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Qestion about the Aediles

Septimus Flavius Galarius

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The patrician and plebian adeliles, now they supervised the public games and made sure that buildings in the city were kept up to spec. They also, from what i understand, regulated the behavior of the citizens that they were resposible for. Now if there was civil unrest what powers did they have to enforce the peace and put down the unrest? Also how long did the aediles serve for? By what processs were they made a aedile,were they voted in, or were they appointed, but considering their resposiblilities i would assume they were voted into office. Did each aedile have a specific district they were resposible for?

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Aediles were elected magistrates who served for one year, like any other regular roman magistrate. In order to accomplish their task they used both their own private slaves and those ( very few ) owned by the state. As magistrates they could take edicts, and impose small fines on peoples not respecting them. One occasion when we see them ( as well as several other lower local magistrates ) is the bacchanal scandal : read Livius account or an edition of the senatorial decree on the subject which was found, for it gives an idea on how they did their job.

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The aedileship was also a way to gain popularity, as it was concerned with public affairs etc. This was never more apparent than when Marcus Agrippa held his aedileship in 33BC, four years after holding the Consulship! In the normal course of events - under the Republic - the aedileship was a lower magistracy, coming somewhere between the quaestorship and praetorship and it was certainly unheard of for an ex-consul to become an aedile. But Octavian and Agrippa used this popular office to put the wheels in motion for the great public building programme and other improvements in utilities - such as the overhaul of the Cloaca Maxima, in an effort to gain popularity.

Edited by The Augusta
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Would you please expand on this?


"( as well as several other lower local magistrates )"




Would you please expand on this?


"...as it was concerned with public affairs etc."

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