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  • Birthday June 3

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    Drawing, history, reading, music, writing, visiting sites of interest & museums.

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  1. FYI: this is all the stuff I got not including Cleopatra and Jesus: Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire 28/09/2011 21:18 <DIR> 01. Early Republic (458-274 BC) and Etruscans 28/09/2011 21:18 <DIR> 02. Mid-Republic (274-148 BC) 18/11/2011 22:31 <DIR> 03. Late Republic (147-30 BC) 19/11/2011 16:21 <DIR> 04. Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) 28/09/2011 21:30 <DIR> 05. Caligula (37-41 AD) 28/09/2011 21:31 <DIR> 06. Nero (54-68 AD) 28/09/2011 21:31 <DIR> 07. Domitian (81-96 AD) and Trajan (98-117 AD) 28/09/2011 21:32 <DIR> 08. Hadrian (117-138 AD) 28/09/2011 21:32 <DIR> 09. Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD) 28/09/2011 21:33 <DIR> 10. Septimius Severus (193-211 AD) 28/09/2011 21:33 <DIR> 11. Decius (249-251 AD) and Aurelian (270-275 AD) 28/09/2011 21:34 <DIR> 12. Constantine (306-337 AD) 28/09/2011 21:37 <DIR> 13. Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire (306-1453 AD) 16/09/2009 02:44 230,207,488 1991 Faith Unconquered - Roman Persecution of Early Christians.avi 06/02/2011 00:12 734,052,352 1995 Time-Life's Lost Civilizations - Rome - The Last Empire.avi 14/12/2008 12:54 705,425,408 1996 Ancient Mysteries - Ancient Rome and its Mysterious Cities.avi 14/09/2009 04:54 286,627,840 1997 In Search Of History - The Roman Emperors.avi 21/08/2008 22:19 732,042,136 2001 The.Roman.Empire.In.The.First.Century.(Parts.1-2).avi 22/08/2008 13:26 737,879,098 2001 The.Roman.Empire.In.The.First.Century.(Parts.3-4).avi 31/07/2008 08:05 734,939,136 2002 Ancient.Rome.2of8.Legions.of.Conquest.avi 01/08/2008 00:11 735,842,304 2002 Ancient.Rome.3of8.Seduction.of.Power.avi 31/07/2008 16:51 734,842,880 2002 Ancient.Rome.4of8.Grasp.of.an.Empire.avi 01/08/2008 16:26 735,096,832 2002 Ancient.Rome.5of8.Cult.of.Order.avi 31/07/2008 16:37 735,092,736 2002 Ancient.Rome.6of8.The.Fall.of.the.Roman.Empire.avi 15/05/2008 19:39 735,590,400 2002 Ancient.Rome.8of8.Hidden.History.of.Rome.avi 14/03/2009 15:59 414,263,296 2002 Rome - The Model Empire.avi 20/09/2009 03:34 135,165,952 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Glorious Rome Capital Of An Empire.avi 04/02/2011 20:50 338,900,992 2003 The Mummies of Rome.avi 11/07/2011 14:59 366,915,584 2004 Fall of Great Empires - Fall of Rome.avi 11/07/2011 14:58 246,140,928 2004 Fall of Great Empires - The Roman Empire.avi 16/12/2008 11:15 182,053,932 2005 The Lost Gods - 3 - The Romans .avi 24/11/2008 04:28 370,775,702 2006 Boris Johnson and the Dream of Rome - s1e01.avi 24/11/2008 04:28 369,281,348 2006 Boris Johnson and the Dream of Rome - s1e02.avi 29/07/2009 19:28 629,137,408 2009 Supersizers Eat - ep06 - Ancient Rome.avi 20/12/2010 12:15 1,856,093,325 2010 Ancient.Worlds.5of6.The.Republic.of.Virtue.mkv 21/12/2010 02:30 1,857,185,413 2010 Ancient.Worlds.6of6.City.of.Man.City.of.God.mkv 09/07/2011 11:06 734,019,584 2010 Fireball Of Christ.avi 07/01/2011 22:19 490,041,344 2010 How to Get a Head in Sculpture.avi 17/04/2011 09:00 735,084,544 2010 Rome Revealed 2 of 8 Ancient Superpower.avi 01/02/2011 23:35 1,172,397,586 2010 When Rome Ruled - Part 6.mkv Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\01. Early Republic (458-274 BC) and Etruscans 31/07/2008 18:43 734,556,160 2002 Ancient.Rome.1of8.The.Rise.of.the.Roman.Empire.avi 20/09/2009 06:43 187,709,440 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Place Called Etruria.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\02. Mid-Republic (274-148 BC)\Hannibal (248-183 BC), Punic Wars and Carthage 28/09/2011 21:22 <DIR> . 28/09/2011 21:22 <DIR> .. 