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How to Win an Argument by Marcus Tullius Cicero

Introduction to Psychology by William Wundt

Principles of Psychology (2 books) (1890) by William James

The Interpretation of Dreams (1899) by Sigmund Freud. // Early work but this is what a lot of people go for.  Something like, "If you dream of tigers, it means you want to have sex."

Three Contributions to the Theory of Sex (1905)) by Sigmund Freud (penis envy here)

Animal Intelligence by Edward L Thorndike (1911)  This is the book most recommended.

Freud's On Narcissim (1914) by Joseph Sandler (lousy personality types)

Educational Psychology by ELT (Edward L Thorndike)

Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920) by  Sigmund Freud  // listen to the "Pleasure Principle" by Janet Jackson.  There's also a principle of reality.

Ego and the Id (1923) by Sigmund Freud // talks about Ego, Id, and SuperEgo.  see movie Forbidden Planet

I don't think that Freud was wrong but I don't think that he was clear half of the time.

Conditioned Reflexes            Ivan Pavlov (1926)

The Anatomy of Evil by Michael H Stone (1933)

Rebel Without a Cause: The Story of a Criminal Psychopath (1944)  // see James Dean's Rebel without a Cause.  I think this is the first movie that features a drag race off a cliff.

Science and Human Behavior BF Skinner (1953)

How to Live with a Neurotic at Home and at Work by Albert Ellis (1975)

The Underclass (1982) by Ken Auletta

Decline and Fall of the Freudian Empire by H. J Eysenck (1985) read Edward Gibbons "The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire."

Patterns, Thinking, and Cognition: A Theory of Judgment by Howard Margolist (1987) 

You Just Don't Understand by Deborah Tannen (forgot about this one) (1990)

Men are from Mars Women are from Venus (1992) // watch "Amazon women on the Moon."

Inventing the Feeble Mind by James W Trent (1995)

Humiliation (1995) by William Ian Miller

Family Communication by Sven Wahlroos (1995)

Justice Interuptus: Critical Perceptions on the "postsocialist condition" (1996) by Nancy Fraser

Emotional Blackmail (1997) by Susan Forward and Donna Frazier

Breaking Intimidation (1997) by John Bevere

Change Your Brain, Change Your Life by Daniel Amen.  Almost neurology rather than psychology.  (1998) After this, notice the books become rather cognitive. 

Do It! Let's Get Off Our Butts by Peter McWilliams (1998)

Talking Straight by Lee Iacocca (1998)

A Lexicon of Terror: Argentina and the Legacies of Torture by Marguerite Feitlowitz (1999)

The Seven Worst Things Good Parents Do (1999)

Civility by Stephen L Carter (1999)

Respect by Sara-Lawrence (2000)

Six Pillars of Self Esteem by Nathaniel Branden(2000) 

Informed Consent: Legal Theory and Clinical Practice (2001)

Conflict Resolution by Daniel Dana (2001)

Love at Goon Park: Harry Harlow and The Science of Affection by Deborah Blum (2002), Deborah Blum won the Pulitzer apparently for something else.  This research on a monkey has been analyzed by more than one person  // similar to "Bedtime for Bonzo."

Misery Loves Company by William F Buckley (2002) Listen to "My Friend of Misery."

Home Improvement by Home Depot (2003)

Misconceptions by Naomi Wolf (2003) 

Healing Through Humor by Charles Hunter (2003)

Breaking and Entering: Burglars on Burglary (2003) by Paul F Cromwell

Why Not? How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big and Small by Barry J Nalebuff and Ian Ayres (2003)

Betty Crocker's Cookbook for Boys and Girls (2003)

Between Parent and Child by Dr Haim G Ginott (2003)

Saying Yes by Jacob Sullum (2004)

Chatter by Patrick Radden Keefe (2005) // fits under criminology

Breaking Intimidation by Bevere (2005)

First Impressions by Ann Demarais (2005)

Intercouse (2006) by Andrea Dworkin  // see A Beautiful Mind and listen to Van Halen F.U.C.K.

