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According to today's Telegraph, two statues were found at Kythnos, a Greek island in the Cyclades, in a submerged port. They appear to be some Roman-era recycling in which unwanted statues were used in construction work - not uncommon in ancient times. I'm not sure of the dating - the writer says 2nd century AD which seems about right at a first look, though he also seems to think that the Roman conquest of Macedonia happened about this time.


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Ditto on the thanks for the article!


The statues were found only 8 feet underwater? It always amazes me how artifacts that are well over a thousand years old are still be found today in what appears to be easy places to go searching.


At least, I'm assuming that a depth of only 8 feet of water shouldn't have been too difficult for someone with the will and a sponge-diver's pair of lungs to search, in well over 1,000 (close to 2,000) years. I wonder how the depth of the water may have changed in all this time?


-- Nephele

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The 2nd century AD gotta be a typo. I hope nobody's that lost in history. On the dating, it's very hard tell, as the statue is clearly damaged from being underwater for so long but I would say early Hellenistic considering the look on the face and the hairstyle. The Torso actually strike me as older, but that might very well be to the erosion.

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