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Everything posted by Qvintus

  1. Ave Branch!! Ive just read " the punic wars" by Adrian Goldsworhty and there he mentioned that Scipio during the invasion of Carthage, in the sekond war transported his cavallry by sea. This was 202 bc I think. Vale
  2. Ave !! I personally think that the only thing dogs could be useful at was anti-cavallry actions, because horses get scared pretty easy. I guess the romans would`ve used them a sort of vanguard to break up the formation. Vale
  3. Ave !! What about the eqvites singulares, they were handpicked men who acted as guard for the governor. vale
  4. Ave !!! I am new here but I dare say that a phalanx in most cases couldnt outmanuver the legions, because the phalanx was so rigid. The phalanx usually just went forward because if they manuvered they qickly got out off formation. Post scriptum: Sorry about my english, I`m from Sweden
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