Integrity by Dr Henry Cloud (2006)

Mindfulness for Beginners by Jon Kabat-Zinn (2006)

Manliness by Harvey C Mansfeld (2007)

Uncouth Nation by Andrei S Markovits (2007)

Men are Better than Women by Dick Masterson (2008)

Dissembling by Icon Group (2008)

How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk (2008)

Essential Chomsky Noam Chomsky (2008)  This guy wrote for the New Republic. 

The Six Pillars of Character by Bruce Glassman (2008) // 6 books

Justice: Crimes, Trials, and Punishments (2009) by Dominick Dunne

Justice by Michael J Sandel (2009) // listen to "Justice" by Atomic Opera

The Art of Manliness by Brett McKay (2009) // 5 books

Here's the Deal: Don't Touch Me by Howie Mandel (2009)

Misogny: The Male Malady (2010) by David D Gilmore

What Not to Say: Tools for Talking to Young Children (2010)

Martial Virtues: Lessons in Wisdom, Courage, and Compassion by Charles H Hackney (2011)

Annoying by Joe Palca (2011)

Thinking, Fast and Slow (2011) by Daniel Kahneman

Behaviorism                   by John B Watson (2011) author died 1958

Franklin is Bossy (2011) by Paulette Bourgeois

Franklin Fibs (2011) by Paulette Bourgeois

Oh, How Sylvester can Pester by Robert Kinerk (2011)

What Women Hate About Men by Martin Ellis M Ellis (2011)

Coming Home to Passion by Ruth Cohn: (2011) // Listen to "Scarred" by Dream Theater 

Annoying: The Science of What Bugs Us by Joe Palca (2011)

What Not to Say: Avoiding the Common Mistakes that Can Sink Your Sermon by John C Holbert and Alyce M McKenzie (2011)

How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk by Adele Faber (2012)

Blame: It's Nature and it's Norms by D Justin Coates (2012)

Essential Manners for Men by Peter Post (2012)

Hierarchy of Needs: A Theory of Human Motivation Abraham H Maslow (2012) This version has a clear publication date and I don't have an original publication date, but this author died in 1970

Ignorance by Stuart Firestein (2012)

Urban Dictionary by Aaron Peckham (2012)

Shut the Hell Up!  Silence the Roard by Terry Tripp (2012)

Perversion by Robert J Stoller (2012) // 40 books,  see "Dr. Strangelove"

Over Here by Edgar Albert Guest (2012)  // see The Predator

Shit Happens so Get Over It by Summersdale (2012) // listen to "Get Over It" by the Eagles

What Not to Say by Sara McLaughlin (2012)

The Tacit Demand by O Lagerspetz (2013) // 36 books

How to Stop Lying by Caesar Lincoln (2013)

Tourette Syndrome by David Martino (2013)

Cheating Lessons by James M Lang (2013)

8 keys to Eliminating Passive-Agressiveness (2013)  // 18 books by Andrea Brandt

// I have an imperfect memory but this needs to be said.  "Shock therapy" was originally designed to be a method to eliminate passive aggressive behavior.  It is not supposed to be painful or high current or a "shock."  It is supposed to be medium current and constant.  The idea is to run a current across someone's head to eliminate evil from their brain.  It is supposed to be done for 2 hours for children who demonstrate behavior abnormality and a high IQ.  Without the high IQ you are supposed to be euthanized.  Without predicated health insurance like Australia, though, our system isn't trustworthy enough to be used.  I think I had it done for a half hour in preschool.  I was willing because my father had started to induce terrible behavior in me.  I chose my own settings because of course I understood the technology better than the teacher.  And nobody ever set it up correctly.  Forget the shock behavior!  The hitch is - it makes people a little more lustful rather than less lustful because it eliminates homosexual tendencies.  If a child goes through with it, they need a girl when they are finished.

It is nicknamed "Figure out the meaning of fuck on your own therapy."  That means electro shock therapy will boost your intelligence until you figure out the meaning of fuck on your own.

I remember a weird tip - it is exactly 3 hours and 14 minutes to eliminate sodomy from our brain. 

I also remember, setting the current for medium low rather than medium makes it too wimpy.

