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The Eastern Roman Empire |
Byzantine or Romanion Emperors |
Reign |
Emperor |
Notes |
379 - 395 |
Theodosius I (the Great) |
Theodosian Dynasty |
395 - 408 |
Arcadius |
Theodosian Dynasty |
408 - 450 |
Theodosius II |
Theodosian Dynasty |
450 - 457 |
Marcian |
Theodosian Dynasty |
457 - 474 |
Leo I (the Great) |
474 |
Leo II |
474 - 475, 476 - 491 |
Zeno |
Deposed in 475 and restored the following year. |
475 - 476 |
Basiliscus |
Rival to Zeno |
491- 518 |
Anastasius I |
518 - 527 |
Justinian Dynasty |
527 - 565 |
Justinian I (the Great) |
Justinian Dynasty |
565 - 578 |
Justinian Dynasty |
578 - 582 |
Justinian Dynasty |
582 - 602 |
Justinian Dynasty |
590 - 602 |
Theodosius |
Son of Maurice, co-emperor 590 - 602 |
602 - 610 |
Phocas |
610 - 641 |
Heraclius I |
Dynasty of Heraclius |
641 |
Constantine III Heraclius |
Dynasty of Heraclius |
641 |
Heracleonas (Heraclius II) |
Dynasty of Heraclius |
641- 668 |
Constans II Pogonatus (bearded) |
Dynasty of Heraclius |
668 - 685 |
Constantine IV |
Dynasty of Heraclius |
685 - 695, 705 - 711 |
Justinian II Rhinotmetus (slitnosed) |
Dynasty of Heraclius |
695 - 698 |
Leontius |
698 - 705 |
Tiberius III Apsimar |
711 - 713 |
Philippicus Bardanes |
713 - 715 |
Anastasius II |
715 - 717 |
Theodosius III |
717 - 741 |
Leo III (the Isaurian) |
Isaurian Dynasty |
741 - 775 |
Constantine V Copronymus (dung-named) |
Isaurian Dynasty |
741 - 743 |
Artabasdus |
Isaurian Dynasty |
775 - 780 |
Leo IV (the Khazar) |
Isaurian Dynasty |
780 - 797 |
Constantine VI (the blinded) |
Isaurian Dynasty |
797 - 802 |
Irene |
Isaurian Dynasty (first empress) |
802 - 811 |
Nicephorus I |
Phocid Dynasty |
811 |
Stauracius |
Phocid Dynasty |
811 - 813 |
Michael I Rhangabé |
Phocid Dynasty |
813 - 820 |
Leo V (the Armenian) |
820 - 829 |
Michael II the Amorian |
Phrygian Dynasty |
829 - 842 |
Theophilus I |
Phrygian Dynasty |
842 - 855 |
Theodora |
Phrygian Dynasty (regent for Michael III) |
842 - 867 |
Michael III (the drunkard) |
Phrygian Dynasty |
867 - 886 |
Basil I (the Macedonian) |
Macedonian Dynasty |
886 - 912 |
Leo VI (the Wise) |
Macedonian Dynasty |
912 - 913 |
Alexander III |
Macedonian Dynasty |
913 - 959 |
Constantine VII Porphyrogenetus (purple-born) |
Macedonian Dynasty |
920 - 944 |
Romanus I Lecapenus |
Macedonian Dynasty |
959 - 963 |
Romanus II |
Macedonian Dynasty |
963 - 969 |
Nicephorus II Phocas |
Macedonian Dynasty |
969 - 976 |
John I Tzimisces |
Macedonian Dynasty |
976 - 1025 |
Basil II Bulgaroctonus (Bulgar-Slayer) |
Macedonian Dynasty (actually named co-emperor in 960 but empire was ruled by regent until 976) |
1025 - 1028 |
Constantine VIII |
Macedonian Dynasty (actually named co-emperor in 960 but empire was ruled by regent until 976) |
1028 - 1034 |
Romanus III Argyropolus |
Macedonian Dynasty |
1028 - 1050 |
Zoe I |
Macedonian Dynasty |
1034 - 1041 |
Michael IV (the Paphlagonian) |
Macedonian Dynasty |
1041 - 1042 |
Michael V Calaphates |
Macedonian Dynasty |
1042 |
Theodora |
Macedonian Dynasty |
1042 - 1055 |
Constantine IX Monomachus |
Macedonian Dynasty |
1055 - 1056 |
Theodora |
Macedonian Dynasty |
1056 - 1057 |
Michael VI Stratioticus (the bellicose) |
1057 - 1059 |
Isaac I Comnenus |
Comnenid Dynasty |
1059 - 1067 |
Constantine X Ducas |
Ducas Dynasty |
1067 - 1078 |
Michael VII Parapinakes |
Ducas Dynasty |
1068 - 1071 |
Romanus IV Diogenes |
Ducas Dynasty |
1078 - 1081 |
Nicephorus III Botaniates Nicephorus Bryennius Nicephorus Basilacius Nicephorus Melissenus |
1081 - 1118 |
Alexius I Comnenus |
Comnenid Dynasty |
1118 - 1143 |
John II Comnenus (the beautiful) |
Comnenid Dynasty |
1143 - 1180 |
Manuel I Comnenus (the Great) |
Comnenid Dynasty |
1180 - 1183 |
Alexius II Comnenus |
Comnenid Dynasty |
1183 - 1185 |
Andronicus I Comnenus |
Comnenid Dynasty |
1184 - 1195 |
Isaac Comnenus |
Comnenid Dynasty (Emperor of Cyprus) |
1185 - 1195, 1203 - 1204 |
Isaac II Angelus |
Comnenid & Angelid Dynasties |
1195 - 1204 |
Alexius III Angelus |
Comnenid & Angelid Dynasties (Deposed in the 4th crusade in 1203 and replaced by Isaac II and Alexius IV but maintained limited 'provincial' control outside of Constantinople.) |
1203 - 1204 |
Alexius IV Angelus |
Comnenid & Angelid Dynasties |
1204 |
Alexius V Ducas Murtzuphlus (bushy-eyebrowed) |
Angelid Dynasties |
1205 - 1222 |
Theodore I Lascaris |
Lascarid Dynasty (exiled in Nicaea after the 4th Crusade) |
1222 - 1254 |
John III Ducas Vatatzes |
Lascarid Dynasty |
1254 - 1258 |
Theodore II Lascaris |
Lascarid Dynasty |
1258 - 1261 |
John IV Lascaris |
Lascarid Dynasty |
1259 - 1282 |
Michael VIII Palaeologus |
Palaeologid Dynasty (restored to Constantinople) |
1282 - 1328 |
Andronicus II Palaeologus |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
1328 - 1341 |
Andronicus III Palaeologus |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
1341 - 1376, 1379 - 1390, 1391 |
John V Palaeologus |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
1347 - 1354 |
John VI Cantacuzenus |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
1376 - 1379 |
Andronicus IV Palaeologus |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
1390, 1399 - 1402 |
John VII Palaeologus |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
1391 - 1425 |
Manuel II Palaeologus |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
1425 - 1448 |
John VIII Palaeologus |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
1448 - 1453 |
Constantine XI Palaeologus Dragatses |
Palaeologid Dynasty |
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