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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

A Military Law

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Code 40 of the Military Laws from Ruffus states that: A soldier who takes a girl by force and rapes her shall have his nose cut off, and the girl shall be given a third of his property


Now, does this girl have to be a citizen?


Could women in the empire own property on her own? If not, how did she maintain this land given directly to her?



(I guess getting your nose cut off was more effective than putting up a sign in your front lawn!)

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It would have to be pretty blatant too. Soldiers were notorious for sticking together and any crimes against them were tried by military court martial. Considering how lax the romans could be about enforcing rape charges, given the difficulties in the ancient world of actually proving guilt, it went unpunished in a lot of cases I'd imagine.

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Thanks guys.


The Military Laws from Ruffus came about after the Roman Empire was Christianized, so I can see how this punishment would be enforced, if they were caught.

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