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Very Important Questions!

Gaius Octavius

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I am taking a brief leave from a minor calamity - its peregrinations will have to wait a bit. Claudia had the temerity to 'Google': "Diurnal Journal", without my permission. She alerted me to the facts that it appears as the 9th and 10th items on the FIRST PAGE!



1. What does this mean, i.e., lots of 'hits'?

2. Does it do UNRV any good?

3. Has anyone signed up on that account?


Unfortunately, the 9th item comes up in blue on red, which is unreadable. This, of course, I blame on the guilty Moonlapse.



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Maybe I'm Googling wrong, but while I'm seeing a lot of "Diurnal Journals" on the page, they appear to be other people's diurnal journals. Heh, I see that there's also some chick out there working for a literary agency and calling her blog: "Nephele's Blog" -- but that's not me.


-- Nephele

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You're just jealous because I am World Famous! :rolleyes:




If someone doesn't see it in the same results as you, it's possible that they are accessing a different database. The results should be similar though. In any case... witness the power of UNRV at work!

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You're just jealous because I am World Famous! :angry:




If someone doesn't see it in the same results as you, it's possible that they are accessing a different database. The results should be similar though. In any case... witness the power of UNRV at work!



I see it now! Woo-hoo! Way to go, G.O! :rolleyes:


-- Nephele

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I can read runes :rolleyes:




1. It means that your blog is at the very famous UNRV site. When googling on phrases that does exist here you will get hits. That's how search engines work. I tried to see (for fun) what I'd get by google my own name and nick two months ago. I got hits on the first page on both leading to UNRV.


2. Well yes, in one way. I guess it means more hits at some level. Depending on the goal of the admins here more hits might be considered good.


At least i think that would be the anwsers. Was a while since I worked with runes :angry:

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I'm going to put "XXX Girls Gone Wild XXX" in the title of my blog.


Then you'll see who gets the most hits. :rolleyes:


-- Nephele

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1. What does this mean, i.e., lots of 'hits'?

2. Does it do UNRV any good?

3. Has anyone signed up on that account?


Sorry for skipping the specifics earlier...


1. It means that UNRV is optimized for search engine indexing, and pages of this site rate highly for appropriate search terms. I alot of people were to search for that term, than yes, we would probably get lots of hits.


2. Similar to #1 above. Anytime someone happens to search for a term that happens to be a well indexed page on UNRV, than they will probably find us. Does one relatively obscure search term mean alot of traffic? No, but again, if someone does search for it, they probably end up here at some point. As a sample, I don't know how many will search for Pater Arcanae, but if someone does... check this out http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=p...G=Google+Search


3. Unfortunately we don't have the tracking mechanism in place to know if someone searches for us via a certain term and then completes a forum sign up. Well it could probably be tracked, but it would be labor intensive... so in short, the answer is that we honestly don't know.


It's always so very pleasant to hear from N. & P.P., however, they might just as well have told me about breakfast, or the size of their shoes. :angry:


Did my questions come up in runes? :rolleyes:


For the record... I skipped breakfast today and my shoe size is 10.5 and yes, sometimes you do speak in what appears to be runes. :angry:

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Unfortunately, the 9th item comes up in blue on red, which is unreadable. This, of course, I blame on the guilty Moonlapse.


I'm not even sure how Google found that page, it's the printable version which I never bothered to format because there are no links to it. I guess I'll have to fix that.

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1. What does this mean, i.e., lots of 'hits'?

2. Does it do UNRV any good?

3. Has anyone signed up on that account?


1) It means we have been sabotaged by our Nebatean foes. Those micro-nation witches probably cast some black spell on us. You are no doubt a fifth column for our foes, and they are promoting you as the front man for an insidious insurrection against the UNRV Senate.


2) This is vile treachery, by the gods. It shall be crushed. I appoint MPC as prosecutor against Gaius Octavius, suspected Enemy of the State.



3) Secret agents in service of their nefarious scheme ... as you well know!

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1. What does this mean, i.e., lots of 'hits'?

2. Does it do UNRV any good?

3. Has anyone signed up on that account?


1) It means we have been sabotaged by our Nebatean foes. Those micro-nation witches probably cast some black spell on us. You are no doubt a fifth column for our foes, and they are promoting you as the front man for an insidious insurrection against the UNRV Senate. [You Tyrants deserve no less!]


2) This is vile treachery, by the gods. It shall be crushed. I appoint MPC as prosecutor against Gaius Octavius, suspected Enemy of the State. Ha! Twaddle! Not even Cicero could convict the god-Consul!



3) Secret agents in service of their nefarious scheme ... as you well know! [so, its you who sabotages my posts!

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1) It means we have been sabotaged by our Nebatean foes...


*falls off chair, laughing*




-- Nephele

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