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Scientists Study Mystery Map In Roman Ruins

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OK, so this story is about 8 years old but I really want to know if anybody has heard anything else on it??? I heard a seemingly crackpot theory that has intrigued me...


"Beneath the Eternal City, an accident has unveiled a mystery that has archaeologists excited but puzzled.


In the ancient Baths of Trajan, near the Colosseum, a worker accidentally scraped away part of a wall this spring, revealing a map some 2,000 years old.


But a map of what?"



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I seem to recall news features on this on the BBC - if memory serves it was a previously unknown wing of the Domus Aurea that was found, and it included several fescoes/murals which were largely intact. The large painting of a town (not a "map" assuch as I recall) was one of them.


I assumed then that it was simply an idealised picture of a city, perhaps a conceit in a residence set in parkland as Nero's Golden House was intended to be.


I haven't been to Rome in recent years, and when i did the Domus was always closed to visitors. I gather it is now open (at least at limited times) but whether this is part of the tour I do not know.


Don't place to much faith in what I have said, it is all written from memory.



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