27/12/2008 17:35 418,711,552 1996 History Of Warfare - Hannibal and the Punic Wars.avi 23/07/2008 15:58 366,344,192 1999 Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World - Carthage.avi 05/02/2011 19:13 356,508,518 2001 Piedras.vivas.-07.[de.13]-.Cartago.avi 21/09/2009 00:34 147,587,072 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Retracing The Tracks Of Hannibal.avi 01/02/2009 21:19 598,405,646 2004 Carthage - The Roman Holocaust Part 1 (2004) [DVDRip (DX50)].avi 01/02/2009 21:19 598,165,142 2004 Carthage - The Roman Holocaust Part 2 (2004) [DVDRip (DX50)].avi 11/07/2011 15:30 366,919,680 2004 Fall of Great Empires - Hannibal and the Fall of Carthage.avi 30/11/2008 22:55 364,558,336 2005 Revealed - Hannibal of the Alps (8th November 2005).avi 18/09/2009 15:46 1,231,281,916 2006 BBC Warriors - Hannibal v Rome.avi 10/05/2008 02:48 366,699,030 2006 Engineering.an.Empire.1x05.Carthage.avi 15/12/2008 07:44 453,584,896 2006 Hannibal The Man, the Myth, the Mystery.avi 16/04/2009 00:03 367,124,480 2008 Battles BC - S01E01 - Hannibal - The Annihilator.avi 23/01/2011 13:33 225,727,501 2009 Hannibal - Enemy Of Rome.flv 03/12/2010 23:29 588,206,080 2009 History Ch Ancients Behaving Badly 6 of 8 Hannibal.avi 13/08/2010 05:57 244,097,024 2010 BBC.On Hannibal's Trail - S01E01.avi 21/12/2010 01:48 919,405,834 2010 BBC.On.Hannibals.Trail.2of6.Barca.Barca.Barca.mkv 21/12/2010 02:50 907,607,178 2010 BBC.On.Hannibals.Trail.3of6.Crossing.the.Rhone.mkv 20/12/2010 23:31 913,685,655 2010 BBC.On.Hannibals.Trail.4of6.Over.the.Alps.mkv 21/12/2010 01:55 912,460,343 2010 BBC.On.Hannibals.Trail.5of6.Hannibal.the.Great.mkv 20/12/2010 23:54 911,988,788 2010 BBC.On.Hannibals.Trail.6of6.Hannibal.at.the.Gates.mkv Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\03. Late Republic (147-30 BC) 02/02/2009 14:19 366,782,884 2005 Timewatch - Murder in Rome.avi 18/12/2010 13:13 364,883,968 2006 History Channel Decisive Battles 12.avi 15/09/2009 01:17 253,128,704 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 01. The First Barbarian War.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\03. Late Republic (147-30 BC)\Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), Gallic Wars and Alesia 15/02/2009 11:47 166,858,978 1993 The Great Commanders - Julius Caesar and the battle of Alesia.avi 07/09/2008 20:06 366,501,888 1996 History Of Warfare - The Gallic Wars.avi 12/12/2008 11:09 503,973,134 1997 I Caesar - Ep1 Julius Caesar.avi 07/09/2008 17:32 365,469,696 1998 History Makers - Julius Caesar - Emperor of Rome.avi 05/08/2006 19:18 367,119,392 2003 Hidden Treasure - 2of8 - Caesars Gold.avi 23/11/2008 22:35 400,891,904 2003 Tony Robinson's Romans - s01e01 - Caesar 1.avi 23/11/2008 22:44 397,709,312 2003 Tony Robinson's Romans - s01e02 - Caesar 2.avi 12/08/2008 20:13 779,656,457 2004 BBC.Julius.Caesars.Greatest.Battle.mkv 14/09/2009 14:02 254,158,848 2004 Under Siege Alesia 52BC.avi 17/08/2009 11:30 308,741,714 2005 Conquerors 12 of 12 - Caesar - Conqueror of Gaul.avi 17/12/2010 21:55 364,539,904 2006 History Channel Decisive Battles 02.avi 15/09/2009 04:13 254,914,560 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 03. Julius Caesar.avi 27/08/2011 21:50 388,848,082 2008 The Truth Behind The Druids.avi 16/04/2009 13:53 367,142,912 2009 Battles BC - Ceasar - Super Siege.avi 03/12/2010 14:19 588,435,456 2009 History Ch Ancients Behaving Badly 3 of 8 Julius Caesar.avi 26/08/2008 22:19 369,446,912 2009 Revealed - Julius Caesar and the Druids.avi 16/04/2011 21:55 735,066,112 2010 Rome Revealed 1 of 8 Killing Caesar.avi 14/12/2010 07:42 366,227,456 2010 When Rome Ruled - Part 4.avi 12/02/2011 09:50 404,559,872 2011 Rome Unwrapped s01 e02 - Julius Caeser.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\03. Late Republic (147-30 BC)\Spartacus (101-79 BC) 03/02/2009 14:31 367,056,896 2001 The Real Spartacus.avi 11/06/2010 21:43 367,386,634 2005 Spartacus - Gladiator War.avi 18/12/2010 10:45 364,732,416 2006 History Channel Decisive Battles 06.avi 18/09/2009 14:24 731,916,962 2007 BBC Warriors - Spartacus.avi 15/09/2009 02:47 277,694,464 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 02. Spartacus.