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Alistair Forrest

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Alistair Forrest last won the day on December 4 2017

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    Alderney, Channel Islands
  • Interests
    Author of historical fiction, journalist and editor

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  1. Hi Viggen -- shock news indeed. You've been fantastic for which thanks, and do keep in touch. Good luck to Peter Kay (about time an English comedian got involved!). Happy to continue contributing reviews.
  2. I've now seen the whole Rome Wasn't Built in a Day series, and I'm glad to say I'll be passing Wroxeter sometime in the next few weeks during a visit to the UK. I'll pop in and find out 1) if the villa is still standing 2) if anyone has managed to deface the phallus 3) if the Prof has bowed to pressure on the wheelbarrow front. I'll give him a signed copy of my book Libertas (which has nothing to do with Wroxeter but everything to do with Caesar). He may find some boo-boos in it, thus stimulating further debate to be reported here.
  3. I've just caught up with episode one and I'm hooked. The young builder's labourer from London who is amazed at seeing real sheep at Wroxeter is the true star. The mad Welsh professor of archaeology, following Vitruvius to the letter, loses his rag because the crafty builders sneak three wheelbarrows on site - he insists there was no such thing used by Roman builders. Anyone else following this on UK's C4? And anyone know about Roman wheelbarrows? Alistair Link: Channel 4
  4. ~Now, looking at the fact they are in Hispania, I am hoping they will join Pompey and his men, as it will be interesting to see from a Pompeian's perspective the battle of Munda. Although from Caesar's side it would be good also, but I like to read about the less well known sides of the battles, and I believe Pompey's troops in the civil war are very underrepresented in stories these days. Ave Gaius Valerius Yes, this story looks at the Pompey brothers closely, as well as (later) Titus Labienus -- I've tried to portray what it's like to be on the losing side. But the story is much more than one battle. Hope you stay with me, there's some unusual stuff in there! Glad you're enjoying it so far. Alistair Forrest
  5. I was going to watch a certain soccer match tonight but this site is far more interesting! I'll be pleased to answer any questions here. To all those who just downloaded Libertas, happy reading! There are a few surprises... Alistair Forrest
  6. Count me in please and fix it so I can take my guide book on my trip to Rome next month
  7. Hmm. Journalist colleagues have a mantra, "Never let the facts get in the way of a good story". I think you are saying that if Hirtius and subsequent historians made some of it up, I can be pardoned for the same sins?
  8. Thank you, and I agree absolutely about the numbers, having decided from the outset that not only is the figure of 30,000 dead at Munda an extraordinary number considering the retreating Pomeian army was able to retreat behind the "walls" (mountain fortifications?) there to be beseiged for some weeks, but also who the heck was counting? Hirtius was absent of course but having fought under Caesar may well have written "to formula" but nevertheless Caesar finished his bloody work here. Propaganda, yes, but based on facts: Caesar force-marched his (eight?) legions into Spain and defeated the last of the Pompeian resistance (mainly local recruits?). So I do not mention numbers in Libertas, and sigh gratefully that I am writing fiction! However, I am well aware that many of my readers and members of unrv.com will know much more about this than I, and therefore I will be delving extensively into this site not only for the second edition edit but also for the sequel (Sextus Pompey, the Capn Sparrow of his day!).
  9. I am currently re-editing my novel Libertas for the second edition and wondered why so few authors (historians and fiction writers) have covered the Battle of Munda (southern Spain 45BCE)? I used Julius Caesar 'The Spanish War' (written by an officer?), Cassius Dio and Appian as sources to depict the build up and the actual battle, which occupies only a couple of chapters with map, but I also walked what (in my opinion) is the battle field - I live there. If anyone wants to help I can send these chapters by email (accessed through my website http://www.alistairforrest.com) or post them there temporarily. Iggulden said he didn't have room (in his Emperor series) for the African and Spanish campaigns, and even the Rome TV series left out Munda, yet it was one of Caesar's greatest moments on the battle field, winning against the odds yet again, inspiring his men in person on the front line. Does anyone know of books/novels that cover the battle in any depth? Any help greatly appreciated.
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