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A new (fictional) take on the Battle of the Frigidus


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Hope this is okay with you all as it's self-promo. I checked with the mods who said it should be alright.

Anyway, for the last two years I've been writing a novel based around the Battle of the Frigidus. The more I read into it, the more I realised just how needlessly destructive the whole affair (the second civil war in 6 years) was. Beforehand, I thought it was a candidate reason for the fall of the Western Roman Empire. Now, I'm certain it was (at least the main catalyst).

Anyway, here's the deets for LEGIONARY:DEVOTIO

AD 391: in the aftermath of civil war, the Roman Empire lies broken. The emperor is missing. Rumours fly that he has lost his mind. Sensing weakness, the Goths rise in revolt. All to the delight of the dark hand who orchestrated the civil war… and plots to stoke another.

Far out at sea, Pavo stands watchfully at the prow of the Justitia, running cargo between distant lands. At every port, he hears of the empire's swelling troubles. Of fire and zeal and panic. Of legions, bristling for battle. But his days of protecting the provinces with sword and shield are over. He, his wife and his lad will soon have enough funds to make a home on a quiet island, far from the madness.

Yet the empire is an ever-hungry beast, and Pavo is about to sail straight into its jaws…

It is a journey that will take him to the brink, and throw down before him the question to which there is only one answer: what would you sacrifice to save your loved ones?

Blood, treachery, reckless heroism, justice, honour. This story has it all.


If you fancy a read, it's out on all the usual places:

Amazon: http://mybook.to/LegionaryX
All other retailers: http://books2read.com/Legionary10 



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