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\04. Augustus (27 BC-14 AD) 22/01/2011 21:38 88,356,511 1995 History's Turning Points - The Battle Of Actium.flv 12/12/2008 11:24 497,866,184 1997 I Caesar - Ep2 Augustus.avi 24/11/2008 02:51 391,716,864 2001 The Lost Legions Of Varus.avi 18/12/2010 10:14 364,640,256 2006 History Channel Decisive Battles 03.avi 08/12/2010 03:07 743,538,688 2007 The Germanic Tribes 2 of 4 The Battle Of The Teutoburg Forest.avi 15/09/2009 05:37 247,279,616 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 04. The Forest Of Death.avi 14/05/2011 17:51 671,780,864 2010 Rome's Greatest Battles - 1 of 2 - Battle of Philippi.avi 14/05/2011 21:23 671,873,024 2010 Rome's Greatest Battles - 2 of 2 - Battle of Actium.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\04. Augustus (27 BC-14 AD)\Herod The Great (73-4 BC) 06/01/2007 10:57 735,395,840 2003 Bible Mysteries - 6of9 - Herod and the Bethlehem Massacre.avi 24/09/2011 08:42 390,233,054 2005 Secrets of Herod's Reign.avi 06/01/2009 22:10 367,552,512 2007 Herod the Great - The True Story.avi 09/08/2011 17:09 419,074,048 2007 Herod's Temple.avi 26/12/2008 13:12 366,858,872 2007 Lost Worlds S02E06 Herod the Great.avi 15/12/2010 06:30 767,319,932 2008 National Geographic Special Herods Lost Tomb.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\05. Caligula (37-41 AD) 13/12/2008 22:29 156,607,556 2002 The.Most.Evil.Men.In.History-Caligula.avi 23/11/2008 22:10 397,551,616 2003 Tony Robinson's Romans - s01e03 - Caligula.avi 03/12/2010 11:06 588,271,616 2009 History Ch Ancients Behaving Badly 1 of 8 Caligula.avi 17/04/2011 10:46 735,059,968 2010 Rome Revealed 7 of 8 Madness of Caligula.avi 13/12/2010 07:32 1,172,968,979 2010 When Rome Ruled - Part 2.mkv 5 File(s) 3,050,459,735 bytes Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\06. Nero (54-68 AD) 12/12/2008 11:23 502,717,164 1997 I Caesar - Ep3 Nero.avi 23/07/2008 17:56 366,137,344 2001 Nero's Golden House.avi 05/09/2007 09:06 240,965,632 2001 The Most Evil Men In History - Nero.avi 23/11/2008 22:05 400,576,512 2003 Tony Robinson's Romans - s01e04 - Nero.avi 04/12/2010 00:02 588,453,888 2009 History Ch Ancients Behaving Badly 5 of 8 Nero.avi 21/08/2011 20:14 389,541,226 2009 How Nero Saved Rome.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\07. Domitian (81-96 AD) and Trajan (98-117 AD) 15/09/2009 08:28 276,815,872 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 06. The Dacian Wars.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\08. Hadrian (117-138 AD) 12/12/2008 11:20 503,600,820 1997 I Caesar - Ep4 Hadrian.avi 16/08/2008 03:23 523,663,360 2008 Hadrian - Empire and Conflict.avi 21/07/2008 21:05 629,293,056 2008 Hadrian.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\09. Marcus Aurelius (161-180 AD) 15/09/2009 09:55 294,268,928 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 07. Rebellion and Betrayal.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\10. Septimius Severus (193-211 AD) 12/08/2006 21:56 1,101,099,008 2006 Timewatch-The.Mystery.of.the.Headless.Romans.avi 23/07/2010 20:23 410,765,312 2010 Bloody Foreigners Part 4 of 4 - Septimius Severus.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\11. Decius (249-251 AD) and Aurelian (270-275 AD) 15/09/2009 11:19 270,118,912 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 08. Wrath of the Gods.avi 15/09/2009 12:42 257,351,680 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 09. The Soldier's Emperor.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\12. Constantine (306-337 AD) 12/12/2008 11:13 504,121,880 1997 I Caesar - Ep5 Constantine.avi 15/09/2009 14:07 265,218,048 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 10. Constantine The Great.avi 15/09/2009 15:23 263,550,976 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 11. The Barbarian General.avi 3 File(s) 1,032,890,904 bytes Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\13. Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire (306-1453 AD) 08/01/2011 00:35 313,849,394 1967 Chronicle - The Fall Of Constantinople.avi 12/12/2008 11:25 502,060,088 1997 I Caesar - Ep6 Justinian.avi 05/10/2007 15:04 366,080,000 1997 TLC.Byzantium.The.Lost.Empire.1of4.Building.the.Dream.avi 03/10/2007 22:24 364,261,376 1997 TLC.Byzantium.The.Lost.Empire.2of4.Heaven.on.Earth.avi 07/10/2007 07:01 510,169,088 1997 TLC.Byzantium.The.Lost.Empire.3of4.Envy.of.the.World.avi 07/10/2007 06:54 364,195,840 1997 TLC.Byzantium.The.Lost.Empire.4of4.Forever.and.Ever.avi 11/07/2011 15:24 287,858,688 2004 Fall of Great Empires - The Byzantine Empire.avi 11/07/2011 14:56 287,809,536 2004 Fall of Great Empires - The Holy Roman Empire.avi 18/04/2009 10:13 352,975,232 2006 COTUW - Istanbul.divx 10/05/2008 17:24 366,712,344 2006 Engineering.an.Empire.1x12.The.Byzantines.avi 17/12/2010 21:59 364,609,536 2006 History Channel Decisive Battles 01.avi 13/01/2007 14:48 363,008,000 2006 Terry.Jones.Barbarians.Part.4.avi 01/11/2008 04:19 781,817,154 2007 Art of Eternity - 1of3 - Painting Paradise.avi 31/10/2008 20:44 781,601,144 2007 Art of Eternity - 3of3 - When East Meets West.avi 05/11/2008 02:39 781,395,126 2007 BBC.Art.of.Eternity.2of3.The.Glory.Of.Byzantium.avi 15/12/2008 21:24 495,704,064 2008 After Rome Holy War and Conquest E1.avi 15/12/2008 21:27 496,128,000 2008 After Rome Holy War and Conquest E2.avi 15/09/2009 16:45 253,616,128 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 12. The Puppet Master.avi 15/09/2009 18:09 256,729,088 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 13. The Last Emperor.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\13. Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire (306-1453 AD)\Attila The Hun (406-453 AD) 22/01/2011 21:08 27,332,291 1995 Attila - Scourge Of God (1 of 7).mp4 30/01/2011 10:07 27,675,860 1995 Attila - Scourge Of God (2 of 7).mp4 22/01/2011 21:10 31,642,769 1995 Attila - Scourge Of God (3 of 7).mp4 22/01/2011 21:08 31,623,542 1995 Attila - Scourge Of God (4 of 7).mp4 22/01/2011 21:11 31,606,916 1995 Attila - Scourge Of God (5 of 7).mp4 29/01/2011 22:00 19,278,002 1995 Attila - Scourge Of God (6 of 7).mp4 22/01/2011 21:10 23,198,862 1995 Attila - Scourge Of God (7 of 7).mp4 06/08/2011 06:50 854,849,536 1998 War and Civilization - 3 of 8 - Horse Warriors.avi 30/12/2008 04:19 216,950,668 2000 Ancient Warriors09-Huns.avi 13/02/2011 02:05 419,078,144 2002 Attila and The Empire of The Huns.avi 23/01/2011 20:16 83,641,670 2002 The Real Attila (1 of 3).flv 23/01/2011 20:14 63,662,762 2002 The Real Attila (2 of 3).flv 23/01/2011 20:14 59,464,690 2002 The Real Attila (3 of 3).flv 02/02/2009 19:32 154,636,376 2002 The.Most.Evil.Men.In.History-Attila.The.Hun.[XviD].avi 23/01/2011 20:08 107,374,689 2003 Barbarians The Huns.flv 18/12/2010 11:10 364,685,312 2006 History Channel Decisive Battles 08.avi 18/09/2009 14:57 730,603,126 2008 BBC Warriors - Attila The Hun.avi 03/12/2010 11:38 588,257,280 2009 History Ch Ancients Behaving Badly 2 of 8 Attila the Hun.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Africa 11/08/2008 09:58 366,362,624 1999 Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World - The Romans In North Africa.avi 21/09/2009 04:26 172,511,232 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Cities Of The Sea And Wind.avi 20/09/2009 22:05 150,824,960 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Roman Empire In Africa.avi 24/07/2008 06:11 366,823,424 2005 The Roman Empire P2 - Timgad, Roman Africa.avi 23/01/2011 21:15 153,033,151 2008 When Rome Ruled Egypt.flv Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Buildings, City Planning and