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Ludovicus last won the day on April 28 2015

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    Philadelphia, PA, USA
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    Later Roman Empire in the West. 6th & 7th Centuries in the city of Rome. History of the Romance Languages. Imperialism and its effects in the ancient and modern worlds. The archaeology of the Roman world. Latin America, especially Mexico. Italy.

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  1. How did Romans of the First Century CE make purchases with large sums of money? If, for example, a landowner in Spain wanted to purchase fields from someone in Italy, how would the transaction take place? Would the buyer send someone ladened with gold to Italy to make settlement on the property? Or did the Romans have something equivalent to a bank check?
  2. I enjoyed the videos. Darius Arya, cofounder of the American Institute for Roman Culture, is the host and voice of the audio visuals. More are forthcoming at http://www.ancientromelive.org/locations/?utm_content=buffere06f5&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer The Rome’s enduring contribution to world civilization can, and should, be communicated in a way that combines the hard facts, solid reasoning, and new discoveries of university research with the excitement and immediacy of on-location filming in Rome. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video is worth a million. Ancient Rome Live (ARL) is an immersive journey that provides new perspectives about the ancient city. A multi-platform learning experience, ARL first and foremost presents original content: a clickable map of ancient Rome a library of videos arranged according to topic live streaming from sites in Rome and her empire. ARL provides an interactive platform to engage the many layers of Rome: monuments, people, places, and events. Ancient Rome Live is a valuable resource for teachers- and a lot of fun for anyone interested in history. Later in 2015 ARL will release an ebook, app, and free online course. WIth all of these new, coordinated formats, ARL will change the way ancient Rome is studied. Darius Arya, Archaeologist and TV host, Founder, director, producer
  3. http://romanculture.org/cultural-heritage/watch-list/ The Save Rome watch list serves to describe in real time the condition of many of the monuments (big and small) in the city and environs, categorizing them into 2 (non-comprehensive) categories: Urgent: condition requires intervention in the near future Critical: condition requires immediate intervention to avoid catastrophic deterioration It is the hope and intention that this list, with commentary, photos, and video, will stimulate discussion and new ideas in the current environment in which the city and the state are formulating new solutions and looking for innovation, not just in Rome but on a global level. As long-time residents in Rome, we are pleased to offer our insights, and we look forward to your comments. The American Institute for Roman Culture
  4. I'm not an expert on this topic, but wouldn't the location of Anatolia (where Turkey is now) mean that Greek customs would prevail, not Roman? Unless, of course, your boy's family were descended from Italian colonists.
  5. Here's the first page of a language study of the Vindolanda tablets. You'll have to pay a fee for the entire study. Perhaps your public library or university can get it for you gratis. http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/301059?uid=3739808&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&uid=3739256&sid=21104220384973
  6. What has survived of written documents is almost entirely literature, philosophy or oratory. There's one ancient novel,Petronius' 'Satyricon,'that has a section, the "Cena Trimalchionis," which reveals what Romans may have sounded like. Check out Wikipedia and google for more details. The problem with Latin writing and writings of other ancient peoples is that most of the populations were illiterate. What we have tends to be away from the languages of the masses. We don't have much in the way of written documents that are informal: notes jotted down on the spur of the moment, personal letters that were never meant for publications (as in the case of Cicero's), comments on mundane things such as the weather and "what do you think of my new toga?" But there is an exception: Luckily this intriguing discovery is adding to our knowledge of Latin language use on a personal level, the Vindolanda http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vindolanda_tablets Here we have a party invitation written in the hand of a woman and requests for woolen clothing from a British outpost at Hadrian's wall. And much, much more. Fascinating! A broader explanation of Vulgar Latin: http://www.ancientworlds.net/aw/Article/520463
  7. Viggen, I think that you have to imagine the length of the trip.
  8. OmnesViae: Roman Routeplanner http://www.omnesviae.org/
  9. caldrail, Thanks so much for sharing this information from Martial and Diodorus. You are a good example why UNRV is an important resource for discussions on all things Roman. Access to and skill in using primary sources, e. g. those you cite above, make the difference between uneducated "here's my two cents" and genuine scholarship.
  10. I agree. Makes no sense to damage chattel thereby making it unsellable. I'm trying to locate that passage in Lancon. Hoping it includes a footnote. I agree. Makes no sense to damage chattel thereby making it unsellable. I'm trying to locate that passage in Lancon. Hoping it includes a footnote. Here's from Lan
  11. If fantasy provides the funding for this dig, all the better. Right?
  12. Prince's Palace Found in Volcanic Crater : Discovery News The skeletonized body of an Etruscan prince, possibly a relative to Tarquinius Priscus, the legendary fifth king of Rome from 616 to 579 B.C., has been brought to light in an extraordinary finding that promises to reveal new insights on one of the ancient world
  13. I agree. Makes no sense to damage chattel thereby making it unsellable. I'm trying to locate that passage in Lancon. Hoping it includes a footnote.
  14. Two features of this book are its very readable translation from the Italian and its Eastern European sources, many of which are Armenian.
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