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Dig Clues Point To Roman Murder


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A crime that has remained undetected for 1,500 years has been uncovered by an archaeological team working at the village of Sedgeford, in Norfolk. A human skeleton was found hidden in what would have been a Roman corn drier, and experts believe the person was deliberately put inside.


full article at the BBC

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A body was found, a long time ago, beneath the floor of the "murder house" in Housesteads' vicus. The broken off point of a gladius was, as I recall, still embedded in the ribs of the skeleton. It was assumed the man had been killed and buried beneath the floorboards in ancient times.


Like the American "Wild West", Roman Britain must have been a dangerous and lawless pleace But then, so was the Urbs itself, at night.


Amusing to think that all the current rash of fictional Roman detectives - such as Marcus Didius Falco (whom I think is a wonderful creation) - would have had their hands full with cases.



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest snorklefork

a matter that has bothered me on and off for some time has resurfaced with this news report.


as i understand it corn was derived from maze and maze is indigenous to south america. has the scientific community accepted the notion that there was trade across the seas long before the history books claim? did i miss that anouncement?


to me the real news is there are corn driers in rome! my interest in the subject begain three years ago when i saw a series of photos taken in a number of temples in southern india with shiva and other devi holding what are clearly ears of corn.


does anyone have any imput on this?

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