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So just why has the weather been so bad for the last 10,000 years?




"Natural climate variability is something that we'd like to know about," said Kurt Cuffey, yes indeed but in the absence of global, very long term , collated analysis of evidence what sort of conclusion is possible?

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"Natural climate variability is something that we'd like to know about," said Kurt Cuffey, yes indeed but in the absence of global, very long term , collated analysis of evidence what sort of conclusion is possible?


A tentative one! :lol:

We only need to wait another millenium to get the gist :D

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So just why has the weather been so bad for the last 10,000 years?


I just love how the 'experts' seem to continually fail to grasp the scope of the issue.


I have no doubt that modern human activity isn't helping the issue, but the bottom line is that the Earth is still adjusting from the end of the last ice age. Lets figure out what 10,000 years in the grand scheme of things really is by doing a ration of years and days...


365 days/4,000,000,000 years = 0.0009125 days/10,000 years


Not very long is it. Think of how fast weather can change during a given day.

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