Also, a full 3 hours removes you from the curse of homosexuality.  Or more precisely nobody will ass fuck you for getting laid using the therapy if you get the full 3 hours.

The Irritable Brain Syndrome by Kit Campbell (2013) // my father used to say not to trust people who are irritable

Abuse of Discretion by Clark D Forsythe (2013) // about arguments before the supreme court against Roe v Wade

Homecoming by John Bradshaw (2013)

The Top Insults by Full Sea Books (2013) 

Sorry I Barfed on Your Bed by Jeremy Greenberg (2013)

Female Chauvinist Pigs by Ariel Levy (2013)

Give and Take by Adam M Grant (2013)

Do the Work by Steven Pressfield (2014)

The Character of Leadership Six Pillars of a Leaders Character by Gregg T Johnson (2014)

Stuff Every College Student Should Know by Blair Thornburgh (2014) // 31 books

Out of Control: Why Disciplining your child doesn't work by Shefali Tesbary (2014)

Couples Therapy Workbook by Kathleen Yates Youngman: (2014) 

How to Stop Nagging by Kelsey Huntington (2014)

Ingenuity by Paul Kirkham (2014) 

No-Drama Discipline by Tina Payne Bryson (2014)

Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer (2014)

Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man by Steve Harvey (2014)

Dude that's Rude by Pamela Espeland (2014) // 9 books

Child Abuse by Evin Daily (2014)

Winning Through Intimidation by Robert Ringer (2014)

Do Talk to Strangers by Kerrie Phipps (2014) // 3 books // Listen to "Don't Talk to Strangers"

Momma, Don't Hit Me! A True Story of Child Abuse by Shannon Bowen (2014)

Anger: Taming a Powerful Emotion by Gary Chapman (2015)

Beauty by John ODonahue (2015)

From One Prick to Another (2015) by Hilary Butler

Out Came the Sun by Mariel Hemingway (2015) // I remember this being commented on long before a 2015 release

Getting to Yes: Negotiating with Yourself by William Ury (2015)

Should I stay or should I Go?  by Ramani Durvasula (2015)  listen to The Clash.

Antisocial by Daniel J Fox (2015)

Meathead by Allison Brager (2015)

The Breadwinner by Deborah Ellis (2015) // 5 book series.  This is what a husband is supposed to be like

Psychology: Essential Thinkers (2016) This free book on Kindle and is a good summary of significant figures in psychology.

Psychology: A Complete Introduction (2016) by Sandi Mann

Ignominy by Tomas Coimin (2016)  // see the Scarlet Letter

No Ordinary Stalking by June Ti (2016)  listen to "No Ordinary Love" by Sade

Aberation in the Heartland of the Real by Wendy S Painting (2016)

Brain Lock by Jeffrey M Schwartz (2016)

White Trash by Nancy Isenberg (2016)

Introducing Literary Criticism by Owen Holland (2016)

Pitchin a Fit by Isreal Wayne (2016)

We Should Have Left Well Enough Alone by Donald A Hayden (2016) 

The Sack Lunch by Deborah Bowden (2016)

Simply Said by Jay Sullivan (2016)

The WorryWoos by Andi Green (2016) // 8 books

It Didn't Start with You by Mark Wolynn (2016)

Parental Responsibility in the Context of Neuroscience and Genetics by Kristien Hens (2017) // 78 books

Unfuck Yourself by Gary John Bishop (2017) // 5 books

Privilege, Power, and Difference by Allan G Johson (2017)

Conflict Resolution Phrase Book Barbara Mitchell (2017)

Mistreated by Robert Pearl (2017)

Evoking Greatness by Megan Tschannen Moran (2017)

Fierce Conversations by Susan Craig Scott (2017)  // see Fierce Creatures

Principles by Ray Dalio (2017)

The Road Less Stupid by Keith J Cunningham (2017)

The Art of Cruelty by Maggie-Nelson (2017)

77 Secrets and Habits of Highly Successful People (2017)

Sarcasm Handbook by Lawrence Dorfman (2017)

College Student Leadership Development by Valerie I Sessa (2017) // 31 books

Conscientious Thinking by David Bosworth (2017)

Recipes Every College Student Should Know by Christine Nelson (2017) // 31 books

Free Association Where My Mind Goes During Science Class by Barbara Esham (2018) //  6 books

Confronting Torture by Scott A Anderson (2018)

Atomic Habits by James Clear (2018)

The Basics Melanie Klein (2018)

We Should Have Left Well Enough Alone (2018) // a collection of real life horror stories!

