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Roman pottery discovered at North Northamptonshire

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Six intact Roman pots, dating back to the first or second century AD, were discovered during a community dig last summer. They will be displayed, and it is believed that some of the pottery may have come from France.





Some of them had holes which suggested they might have had a practical use such as money boxes or as a religious offering.




Archaeological ceramic specialist Dr Adam Sutton, from Aurelius Archaeology, analysed the collection and identified them as beakers, a small flagon, two jars and a 2nd Century AD samian ware bowl.

The bowl was was stamped with a mark which revealed its maker was called Dexter, who was working in central France at the time. 

Samian ware is the name given to the red-gloss Roman pottery which was mass-produced from the 1st Century BC to the 3rd Century AD.







Edited by guy
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