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Why you should fear the austrian army


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Good Grief, this video was up till recent an official ad on the austrian armed forces website, till the press discovered it and an uproar made them remove it,



....so fear the austrian army, because we will steal your young girls, yeah and of course we make our enemies laugh to death....

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From my observations, there may be an element of truth to the video. There is a demographic of young women who find themselves with a lot of social power due to Poise, Brains, and Whatever (sort of 3 graces, but let's call it PBW) and wield it according to fashions and opportunities of the times. I have been pretty amazed to see military men in the US go from about the least targeted decades ago, to become highly targeted by PBW.


When I was young, military men and their haircuts were very, very unfashionable to PBW women. Instead I found this PBW demographic in an elite engineering environment, of all places. The wives and girlfriends of phd engineers would use their connections to get secretarial jobs, and they were truely awesome and overqualified in every way. They just held the place together with brains and charm.


Very soon everything switched around. The press (eg. womens magazines) declared that military haircuts were fashionable now, so these men were fair game for PBW. Secretarial jobs were eliminated from said engineering environment, and capable women rose up the normal meritocracy in other career tracks. Actually, younger PBW seem to gravitate to be non working spouses/gf of dashing military men. This smells like underachievement, but engineering may not be all that fun compared to fishing for fine DNA for your children. I anticipate skepticism on this point by those who haven't seen spouses greeting or saying farewell to the comings and goings of Navy ships or other troop movements, but the reality seems a surprising contrast to politically correct assumptions.


I could make some pithy observations about how the PBW demographic appears to work differently in environments of Algeria, Egypt, and India where the stakes can seem even higher, but I didn't stay long enough to confirm impressions. Instead lets look at the "girls of the US founding fathers" http://www.amazon.com/Intimate-Lives-Found...s/dp/0061139122 . From a talk by the author, I gather the 1700's PBW flocked around emerging lawyers. Their love letters survive where the brainiest bombshells of the US colonies baited and torment the upcoming heros of the American revolution. Some of the stodgiest or sentimentalized founders either married or loved and lost the top "hotties" (his word, but actually including IQ and EQ) of the land.


Reality can be amazing, and non-politically-correct explanations should not be prematurely ruled out.

Edited by caesar novus
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The truth is that the soldiers had a nice ride. Much better then the Audi.


PBW, lol, interesting concept. It makes sense what you say. Now women can achieve their other goals without much help from man so the fit and healthy soldiers look more interesting then before.

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Now women can achieve their other goals without much help from man so the fit and healthy soldiers look more interesting then before.

I guess that ties things together, especially for explaining an apparent exception in the American founders case. How was young George Washington with quite poor career prospects able to marry about the richest, smart in the EQ sense, and most beautiful catch in the land? The other founders also had their pick of the smart and beautiful, but were obviously upwardly-mobile ambitous young law students. There has been a lot of gushy praise of female genius spouses of the founders (like Abigail Adams) although the above referenced book apparently puts it in less P.C. and more human perspective.


Well, Martha had previously landed one of the richest men in the land, who soon died and left a fortune. Now she could consider someone "fit and healthy", and young George Washington apparently had charisma like nobody else. Actually his later generalship was mostly a string of muddles and defeats, and he was mainly respected for radiating inspirational leadership rather than good decisions. Oh, he had persistance and later amazed the world at emulating Cincinnatus and giving up first presidency of the US rather than becoming a king - putting the ideas of the enlightenment into practice in a major country for the first time since republican Rome I reckon.

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Ah, Austria, where the sexual innuendo sizzles like blutwurst on a griddle.




Soldiers stroking their big guns is soooo hot.


-- Nephele

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