Engineering 04/02/2009 15:47 167,787,786 1994 Roman City.flv 24/07/2009 00:56 901,634,434 2000 Roman Bath.avi 13/05/2008 04:13 782,397,440 2000 Secrets of Lost Empires 2 - 4of5 - Roman.Bath.avi 27/01/2005 17:59 448,118,158 2004 Seven Wonders of Ancient Rome.avi 25/09/2005 15:29 735,696,896 2005 Rome.Engineering.an.Empire.avi 24/07/2008 04:46 366,639,104 2005 The Roman Empire P3 - Grandeur and Decadance.avi 04/11/2006 08:06 360,835,072 2005 What the Ancients Did for Us - Ep 4 - The Romans.avi 18/08/2009 09:39 358,138,912 2006 Naked Science - Roman Tech.avi 28/08/2008 11:23 397,570,048 2006 Time Team - 2006 - 06 - Utrecht, Netherlands.avi 04/02/2010 00:04 364,718,080 2007 Time Team - Special - Secrets Of A Stately Garden.avi 17/04/2009 11:52 734,285,824 2008 BBC.Dan.Cruickshanks.Adventures.in.Architecture.4of8.Disaster.avi 02/02/2011 08:04 2,346,832,514 2010 Engineering The Impossible - Rome.mkv 17/04/2011 10:39 734,988,288 2010 Rome Revealed 4 of 8 Heart Of The Empire.avi 23/01/2011 21:07 402,829,312 2011 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - Part 1.avi 30/01/2011 15:27 413,171,712 2011 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - Part 2.avi 05/02/2011 09:28 415,416,320 2011 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - Part 3.avi 12/02/2011 09:54 410,028,032 2011 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - Part 4.avi 19/02/2011 22:16 416,581,632 2011 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - Part 5.avi 27/02/2011 10:03 416,104,448 2011 Rome Wasn't Built in a Day - Part 6.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Buildings, City Planning and Engineering\Colosseum and Gladiators 16/01/2007 10:20 734,476,664 1997 Secrets.Of.Lost.Empires.3of5.Colosseum.avi 04/02/2009 15:49 162,003,556 2000 Gladiator Games - The Roman Bloodsport.flv 17/09/2009 08:57 600,203,264 2000 Gladiators - Bloodsport of the Colosseum.avi 27/03/2009 23:02 449,488,896 2001 Empires Of Stone - The Colosseum.avi 03/10/2007 13:25 735,008,768 2003 BBC.Colosseum.Romes.Arena.of.Death.avi 01/12/2008 05:30 379,065,614 2007 Ancient Megastructures - Colosseum.wmv 07/06/2007 17:52 419,469,312 2007 Timewatch - Gladiator Graveyard.avi 21/04/2009 11:14 382,755,792 2008 COTUW - Gladiators Blood Sport.divx 11/12/2010 22:16 1,399,518,034 2008 Discovery Into the Unknown with Josh Bernstein Season 1 1 of 8 The Secret Life of Gladiators.mkv 14/12/2010 09:06 735,076,352 2010 Gladiator Back From the Dead.avi 23/04/2011 08:45 735,086,592 2010 Rome Revealed 5 of 8 Blood In The Sand.avi 13/12/2010 06:11 1,172,723,060 2010 When Rome Ruled - Part 1.mkv 09/02/2011 21:05 404,367,360 2011 Rome Unwrapped s01 e01 - Gladiators.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\East 08/09/2005 03:31 733,405,184 1998 From Jesus To Christ The First Christians 1of4.avi 08/09/2005 05:28 733,573,120 1998 From Jesus To Christ The First Christians 2of4.avi 08/09/2005 08:44 733,032,448 1998 From Jesus To Christ The First Christians 3of4.avi 13/09/2005 08:57 733,607,936 1998 From Jesus To Christ The First Christians 4of4.avi 25/11/2008 04:57 366,770,176 1999 Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World - The Romans In Palestine.avi 15/05/2008 23:05 670,796,830 2000 BBC - Horizon - The Secret Treasures of Zeugma.avi 02/10/2004 08:34 366,682,112 2000 Lost Roman Treasure.avi 05/02/2011 18:01 356,514,796 2001 Piedras.vivas.-02.[de.13]-.Petra.avi 05/02/2011 18:19 356,508,192 2001 Piedras.vivas.-05.[de.13]-.Heliopolis-Baalbeck.avi 05/02/2011 19:20 356,521,278 2001 Piedras.vivas.-06.[de.13]-.Palmyra.avi 05/02/2011 19:15 356,528,102 2001 Piedras.vivas.-08.