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Hi - As some of you guys know, I've written a book called "Gladiatrix" which is coming out on 18th March. You can read some blurb about it here




to see if it's your cup of tea or not. There are amazon links too, but there are no reviews on there at the moment, just the blurb.


If it is your cup of tea, and you're based in London, I'd like to invite you to the launch event which will be held on 20th March (Saturday) at Waterstones in Putney at 1400 hrs. There will be a talk and hopefully some weapons on display, with a few gladiatrices to demonstrate - I'm just waiting for the re-enactment society to let me know if they can make it. There will also be nibbles and wine - after the talk, we'll all be heading off to the pub (naturally).


Anyway, if you fancy coming along, you are more than welcome. There will be a signing sesh, so if you want a book signed, please, please let me know you came via this forum!





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Congrats on the launch Russ. The attendance of gladiatorial re-enactors could really help bring in a crowd and I wish I could attend myself. It's really a fantastic idea.


Then again I seem to gravitate towards anything when the words wine and/or pub are mentioned.


Seriously though, as I told you privately, we can never have enough writers of the historical genre, be it fiction or non. I hope your event is a raving success.

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Hey, Russ, can you post pictures of the event for us? I'm in New York, but if I were in England, I'd be sure to attend. Got to see those gladiatrices!


Congratulations on a successful book launching! I raise a virtual glass of champagne in your honor!


-- Nephele

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