Hello, Thank you for your quick responses. I have spoken with a friend of mine who told me that there was a museum with Roman artifacts about 2 hours from where I live. If I can get some time to drive out there, I'll see if they can identify them for me. Thanks again for you suggestions. I'm leaving for South Africa in 2 days, so I will not be able to check for replies for another 2 weeks. However, I look forward to reading some when I get back. I am not that great at working a computer, but I am going to try to insert a picture here of the 10 arrowheads. Some of them are Roman and some are Medieval. Thanks again!
P.S. Within the past couple days, I received another arrowhead from a guy who recently dug it up in Saguntum, Spain. During the Second Punic War, Hannibal sieged and destroyed the city of Saguntum, Spain in 219 B.C. Saguntum is located on the coast of pain bordering the Mediterranean Sea. I however, am not able to insert a picture. The icon asks for a web address and I do not possess one containing the picture. Any Suggestions?