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Baiae’s underwater mosaic discovered


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Baiae was Rome’s resort town, now underwater in the Gulf of Naples. Recent excavations have discovered some stunning mosaics.






Fish swim over the mosaic. FOX Weather















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It wasn’t until the late 1950s, with improvements in underwater exploration, that the submerged section of the Baiae site could be properly excavated. Here are two other articles on the recent discovery.



In its day, Baiae was a cloistered seaside getaway for Rome’s elite—and a debaucherous one at that. Home to a villa belonging to Julius Caesar as well as those of emperors Augustus, Nero, and Caligula, it was immortalized by the first century B.C.E. poet Sextus Propertius as “a vortex of luxury” and a “harbor of vice.” It wasn’t until 1940s, however, that Rome’s hedonist mecca was discovered under water in the Gulf of Naples.


Letter (51) to Lucilius from Seneca the Younger on Baiae and Morals.





Researchers submerge recovered pieces from the mosaic in freshwater to remove salt. Campi Flegrei Archaeological Park




Divers Discover Mesmerizing Roman Mosaic Beneath the Sea (msn.com)

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