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Scythians, Rome’s ancient enemy, may have origins in Siberia


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Although the Scythians may have predated the Roman Empire, they decisively defeated the Romans at the Battle of Histria in 62-61 BCE (located in the Ancient Greek polis of Histria, which is found on the Baltic coast in modern Romania). The Sarmatians later subsumed the Scythians.

New evidence, including the burial mounds shown above, discovered in Tuva, Siberia, suggest their origins may have been farther east than first believed.



The famous Scythian warrior Southern Siberia VII - VI century BC. | Скиф, Античность, История ...






https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Histria#:~:text=The Battle of Histria%2C c,by the Bastarnian-Scythian attackers.





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A few wonderful review videos about the Scythians:




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Hemp use by Scythians:

Herodotus examined Scythian hemp use (Histories, book 4)

[4.74] Hemp grows in Scythia: it is very like flax; only that it is a much coarser and taller plant: some grows wild about the country, some is produced by cultivation: the Thracians make garments of it which closely resemble linen; so much so, indeed, that if a person has never seen hemp he is sure to think they are linen, and if he has, unless he is very experienced in such matters, he will not know of which material they are.


[4.75] The Scythians, as I said, take some of this hemp-seed, and, creeping under the felt coverings, throw it upon the red-hot stones; immediately it smokes, and gives out such a vapour as no Grecian vapour-bath can exceed; the Scyths, delighted, shout for joy, and this vapour serves them instead of a water-bath; for they never by any chance wash their bodies with water.

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