There are a variety of language courses that focus on just that, Italian courses on audio tapes and CD's with short lessons... and all that while you drive in your car.

Below you will find a collection of "Learn in your car Italian". We hope it proves to be useful for your goal to learn while you are in your car.

Another way is this really amazing course from Rocket Italian. Click Here!

Italian language courses for people on the go

Audio CD (CD & Book) - A 3 Level Set Complete Language Course with Audio Cassettes and Listening Guides. Audio CD - The head of the Michel Thomas Language Centers has been teaching languages for more than 50 years. Audio CD - Berlitz "Rush Hour" is a language course for people on the go. In the car, on the train or in the gym. Audio CD - The Pimsleur Method gives you quick command of Italian structure without tedious drills. Audio CD - ITALIAN FOR KIDS volume 2 takes your child on an unforgettable learning journey with Marina and her best friend Momo the dog.

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Learn Italian in your car - Related Info: Travel Books about Naples