Consent: the new Rules of Sex Education (2018)

How to Stop Losing Your Shit with Your Kids (2018) not great, but there are few books on raising children

How to Teach Your Dragon to Make Friends by Donna Shea (2018)  // watch "How to Train Your Dragon?"

Home Security by Andy Murphy (2018)

Rude by Katie Hopkins (2018)  .// A lot likeCandide

Making Conflict Work (2018)

Oedipus Complex by Rhona M Fear (2018) 

How to Swear by Stephen Wildish (2018)

The Student Leadership by James M Kouzes (2018) // 6 books

Start Saying Yes by Matthew Rouse (2018)

The Covert Passive Agressive Narcissist by Debbie Mirza (2018) // 2 books

Hostility to Hospitality by Michael J Balboni (2018)

How I learned to Shut the Fuck Up by Armand Cook (2018)

Doing It by Hannah Witton (2018)

Do It Today by Darius Foroux (2018)

Tourette's Syndrome: How to Eliminate Nervous Ticks and Anxiety by Quinn Spencer(2018)

School Safety and Violence Prevention by Matthew J Mayer (2018) 

Anatomy of a False Confession by Cicctrini (2018)

What to Say: and What Not to Say When by Bill Crawford (2019)

Bully Busting by Donna Shea (2019)

Stalking Crimes and Victim Prevention by Joseph A Davis (2019)

Stop Talking Start Influencing by Jared Cooney Horvath (2019) 

Friends Ask First (2019) by Alexandra Cassel

Best Friends (2019) by Shannon Hale (3 book series)

I Never Called it Rape (2019)

The Mindful Guide to Conflict Resolution (2019) by Rosalie Puiman six tenets of mindfulness: nonjudgment, acceptance, beginner's mind, trust, patience, gratitude and generosity

Listen by Joseph Kerman (2019)

National Populism by Matthew Goodwin (2019)

The Dynamics of Human Peer Bonding (2019) D Anderson

Mom and Dad, We Need to Talk: How to Have Essential Conversations with Your Parents about their Finances by Cameron Huddleston (2019) // a trial balloon - can parents talk to their children at all?

Race, Gender, Sexuality, and Social Class by Susan J Ferguson (2019)

Shut Up and Listen by Tilman Fertitta (2019)

The American Dream by Jim Cullen (2019)

Leave Me Alone by Dylan Smith-Mitchell (2019) 

Addressing Parental Accomodation by Eli R Lebowitz (2019) // 8 books

You're Doing It Wrong! (2019) by Bethany L Johnson 

Say What You Mean (2019) by Oren Jay Sofer  // The song "One Thing Leads to Another"

Managing Leadership Anxiety (2019) by Steve Cuss

Entertaining Guests (2019) by Peggy Healy     

Think Before You Act by Sarah Machajewski (2019)

Rejected, Shamed, and Blamed: Help and Hope for Adults in the Family Scapegoat Role  by Rebecca C Manderville (2020)

Character is Destiny by Russell W Gough (2020) 

Principled:10 Leadership Practices for Building Trust by Paul Browning (2020)

Beyond Persuasian and Anger Management by Rebecca Dolton (2020) // 2 books see movie "Anger Management"

Find Your Calm by Gabi Garcia (2020) // 5 books

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Sean Covey (2020)

Calling Bullshit by Carl T Bergstrom (2020)

The Deviant's War: The Homosexual vs the United States by Eric Cervini (2020)

Conflict Resolution Playbook (2020) by Jeremy Pollack includes the six core pyschological needs: they include identity, safety, and autonomy.  Also care, growth, stimulation.