[de.13]-.Piedras.vivas.en.el.Mediterraneo.Oriental.avi 20/09/2009 19:27 157,659,136 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Ports Of The Desert.avi 08/12/2010 04:41 734,044,160 2003 PBS Empires Kingdom of David The Saga of the Israelites 3 of 4.avi 20/12/2010 08:26 733,933,568 2003 PBS Empires Kingdom of David The Saga of the Israelites 4 of 4.avi 27/10/2009 22:25 955,180,000 2004 Rome - The Lost City Of China.mpg 18/05/2009 11:08 393,056,256 2005 Battlefield Detectives - Siege of Masada.avi 25/04/2011 17:22 389,561,022 2005 The Crucifixion.avi 13/01/2007 14:48 482,197,504 2006 Terry.Jones.Barbarians.Part.3.avi 12/11/2011 06:13 671,299,584 2007 Digging for the Truth 3 of 9 - Lost Treasures of Petra.avi 27/02/2011 10:51 366,573,568 2010 Mysteries of the Bible - Living in the Time of Jesus - Crime and Punishment.avi 12/03/2011 18:01 367,155,211 2010 Mysteries of the Bible - Living in the Time of Jesus - Healing the Sick.avi 12/03/2011 23:09 366,966,784 2010 Mysteries of the Bible - Living in the Time of Jesus - Making a Living.avi 17/04/2011 15:26 735,062,016 2010 Rome Revealed 8 of 8 Christianity Rising.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe 11/08/2008 07:58 244,164,608 1999 Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World - The Romans In Europe.avi 21/09/2009 01:46 142,202,880 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Roman Imprint On The West.avi 13/01/2007 14:46 482,045,952 2006 Terry.Jones.Barbarians.Part.2.avi 12/08/2011 13:58 1,047,707,648 2008 The Danube.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe\Britannia 27/11/2010 22:45 81,700,421 1966 Chronicle - Roman Goose March.mp4 14/03/2009 15:25 260,636,672 1975 English Landscapes - Conquest of the Mountains.avi 01/03/2009 12:50 99,890,572 1979 Day Out - Cirencester.avi 29/11/2010 07:09 838,854,118 1980 In Search of Boadicea.divx 08/01/2011 00:52 419,452,928 1981 Chronicle - Orpheus And The Gentleman Farmer.avi 22/12/2008 20:56 405,098,378 1981 Weir's Way - Roman Village.avi 31/12/2009 21:19 213,155,840 1984 Another Six English Towns - Cirencester.avi 31/12/2009 21:36 183,214,080 1990 Roman Colchester.avi 17/12/2008 12:55 366,149,632 1993 History Of Warfare - The Roman Invasions Of Britain.avi 13/09/2009 22:55 649,707,520 1995 Edge of Empire - Journey Along Hadrian's Wall.avi 14/09/2009 06:52 316,495,872 1998 Lost Treasures of the Ancient World - Hadrian's Wall.avi 29/01/2006 00:29 733,102,080 2000 A History of Britain - 1. Beginnings.avi 07/01/2011 21:42 314,597,376 2000 Meet The Ancestors S03E01 Princess Of The City.avi 09/08/2011 14:23 419,012,608 2000 Modern Marvels - Hadrian's Wall.avi 22/08/2009 22:50 525,582,958 2000 Secrets of the Dead - Gladiator Girl (10-Jul-2000).avi 31/01/2006 18:05 367,196,160 2000 What The Romans Did For Us - 1of6 -The Life Of Luxury.avi 03/02/2006 00:43 364,953,600 2000 What The Romans Did For Us - 2of6 - Invasion.avi 01/02/2006 03:19 364,926,976 2000 What The Romans Did For Us - 3of6 - Building Britain Town And Country.avi 03/02/2006 07:06 367,351,808 2000 What The Romans Did For Us - 4of6 - Arteries Of The Empire.avi 03/02/2006 08:26 322,754,560 2000 What The Romans Did For Us - 5of6 - Edge Of Empire.avi 03/02/2006 07:01 310,841,344 2000 What The Romans Did For Us - 6of6 - Ahead Of Their Time.avi 28/11/2010 10:32 314,589,184 2001 Meet The Ancestors S03E05 A Roman Plot.avi 12/05/2008 18:15 734,834,688 2002 Ancient Rome - 7of8 - Letters from the Roman Front.avi 18/03/2009 14:32 418,013,184 2002 Fact Or Fiction - 2. Boudica.avi 05/07/2006 09:44 366,491,648 2003 Britain BC 01.avi 05/07/2006 06:49 366,721,024 2003 Britain BC 02.avi 11/05/2009 20:04 656,012,459 2003 Britain's Finest Ancient Monuments.mp4 02/06/2009 15:42 524,165,120 2003 Britain's Lost Roman Wonder.avi 05/08/2006 19:17 366,920,676 2003 Hidden Treasure - 1of8 - Lost Goddess.avi 05/08/2006 18:50 367,383,346 2003 Hidden Treasure - 6of8 - Riches of Rome.avi 28/07/2010 22:04 524,314,624 2003 Meet The Ancestors S06E04 - The Lost City Of Roman Britain.avi 13/07/2006 06:15 811,701,156 2003 Mongrel Nation - 1. Invasion.mpg 22/08/2009 21:59 345,217,024 2003 The Seven Ages of Britain - The Third Age - 43-410AD.avi 03/02/2009 08:53 218,099,712 