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Meteor inspired Biblical story of Sodom?


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This is a current article of the older theory that it was a meteor that caused the “fire and brimstone” that destroyed the Biblical city of Sodom.



Flashing through the atmosphere, the rock exploded in a massive fireball about 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) above the ground. The blast was around 1,000 times more powerful than the Hiroshima atomic bomb. The shocked city dwellers who stared at it were blinded instantly. Air temperatures rapidly rose above 3,600 degrees Fahrenheit (2,000 degrees Celsius). Clothing and wood immediately burst into flames. Swords, spears, mudbricks and pottery began to melt. Almost immediately, the entire city was on fire.

“All this evidence shows that temperatures in the city rose higher than those of volcanoes, warfare and normal city fires. The only natural process left is a cosmic impact.”




Edited by guy
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Not impossible, but I'm always a little wary of theories that involve cataclysmic impacts. Human beings love the drama of things smashing into each other - Hollywood has mined that particular theme for a long time, and indeed, may well have encouraged it, because I notice the Victorians were much more sensitised to bumps if their use of language is anything to go by.

If the theory is true, then the unfortunate people of Sodom were subjected to a shocking event indeed. But meteor impacts leave specific signs after the event. Is that evidence available?

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On 9/21/2021 at 7:16 AM, caldrail said:

If the theory is true, then the unfortunate people of Sodom were subjected to a shocking event indeed. But meteor impacts leave specific signs after the event. Is that evidence available?




“What was the evidence for the destruction of biblical proportions? Pottery that had melted to glass, ‘bubbled’ mudbrick, and partially melted building material beneath a five-foot-thick burn layer [are] evidence for temperatures greater than 2,000°C,” say James Kennett, an author of the paper published in Scientific Reports.

Here is a more scientific article from September 2021 on the research:


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I think, from language perspective (at least in Russian), meteor is an object that trails across the sky, leaving plasma clouds behind as it enters the atmosphere (before entering atmosphere it's called the meteoroid). If it hits the earth, then it's called the meteorite 🙂 But never mind.. Was it the same object that destroyed 2 cities simultaneously? or should we attribute the destruction of Gomorrah to another event?

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