UNRV History Glossary
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- Janus Adopted Etruscan God of gates, doors, beginnings and endings.
- Jewish Wars Series of revolts by Jews against Roman rule.
- Josephus Jewish historian under Vespasianus.
- Judaea The birthplace of Christianity.
- Jugate Portraits on roman coins that look the same direction and overlap.
- Jugurtha King of Numidia.
- Julian Roman emperor between 361-63 AD.
- Julius Caesar Rome's most famous ruler, conqueror, writer, et alia.
- Juno Queen of the Gods. She was the guardian of the Empire's finances.
- Jupiter Ruler of the Gods. He is the god of Sky, Lightning and Thunder.
- Juvenal Roman satirical poet.
- Juventas Roman Goddess of youth.