You may have noticed when browsing UNRV.com that most of the inner pages have related books available to buy on Amazon.
A good book can provide a wealth of further information on a particular topic. Books can also complement your current thinking, or provide alternative viewpoints to your own which can form the basis of even further research and study. Books are a traditional form of entertainment which have been around for centuries, and show no sign of disappearing anytime soon.
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The Alternative... Have You Ever Considered an Audiobook?
Audiobooks are becoming increasingly popular, primarily because they overcome all of the issues listed above! On the move? Simply plug in your earphones and listen on the go. Busy at home? Have them on speaker and keep both hands free to do other tasks. Listening in bed? If you fall asleep just resume playing from where you got to last night. Plus there's no need to keep your partner awake in bed with lights like you would if you were reading a book.
Ancient History Audioboks Available at Amazon
Amazon currently have thousands of books of all genres available as audiobooks, with 154 at time of writing in the "History: Ancient" category alone! If you are interested in Ancient Rome (and presumably there's a good chance that you are if you're visiting this site), then some current titles are shown below, including Theodor Mommsen's The History of Rome... nearly 100 hours worth of listening spread over five volumes for those who really love their Roman history audiobooks!
Young Adults
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