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Economic Managment


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What is your ideal econmy......if you could live in the perfect world where you could mold your type of econmy and then put it into play what would it be?


Here is mine:


An Econmy based off batering services and a taxs on certain goods like siliver and gold. Much like the Hawaiin Primitive Econmy or the Aztec Econmy in its primitive stages.

There would be a set price for certian things, example a horse would be worth a large peice of gold or a service such as building a shed or something. I would get rid of the whole idea of paper money, because in the ends it litterally worthless because we can't even back it up with gold anymore. Guilds would be for every occupation and insteand of going to college you could join a certain Guild to learn a trade so you survive in life, though a basic education would be provided when you were young. The government could take 1/3 tax on all goods they would send tax collecters to ask for certain foods and maybe some precious metals or building materials. Then those 1/3 taxes would be given back to the people in terms of services. PLanatation like farms would also have Guilds but a little bit of fedeulism would be involved in there.

Everyone would have a job and free medical and schooling, inflation would be no existing because there wouldn't be over printing of paper money because there would be no money everything would be based of battering goods and services by signing contracts and such. Guilds would teach the society the nessary things for it to survive. The goverment would have little power in econmy except to tax. ANd states of Counties would be cut smaller to make it eaiser on the battering system.


Sorry about spelling,


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Total Anarchy, the guy with the best/most guns has the power. :rolleyes:


Um actually i enjoy the economy situated in the US right now, just their tax policy could be changed a bit. Lucky for me, i dont have to pay taxes for a couple years yet. :D

I agree... I'd rather have a federal retail tax than federal income tax.

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Hmm, never thought of it like that. I considered it to be anarchy because the guy with the guns would be disposed of quickly.


Therefore, the only way to create a Pure Anarchy is for everyone to be equal. Indeed that would be difficult to establish! :rolleyes:

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Even more difficult than pure communism, because with Anarchy there must not be a defined order of things. If there is, then it ceases to be Anarchy, lol. Its why Anarchy groups with leadership are such hypocrisy.


Of course, modern groups claim that Anarchy is different than its root meaning.. absence of law authority or government. I don't understand why they dont just use a different word. Though, changing the meaning of the word is sort of anarchist in its own way =P

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I agree with Silentium in regard to Government control over key economic activities.The American free market system may make the people with money happy but people who can't afford things like vital medical care are not so happy. Also, the forced exportation of this system to the rest of the world through the IMF is bleeding the rest of the world dry - state run services are being sucked up by multinational companies all accross the world in countries where people can't afford to pay for them.Privatisation has been an unmitigated disater almost every where it's been introduced.

I'm sure a lot of you guys are American so you won't be too pleased with my example of a well run country - its France. A free economy but the IMPORTANT things - water, healthcare, transport, electricity are controlled by the government. After all they are ANSWERABLE to somebody , companies exist to make a profit and thats all, they say "We care" but they don't.

I mean if a government doesn't do these things, what does it do? Look for countries to invade?

This free market is as close to anarchy as it gets, multinationals act with virtual impunity throughout the third world.


Oh, and about the Anarchists, yeah, its hilarious that the very people who are calling for anarchy are the same crusty lefties who would be gobbled up on the first day af any such situation by nasty men with guns. And thus the state of Anarchy dissappears as soon as it begins........


Americans reading this, don't be too offended, your country has done some great things down the years ( like save the free world for one ) , but here in Europe ( I'm Irish ) we not impressed by the reduction of civil liberties and financial free for all - we think the US is heading in a scary direction

Also don't be offended crusty lefties - you're maybe the only truly good people left nowadays



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