2003 Time Flyers - Super-Rich Roman Britain.avi 16/08/2006 15:03 460,731,400 2003 We Built This City - London.avi 22/12/2008 00:58 361,043,968 2004 Battlefield.Britain.e01.Boudica's.Revolt.ws.avi 05/07/2006 16:23 455,341,908 2004 Britain AD 01.avi 05/07/2006 16:22 445,138,780 2004 Britain AD 02.avi 05/07/2006 16:23 452,179,218 2004 Britain AD 03.avi 05/09/2009 17:39 762,094,260 2004 Britains Finest Treasures.avi 06/02/2006 04:51 587,235,328 2004 British Isles A Natural History - 5. Taming the Wild.avi 16/02/2009 08:34 734,267,392 2004 Extreme Archaeology 1. River Wye, Chepstow.avi 15/04/2005 17:18 729,855,168 2004 London, The Greatest City.avi 29/12/2008 10:58 582,361,088 2004 Peter Ackroyd's London - 1. Fire and Destiny.avi 29/12/2008 10:57 576,118,784 2004 Peter Ackroyd's London - 2. The Crowd.avi 29/12/2008 10:58 576,749,568 2004 Peter Ackroyd's London - 3. Water and Darkness.avi 20/09/2009 01:28 478,703,616 2004 Roman Frontiers - Hadrian's Wall - 1. Main Film [Dual Eng-Ger].avi 19/09/2009 23:10 182,165,504 2004 Roman Frontiers - Hadrian's Wall - 2. Hadrian's Wall (short programs) [Dual Eng-Ger].avi 19/09/2009 22:17 254,496,768 2004 Roman Frontiers - Hadrian's Wall - 3. Antonine Wall (short programs) [Dual Eng-Ger].avi 23/07/2005 01:35 212,869,014 2005 How London Was Built - S01E01 - Bridges.avi 05/08/2005 04:18 212,750,196 2005 How London Was Built - S01E02 - Defences.avi 02/08/2009 08:05 197,598,326 2005 Lost Treasures - S01E06 - Chester.avi 04/12/2005 14:31 363,151,878 2005 Revealed - Boudica's Treasures.avi 24/07/2008 03:16 366,956,544 2005 The Roman Empire - 1. Roman Legions.avi 05/01/2011 21:24 365,162,496 2005 The Town That Time Forgot.avi 14/09/2009 14:36 69,652,480 2005 Vindolanda Writing Tablets.avi 20/02/2009 02:43 244,355,072 2006 A History Of Tyneside S01E01.avi 21/04/2009 10:52 350,134,278 2006 COTUW - London's Lost Cities.divx 18/12/2010 12:29 364,632,064 2006 History Channel Decisive Battles 10.avi 25/12/2006 19:08 562,616,320 2006 How London Was Built - S02E05 - Shops.avi 15/02/2006 12:17 271,400,506 2006 Seven Man-Made Wonders - London.avi 11/10/2006 13:03 243,890,176 2006 Seven Man-Made Wonders - The Northeast and Cumbria.avi 27/10/2006 07:40 243,945,472 2006 Seven Man-Made Wonders - The Southeast.avi 16/08/2008 20:12 419,444,736 2006 Timewatch - Hadrian's Wall.avi 12/08/2006 21:56 1,101,099,008 2006 Timewatch - The Mystery of the Headless Romans.avi 14/01/2007 04:31 618,672,128 2006 Togas on TV.avi 24/11/2008 05:15 471,917,778 2007 Britain's Lost Mega Fortress.avi 20/12/2007 06:40 201,689,088 2007 How London Was Built - S03E04 - City of London.avi 26/12/2008 20:03 35,373,563 2007 Londinium's Roman Fort.mp4 07/09/2009 12:35 189,247,488 2007 My Favourite Place s01e02 - Neil Oliver's Hadrians Wall.avi 01/12/2008 00:14 185,443,602 2008 Building Wonders - The Fosse Way.avi 17/10/2008 01:19 390,455,296 2008 Greatest Cities of the World - London.avi 02/08/2009 08:09 262,998,016 2008 Hidden Histories s01e03.avi 02/03/2009 11:12 40,705,419 2008 In Remains of Temple Of Mithras in London.mp4 05/09/2009 11:19 478,118,592 2008 Melvyn Bragg's Travels In Written Britain Ep01 (6-Apr-08).avi 15/09/2009 07:02 258,056,192 2008 Rome Rise And Fall Of An Empire - 05. The Invasion Of Britain.avi 21/11/2008 03:21 521,836,544 2008 The Last of the Free s01e01.avi 22/09/2009 20:44 340,772,864 2009 Hidden Histories s02e03.avi 27/05/2009 23:30 489,875,456 2009 How the Celts Saved Britain - Part 1 (25-May-09).avi 19/09/2009 13:40 775,897,088 2009 Roman Invasion of Britain 1 of 3 - Onslaught.avi 19/09/2009 16:44 704,485,376 2009 Roman Invasion of Britain 2 of 3 - Revolt.avi 06/02/2010 18:16 721,401,856 2009 Roman Invasion of Britain 3 of 3 - Dominion.avi 16/11/2010 11:53 763,331,668 2010 BBC Michael Woods Story of England - 1of6 - Romans to Normans.avi 08/01/2011 11:18 396,789,760 2010 Birth of Britain with Tony Robinson Ep3.avi 24/11/2010 22:53 