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Roman pugio (dagger) and body found: Symbolic of Roman soldier executed?

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A suspected Roman soldier from the 2nd to 3rd century AD has been discovered in Spain. (Legio VII is reportedly the only Roman legion stationed in that region then.)

A Roman pugio (dagger) has also been found at the site. It was suggested that the pugio had been placed near the victim's back, possibly a symbolic part of a punishment.





The man was buried face down in a shallow grave, with his feet seemingly cut off—an act that archaeologists speculate may signify dishonor. With the addition of the pugio, it is suggested that he might have been a legionnaire that faced the fustuarium, a severe form of military discipline for deserters and for stealing from one’s fellow soldiers.



The solitary, shallow burial contained the remains of a man between 25 and 35 years old, laid face down with a pugio (dagger) on his back. “This suggests the individual may have had a military role, as the pugio was the standard dagger used by Roman legionaries.” The burial appears to have been carried out in haste, as “the pit was barely deep enough to contain the body.” The skeleton was almost complete except for the feet, which seem to have been cut off. Remarkably, the dagger was found in an exceptional state of preservation — fully intact and still in its sheath. […]



Man buried with Roman pugio found at ancient fortress


Copper Age fortress, odd Roman burial found in Spain – The History Blog


Roman soldier found buried face down with a dagger on his back in newly revealed fortress in Spain

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