Conniving Homo Sapiens by John Donnelly (2020)

Consent for Kids (2020) by Rachel Brian

Counterstory (2020) by Aja Y Martinez

Courtship by Rickey Macklin (2020)

Evil Geniuses by Kurt Andersons (2020) see movies Desperate Measures and the Silence of the Lambs

How Learning Happens by Paul Kirschner (2020)

How to Talk to Girls by Simon Ray (2020)

Making Sense by Sam Harris (2020)

Phallacy by Emily Willingham (2020)

The Power of Discipline by Daniel Walter (2020)

Win with Decency by Douglass and Lisa Marie Hatcher (2020)

Judgement, Decision Making, and Embodied Choices by Markus Raab (2020)

Irony and Sarcasm by Roger Kreuz (2020) // 94 books

Read People Like a Book by Patrick King (2020) // 26 books  //song "Conversation Skill"

How Highly Effective People Speak (2020) // 15 books // Pink Floyd "Speak to Me"

Kindness is my Superpower by Alicia Ortega (2020) // 8 books on children's behavior

Horrifying True Crime Stories by Danielle Tyning (2020)

Louie and Lucie: Have Guests Over (2020)

Bad Arguments by Killian Hobbs (2020)

College Success 101 by Bill Leamon (2020)

Yoga after 50 for Dummies by Larry Pyne (2020)

The First Minute by Chris Fenning (2020) (2 books)

How Highly Effective People Speak by Peter D Andrei (2020) // 15 books

What Not to Say to People Who are Grieving by Andrew Allen Smith and Pamela Sue Pearson (2021)

The College Bound Planner by Anna Costaras and Gail Liss (2021)

I Love it Here by Clint Pulver: How Great Leaders Create Organizations there People Neve Want to Leave (2021)

Let a Boy be a Man by Eddie Rosado (2021)

Perversion of Justice by Julie K Brown (2021)

How to Win Friends and Influence Enemies by Will Witt (2021)

Advanced English Expressions by Advanced English (2021)

Humor, Seriously by Jennifer Aaker (2021)

The Summary and Analysis of Rape Culture: The Alarming Rise of Rape Culture  (2021)

Conflicted: How Productive Disagreement Leads to Better Outcomes by Ian Leslie (2021)

How to Divorce a Narcissist and Win by Marie Sarantakis (2021)

Spite: The Upside of Your Dark Side by Simon McCarthy Jones (2021) 

The Soul of Desire by Curt Thompson (2021)

Life at the Bottom by Theodore Dalrymplye (2021)

Misconceptions by Tim Rayburn (2021)

Hostility of Change by Joe Robert Thornton (2021)

The Male Chauvinist Pig by Julie Willet (2021) 

The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity by Carlo M Cipollo (2021)

Dignity by Donna Hicks (2021) 

Discipline is Destiny by Ryan Hicks (2021)

She Thinks Like a Boss by Jemma Roedel (2021)

The Power of Patience by M J Ryan (2021).

Stop Overthinking by Nick Trenton (2021) 12 books // for the jedi there is no emotion, there is peace, See Empire Strikes Back

Excitable Speech by Judith Butler (2021)

The Bossy Dragon by Steve Herman (2021)

Mastering Self Control by Joshua John Clarkson (2021) 

I Choose to Say No by Elizabeth Estrada (2021)

The Essential New York Time Cookbook by Amanda Hesser (2021)

The New York Times Cooking No Recipe Recipes by Sam Sifton (2021) 

Being Neurotic by Terry Bordan (2022)

I'm Glad my Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy (2022)

7 Forms of Respect by Julie Pham (2022)

Not My Charming Mother by Patricia Schmaltz (2022)

Jerks at Work by Tessa West (2022)

Seek and Hide by Amy Gajda (2022)

Homelessness in America by Stephen Eide (2022)

Forgive Why Should I and How Can I? by Timothy Keller (2022)

Love at First Spite by Anna E Collins (2022)

Bernice Runs Away by Tayla Tate Boerner (2022)

The Myth of Normal: Trauma, Illness, and Healing in a Toxic Environment by Gator Mate and Daniel Mate (2022)

Collective Illusions by Todd Rose (2022)

