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About Lost_Warrior

  • Birthday 02/24/1988

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  • Interests
    history, machining, graffiti art

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  1. One of my favorite TV shows!!!!!
  2. I'm lucky enough to have one of those rings! Fascinating link!
  3. I don't know, but she's beautiful!!!
  4. Wow....the soundtrack is awesome, so is the imagery. Actually that looks seriously cool. Of course, I immediately thought of this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-_jLnrUXJNM
  5. Thanks guys!!! Looks like we're finally getting a break in the snow, lol I wound up off work today because of the snow.
  6. Roman Coin on Fail Blog Why am I not surprised? Those pesky Romans...No morals. Sheesh. I knew there was a reason I liked 'em.
  7. Hey Pan!!! Glad to see you're still alive and kicking!
  8. It would only make sense that, as the empire grew, the army began to include members of conquered races. I think that a bigger problem was likely the breakdown of the leadership of Rome as a whole- leading to less effective management and leadership of the legions and therefore allowing for a weakening of defense and inevitable breakdown of the legions and eventually, the empire.
  9. I believe, though I'm not positive, that post counting is turned off in the "off topic" forums? Or am I thinking of a different board?
  10. ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would use the name Lucia. I just like the name.
  11. That's awesome!!! I'll have to go back through and read to catch up, lol.
  12. I've never heard of specific units of left- handed soldiers. I wouldn't think that the numbers of Lefty's would be great enough to warrant such an endeavor, and even if they did, I don't think it would be of much use. OT to Nephele: LOVE your new banner!
  13. ROTFLMFAO!!!!! Also, I don't think that photo is of a crow, but a raven.
  14. LOL!!!!!! Although I must say I can see this happening to anyone, texting or not. Maybe I'm just especially clumsy, but I can see it happening if you don't happen to be looking at the ground while you're walking.
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