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Rome In 2005?


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what if the great roman empire never fell?


how do you think it would be today? as far a structure, leadership, military, and everything else goes? do you think the empire would have continued to grow and in present day would consume most of the world?



im really curious as to what you all think, you all know so much more about rome then i ever could. i greatly enjoy reading your posts :)

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I think the old Star Trek series had an episode that explored the question. Rome never fell. It conquered the world bringing relative peace and civilization, sparing the world two world wars. Slavery became institutionalized, and gladiatorial games were broadcast on TV. Heh.

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If Rome never fell... the Middle Kingdom would've probably eventually established direct contact with them. Christianity wouldn't have spread with the Dark Ages.

And today, in 2005 on their calender, we'd probably have two countries, Rome and Middle Kingdom.

Would Middle Kingdom and Rome have eventually went to war? In this world, would Temujin have become Genghis Khan, would the Romans be able to stop the mongols?

What would the Romans have done with the Americas? Africa?


instead of the Sistine Chapel, perhaps a great big Temple to the Olympians?


We'd also be in Olympics # 400 something. Chariot racing might have hung around as a classical sport.

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A theory I once read made me smile. The Roman Empire, and others, were highly dependant on slavery to drive their industry and economy. The problem with this is that it can actually lead to a very poor development of technology. Why would there be a need to invent machines when you can just get a bunch of slaves to do it? The theorist also believed that the Romans were highly inventive, and we all know were great engineers. He actually stated that, given the right circumstances (without slaves), the Romans could have invented the steam engine.


If this theory were correct, we would maybe have had no Industrial Revolution, and could still be an agrarian society dependant on forced labour to keep the economy going.


In his book

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A Roman did invent something resembling a steam engine in the reign of Tiberius, and it was completely functional. The problem was that Roman soiciety was complacent and unimaginative and didn't realize the potential for it. I believe it was used to open the doors of some great temple and spook people into believeing the gods themselves had opened the door. Obviously this doesn't have much practical economic or military value, and was soon forgotten.

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Interestingly (to me anyway :D , is there a comparison between hundreds of years of Roman history, and a few dozen years of British history? Cromwell as Caesar with a bit of Octavian? :) Okay, veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrryyyy tenuous. Kingdom to Republic to Dictatorship to Representative Monarchical Empire (if that makes any sense)? Not particularly tied to the thread, but an indication of how Rome could go in a relatively more modern age.


Republic 1

Republic 2

Charles II

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I wish England had stayed a republic,what value do the monarchy bring us,i cant think of anything :D the royal family is a embaressment :) they dont deserve the privellages they have.Just my opinion :) L

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If Rome had somehow survived, the government might have evolved like the British government, with the Emperor becoming more and more a figurehead under the Senate and Constitutional and traditional boundaries. And when the Industrial revolution hit, the plebians and their assemblies would become all the more powerful, like a House of Commons.


I'm not sure if the Roman empire could have ever survived, but it would be interesting if we had something like the crisis of the third century and the empire disintegrated into smaller though still sizeable chunks. How about a Gallic empire including present day Britain and France under one regime? That would have made European history quite different. :)

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:) Errmmmmmmm :D


However! Did we not have a loose one under the Plantagenets? And that failed. Richard I couldn't even speak english, preferring to speak French and keeping an eye on Philip of France, in more ways than one.




Richard the Lionheart: "I would sell London, if I could find a purchaser."

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reading some of your replies made me think of the new online game that MYTHIC (creator of Dark Age of Camelot) is producing in the next year or so. the premis for it is Rome in space sort of. what do yall think of that idea? is it possible that (was was stated romans were very inventive..) they could have eventual created space travel and such? or if they kept on the path that they were going (not as far as their downfall is concerned) would they have stayed with slaves and never even imagened the idea of space??



edit:: heres a link to the games site for those who havent heard of it.



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Lol, they had to be VERY creative to think of a "Romans in Space" game. Concept art looks intriguing, though i think the world would look much different if we were still controlled by the Roman Empire...


Hey did they say anything about a Coliseum in that game? :D

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