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Capital Punishment

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Vengeance and vendettas brings satisfcation for the wrongs.


An eye for an eye hey Flavius ? Aren't you a Catholic ?


If one innocent person is wrongly convicted and subsequently killed, it's too many in my opinion, but there are no easy answers on this are there ?

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Yes, I'm a Catholic. My statement there does not me. I was just expressing that the victim's family will always find satisfaction by the killer be executed for their lost of a member which happens to ruin their entire lives. Sure its like an eye for an eye, but more emotionally complex.

Edited by FLavius Valerius Constantinus
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I used to wholeheartedly support the death penalty and thought it should be extended to any case where someone destroyed someone else's life (or killed them) using violence. However, in recent years there have been countless cases of people being exonerated by DNA tests either while they are on death row or years after they have been executed. At least one state (Illinois, I believe) and I believe a few others have also declared moratoriums. One or two people being executed based on wrong convictions is a tragedy, but could be dismissed as a fluke. Several cases suggests a more systemic problem and suggests that due process is not occuring, which is a violation of the 5th Amendment to the US Constitution.

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Yes, I'm a Catholic. My statement there does not me. I was just expressing that the victim's family will always find satisfaction by the killer be executed for their lost of a member which happens to ruin their entire lives. Sure its like an eye for an eye, but more emotionally complex.




This is curious. What evidence does Flavius V. Constantinus have that the victims' families "will always find satisfaction" from the execution of the killer? Seems like some of these families have found some Christian peace from forgiving. Even Christ forgave his killers ...and that crime was deicide.

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Apparently, what if someone just decided one day to kill your child, the dearest thing to you in the world. What would your initial action be? Anyways, though you may forgive the killer, some in your family or relatives definitely want the guy dead. Vengeance can easily be a subconscious thought. You may think that you can be passive, but there's always a thought of payback. Also, if looked at the stories of the families victimized, rarely will you find a story that say the killer is forgiven. America is just not like Europe.


Anyways, even if the family want the guy to live, the jury is a tough nut to crack. Neither the fact that the federal government is merciful.

Edited by FLavius Valerius Constantinus
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I do not support the death penalty any more. There have been too many instances of systemic abuse uncovered to grant this power to any person or political entity.


What I would do in the rage of revenge is not what the state should do for justice.

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There was a recent case in Britain what shows the opposite reaction to what Flavius says,a young black lad was killed with a ice pick by two rascist yobs just because of the colour of his skin.Heres a quote from the victims mother "I've got to forgive them, my family and I still stand by what we believe - forgiveness."

Full article


Im glad in Britain we dont have the death penalty not that im against using death as a punishment,i just dont trust the Jurisdiction System to get it right 100%.

What do you think about the methods used for the death penalty?are you in favour of the Euphonasia style (injection) or would you prefer they used a rope or a bullet?

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What do you think about the methods used for the death penalty?are you in favour of the Euphonasia style (injection) or would you prefer they used a rope or a bullet?


Some recent evaluations of recorded data (I'll try to find an on-line source but I'm very distracted right now) suggest that lethal injection is more like a hanging without the possibility of a neck snap. It paralyzes and then sufficates the injected. The "putting them to sleep and then lethally injecting" is false. Brain activity is the same as an "awake" person, they just can't move or cry out effectively. So, it's death by slow strangulation.


If you're going to kill someone, have the guts to do it quick public instead of slow and out of sight. The guillotine perhaps...

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There was a recent case in Britain what shows the opposite reaction to what Flavius says,a young black lad was killed with a ice pick by two rascist yobs just because of the colour of his skin.Heres a quote from the victims mother
"I've got to forgive them, my family and I still stand by what we believe - forgiveness."

Perhaps I'm wrong but I find that the problem is that they focused on only the mother,yet not what the other relatives said."We are satisfied with the verdict but we are not celebrating. We have no reason to be jubilant, because that will not bring Anthony back." She forgives yet she says she is not jubilant, I have a feeling that she could express a subdued anger. She is certainly a model women.

If someone killed your kid and he was convicted and sentenced to death, what choice would you choose? Would you stand by and let him die or want him alive to make an example out of him.


As of now, we're at 1003 executed. Yet they may be a little unrest in the public, the nation still hasn't focused enough on the subject because something else like Iraq and the economy is definitely on our mine. Oh by the way if you google death penalty, only believe the statistics because these sites are biased even though their title seems like a government website. Serious right after the against death penalty site, there's a pro-death penalty site.

Edited by FLavius Valerius Constantinus
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The methods of Capital Punishment have always been a little iffy-how do you legally kill someone properly?

I'd just like to give an example of a method of Capital Punishment in Indonesia, which (hopefully) in the near future, the captured Bali Bombers will be facing.

The main method of Capital Punishment in Indonesia is firing squad, but the way they do it is rather interesting. A group of soldiers (usually around 12 men) are chosen. They each pick a rifle at random from a rack provided. All but two of the rifles are loaded with blanks. That way, who fired the killing shot is usually kept anonymous. The downside of this-the condemned does not necessarily die instantly. Reported cases of a condemned person taking two or three minutes to die after being shot have reached us.

Not particularly pleasant, but then, i think i'd prefer that to hanging.

Edited by Tobias
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I am largely indifferent towards capital punishment. I don't think it provides the desired effect of acting like a deterrent because it is so watered down by the length of legal proceedings, but the execution of humans (as punishment for heinous acts) doesn't bother me in the slightest.


I agree with you Primus. The shock value is nil. 1. It takes a long time to execute someone as you pointed out. 2. It's a very civil non graphic, non-aggressive death (contrary to how the executee carried out the execution of his/her victims). 3. It is not televised. If you don't see it, you can't relate to it.


If our Constitution has one flaw it is the forbidding of cruel and unusual punishment. I guess we are supposed to want to be civilized and carry out justice in a civilized manner. I believe controlled torture of someone as detestable as Tookie is civilized. The man should've been made to suffer. And it should be completely televised. Parents should force their kids to watch it.


"See Johnny, if you don't look left and right before crossing the street, this is where you'll end up."


That was a joke.


But seriously, if a guy like the BTK killer commits such heinous crimes he should get what he gave. Terror, horror, pain.


I'll sign up for that job. They can call me the THP executioner.


Anyway, I view any means of executing such criminals as civilized. Uncivilized is if we go out in the streets cheering when it happened. As long as its done professionally to send a message I don't care if they keep someone in jail for 10 years sticking needles under their fingernails daily. They're scum who have rejected civilization and do not deserve to be treated civil.

Edited by Felix Marcellus
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For an example of why I am increasingly against the death penalty due to abuses....this case is a good example. Corey Maye is sitting on death row in Mississippi.




You may have to scroll down a little to see the posts on it. The author updates his site regularly and has a ton of posts on this case.

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