Man's Search for Meaning by Victor E Frankl (2022)

The Official Dictionary of Sarcasm by James Napoli (2022) // 2 books

Independence Day: What I learned about Retirement by Steve Lopez (2022)

Introspection by Ray Abi Aad (2022)

None of Your Damn Business by Lawrence Capello (2022)

Empathy by Roman Krznaric (2022)

Embrace Your Empathy by Kristy Robinett (2022)

Narcissistic Mothers by Melanie Parker (2022)

The Affable, Amiable Apostate by Chris Highland (2022)

The Blame Game by Cecelia V Robertson (2022) // I thought this title was old.  Like a movie title

Unreasonable Hospitality (2022) by Will Guidara

The Tragedy of Heterosexuality by Ward (2022)

The Snark Bible by Lawrence Dorfman (2022)

Viral Underclass by Steven W Thrasher (2022)

The Truly Disadvantaged by William Julius Wilson (2022)

The Art of Saying Yes by Sreekumar vT (2022)

Emily Post's Etiquette by Lizzie Post (2022)

Pitchin a Fit by Israel Wayne (2022)

Sh*t for Brains by Hairbrained Inc (2022)

Legal Guide for Police by Jeffery T Walker (2022)

Active Inference by Thomas Parr (2022)

Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male is Struggling by Richard Reeves (2022)

Don't Believe Everything You Think by Joseph Nguyen (2022) // 2 books, a really important way to look at human thought, that is reject your own conjectures.  It forces you to remember exactly what people said when making an argument

Recovery from Abuse by Linda Hill (2022) // 13 books, this describes what is a bad relationship

The Neurotic Character by Terry Bordan (2022)

The Complete Book of Cat Names by Bob Eckham (2022)

Good Housekeeping 1 2 3 Cook! by Good Housekeeping (2022)

Chair Yoga for Dummies by Larry Pyne (2022)

Disobedient Dudley by Vanessa D Norman (2022)

Bournoulli's Falacy by Aubrey Clayton (2023)

Yoga for Dummies by Larry Pyne (2023)

Do Not Invite Your Enemies to the Table by Louie Giglio(2023)

The Art of Saying No by Ravi Lalit Tewari (2023)

The Psychology of Teaching and Learning Music (2023)

From a Kid to a King: Learning How to Transition from Immaturity to Maturity by Edward L Butler (2023)

Introvert by Design by Holley Gerth (2023)

Eye Contact by Matthew Marshall (2023)

Shortchanged by Annie Abrams (2023)

Stfu by Dan Lyons (2023)

Quitting by Julia Keller (2023)

Leadership Mindset by R Michael Anderson (2023)

Memory (2023) by Fergus Craik

Do It! The Life Changing Power of Taking Action by David Nurse (2023)

Access Rome by Richard Saul Wurman (2023)  // Etiquette for visiting Rome

The Joy of Saying No: A Simple Plan to Stop People Pleasing by Natalie Lue (2023) 

Nurturing Professional Judgement by Ben Knight (2023)

Idiocracy by Zoran Terzic (2023)

Managing Mister Bossy (2023) // This take the tack that obsessive compulsive disorder is the problem rather than short attention span.  Leans towards prozac like medication and not ritalin.

Agression, Toxicity, Violence, Abuse by Yuriy Omes (2023)

Workplace Violence by Christina M Holbrook (2023)

The Opposite is True by Efren A Delgado (2023) // True enough.  

Modern Etiquette for Dummies by Sue Fox (2023)

Social Justice Fallicies by Thomas Sewell (2023)

How to Argue with Anyone by Thinknetic (Critical Thinking and Logic Mastery) (2023) // 6 books the epitome of psychology

Incense: Bringing Fragrance into the Home by Diana Rosen (2012)

Critical Thinking: Statistical Reasoning and Intuitive Judgment by Varda Liberman (Author), Amos Tversky (Author) (2024)

Dare to Say No by Max Felkor Kantor (2024)

The Art of Saying No as a Teenager by Tom Woods (2024)

The Highly Sensitive Person by Elaine N Aron (2024)

It's Not You: Identifying and Healing from Narcissistic People by Romani Durvasula (2024)

Also, tongue in cheek intended, Flirting for Dummies, Sex for dummies, Relationships for dummies, wedding planning for dummies, making marriage work for dummies, pregnancy all in one for dummies emotionally focused couple therapy for dummies, your baby's first year for dummies, and parenting dummies. 

