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About Medusa

  • Birthday 08/05/1971

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    Hamburg, Germania
  • Interests
    Ancient Rome esp. Gladiators, museums, nature, reading, Martial Arts, socializing

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  1. Thanks for pointing this out so I could do the same. And I also uploaded today a new post on my blog. Although my blog is only in German, at least the new post has loads of pictures :-)
  2. This was mentioned also on RAT and when I asked if it is available for Android also they said so far it is only available for iPhone. Maybe you should write to the musum to ask if they will publish it for Android also.
  3. Finally I see new topics marked in bold letters. With the old forum I could see only the posts within the last 24 hours but sometimes I couldn't check the forum for more than a day and then I got lost what's new and what not.
  4. Interesting interview. I was delighted to see something new again on the starting page. And good to see you are back, Viggen
  5. The text next to the video translates as follows: It was for sure that such a prestigeous building such as the Colosseum must have been splendidly decorated the more it is great that they found now traces of these decorations, esp. when taking the general bad state of this building in consideration.
  6. Unfortunately I only have pics of the yard, not from the remains of the amphitheater. I guess it wasn't allowed to take pictures there and I had to put my backpack including the photo camara in a locker.
  7. FELIX ANNVS NOVVS MMXIII!!! Everyone here may have a good 2013 with lots of Roman things!!!
  8. The remains of the amphitheater can be seen in the basement of the Guildhall. If I recall it correctly I could get a ticket just to see the amphitheater without having entrance to the Art Gallery, but I'm not too sure about. I just see that the entrance to the amphitheater is free. On the yard of the Guildhall is pavement in black stones which outline the amphitheater. http://www.cityoflondon.gov.uk/things-to-do/visiting-the-city/attractions-museums-and-galleries/guildhall-art-gallery-and-roman-amphitheatre/Pages/Guildhall%20Art%20Gallery%20default.aspx
  9. Is that a B-movie??? I look on the poster tells me that this is a pure fantasy film, except for the helmet nothing reminds the fighter on the left hand of the poster of a gladiator. Holding a mace as a weapon *aaarggghhhh* But maybe the mace is the only weapon with which you could kill a werewolf
  10. I, too, doubt that this statue depicts a gladiatrix. It reminds me more of the Bikini girls from the mosaic of Piazza Armerina on Sicily. They are doing gymnastics, and this stauette reminds me of a woman cleaning herself after having performed gymnastics. But gladiatura sells, gymnastics don't
  11. Ornatrices were specialized slaves and I guess very costly so only the rich could have afforded one. The lower classes had to go with simpler hairstyles I assume which they could make themselves like braiding etc. The French group PAX AUGUSTA shows some reconstructions of various hairstyles in their book "La Femme Romaine - au d
  12. I can't recommend a translation of the Apicius cookbook but I could recommend a cookbook which contains some of Apicius recipes tried out and modified in a way that you could cook it yourself, i.e. measurements are mentioned etc. Sally Grainger, Andrew Dalby "The Classical Cookbook" In Germany there are several reenactors who tried to cook the Ancient recipes, e.g. Marcus Junkelmann, Edgar Comes etc. but these books are available in German only. But I love to cook Roman food and had last year in November friends over and we have had a nice Roman meal. And instead of bringing tzatziki or some salad to a barbecue party I bring moretum and everybody likes it. It goes well with modern barbecue.
  13. What I knew so far is that the bronze sculpture of the she-wolf is Roman but that the twins were added during the Medieval ages.
  14. What a pity I could choose only one answer, because besides the Germans (which I ticked) I'd also like to discuss the following: * Egypt * The Celts
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