The Dummies series consists of psychology for dummies (2020), child psychology and development for Dummies (2011), forensic psychology for dummies (2012) , psychology statistics for dummies (2012), social psychology for dummies (2014), and cognitive psychology for dummies (2016).

And, Criminology for Dummies.

I do remember, Criminology and not Forensic Psychology is supposed to be a category of psychology instead of forensic psychology.

America does seam to dominate psychology publications.  Perhaps reluctant to take our own advice.

Stargazing for dummies.  Stellarium-web.org is beautiful, and it reminds me of how awful the failing of the Hubble telescope is.  You have no idea how much better the sciences would be if the Hubble had been done well.  If the Hubble had been done well, maybe they would have funded the Super-collider.


Three books on academic honesty

Importance of Academic Honesty by Bankim Chandra Pandey // It does mention student rights

Building Honor in Academic: Case Studies in Academic Honesty by Valerie P Denney

Legal of Rights of School Leaders, Teachers, and Students by Martha M McCarthy





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  • 4 weeks later...

Related to psychology is the subject of the Rorshach exam.  There is a version that you can take online that I have found

Harrower-Erickson Multiple Choice Rorschach Test

developed by the US military at the end of WWII it is much simpler than seeing a psychologist.  Also, for psychopharmacology

I found another newer antipsychotic drug, Rexulti, approved in US, AU, and EU. It, like clozapine, is not listed in the 15th ed pill book copyright 2012. The year of introduction on these two meds, also, is not available. The best antipsychotic in the Pill Book is risperidone, micro dose only.

In the movie the Virgin Suicides, we see a psychologist conducting a Rorschach test with the youngest sister and she is doing well.  It's a shame he didn't finish.  They are a normal form of treatment.

I will say that the original Rorschach test as described sounds too long.  

Antipsychotics boost your IQ and your reading ability.  It's like the quest for a superman pill.  Or should I say an "absolom" pill?

K, I just got done with the Harrower-Erickson test and the result is jammed up.  Now I remember why the army made their own version.  The Rorshach test is flagrantly a "Do you know what a vagina looks like?" test.  I won't say which of the 10 images is what.  The thing is, in the Virgin Suicides, when the youngest and prettiest sister starts to do well at a Rorshach exam, the pscyhologist breaks it off.  I suppose he wanted to demonstrate that she wasn't smart enough to know what her you know what is since she is attractive, and when that wasn't happening, he gave up.  God I need Windows 11.  I use Spywareblaster in addition to Webroot.  Maybe that's why it isn't working.

The Harrower-Erickson version of the Rorshach exam has a drop down that says "sex organs" so you can avoid using the "v" word.

k, I got through it.  I was freezing up on a questionnaire at the end on TV watching habits that I couldn't bypass.  The score measures how many mentally disturbed answers you give.  If you give 4 or more, you are mentally disturbed.  And presumably ineligible for military service.  I got a 3.  Sanitarium.  Leave me be.

https://www.rorschach.org/ for the original inkblot test.



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  • 6 months later...

Also, tongue in cheek intended, Flirting for Dummies, Sex for dummies, Relationships for dummies, wedding planning for dummies, emotionally focused couple therapy for dummies, Getting pregnant for dummies(new!), pregnancy all in one for dummies, your baby's first year for dummies, and parenting dummies.

I missed getting pregnant for dummies.  A technology needed.

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1001 One-Liners and Short Jokes by Graham Cann (3 books)
The 1001 Funniest LOL Jokes of All Time by Rob Elliott (23 books)
1001 Dad Jokes by MC Jepsen (5 books)
1001 Would You Rather by Johnny Nelson (4 books)

Egghead by Bo Burnham (a nerd joke book)

Kids Jokes by Arnie LIghtning (21 books)


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