1,544,422,818 2010 Digging for Britain s01e01 - The Romans.mkv 17/01/2010 22:51 760,593,254 2010 Great British Railway Journeys - s01e03.mkv 07/08/2011 22:37 734,038,016 2010 Illuminating Hadrian's Wall (A).avi 07/08/2011 23:20 252,174,336 2010 Illuminating Hadrian's Wall (.avi 08/01/2011 17:02 489,748,480 2010 Secret Britain - S01E04.avi 01/02/2010 21:56 517,892,096 2010 Seven Ages of Britain - Eps1.avi 25/04/2011 10:37 500,768,768 2011 A History of Celtic Britain pt3.avi 02/05/2011 07:15 512,057,344 2011 A History of Celtic Britain pt4.avi 10/09/2011 18:00 511,385,600 2011 Digging for Britain - S02E01.avi 28/09/2011 12:34 511,662,080 2011 Digging for Britain - S02E03.avi 24/07/2011 15:54 504,999,936 2011 History Cold Case - S02E04.avi 27/08/2011 09:04 371,771,392 2011 Rome's Lost Legion.avi 28/02/2011 20:11 522,647,552 2011 The Story of Ireland S01E01.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe\Britannia\Time Team 28/09/2011 22:33 <DIR> . 28/09/2011 22:33 <DIR> .. 31/12/2008 21:20 337,600,512 Time Team - 1994 - 02 - Ribchester, Lancashire (On The Edge Of An Empire).avi 01/01/2009 00:18 397,375,488 Time Team - 1995 - 03 - Tockenham, Wiltshire (The Lost Villa).avi 01/01/2009 00:18 397,260,800 Time Team - 1995 - 04 - Lambeth Palace, London (The Archbishops Back Garden).avi 18/01/2009 04:49 366,641,152 Time Team - 1996 - 06 - Lavenham, Suffolk (Treasures Of The Roman field).avi 19/01/2009 01:51 366,954,496 Time Team - 1997 - 05 - Malton, North Yorkshire.avi 19/01/2009 01:44 367,009,792 Time Team - 1997 - 06 - Netheravon, Wiltshire.avi 28/01/2009 02:13 367,050,752 Time Team - 1998 - 04 - Turkdean, Gloucestershire.avi 26/01/2009 08:31 367,108,096 Time Team - 1999 - 02 - Papcastle, Cumbria.avi 26/01/2009 08:33 366,954,496 Time Team - 1999 - 07 - Beauport Park, East Sussex.avi 26/01/2009 08:49 366,796,800 Time Team - 1999 - 09 - Turkdean, Gloucestershire (Revisited).avi 05/01/2009 18:36 366,039,040 Time Team - 2000 - 02 - Cirencester, Gloucestershire (The Mosaic At The Bottom Of The Garden).avi 05/01/2009 16:41 366,856,192 Time Team - 2000 - 05 - Birdoswald, Cumbria (Hadrian's Wall).avi 11/06/2007 22:47 366,680,064 Time Team - 2000 - 11 - Greenwich, London (A Roman Temple In Sight Of The Millennium Dome).avi 24/12/2008 10:54 366,682,112 Time Team - 2001 - 01 - Normanton, Lincolnshire (An Anglo-Saxon Cemetary In Lincolnshire).avi 24/12/2008 10:10 366,710,784 Time Team - 2001 - 04 - Waltham Field, Whittington, Gloucestershire (A Waltham Villa).avi 24/12/2008 10:59 366,893,056 Time Team - 2001 - 07 - Salisbury Plain (An Iron-Age Roundhouse).avi 24/12/2008 10:56 366,364,672 Time Team - 2001 - 08 - Basildon, Berkshire (The Inter-City Villa).avi 24/12/2008 10:35 366,460,928 Time Team - 2001 - 11 - Canterbury (Three Tales Of Canterbury).avi 09/06/2007 22:39 366,960,640 Time Team - 2002 - 02 - Ancaster, Lincolnshire (The Roman's Panic).avi 24/02/2008 02:58 734,052,352 Time Team - 2002 - 06 - Cheshunt, Hertfordshiret (An Ermine Street Pub).avi 09/06/2007 22:40 385,234,944 Time Team - 2002 - 10 - Castleford (A Lost Roman City).avi 09/06/2007 22:36 439,300,096 Time Team - 2002 - 12 - Brading, Isle of Wight (Steptoe Et Filius).avi 25/02/2008 05:11 734,052,352 Time Team - 2003 - 02 - Dinnington, Somerset (Mosaics, Mosaics, Mosaics).avi 21/04/2009 20:53 366,995,456 Time Team - 2003 - 07 - Bath (Death In A Crescent).avi 24/02/2008 07:14 734,070,784 Time Team - 2003 - 12 - Sedgefield, County Durham (A View To A Kiln).avi 13/02/2008 02:53 734,042,112 Time Team - 2004 - 02 - Whitestaunton, Somerset (A Roman Bath House And Edwardian Folly).avi 25/04/2008 22:08 734,111,744 Time Team - 2004 - 05 - Syndale, Kent (The Roman Fort That Wasn't There).avi 09/09/2008 01:13 733,933,568 Time Team - 2004 - 09 - Wittenham Clumps, Oxfordshire (Fertile Soils, Rich Archaeology).avi 08/09/2008 16:16 734,035,968 Time Team - 2004 - 10 - Nassington, Northamptonshire (King Cnut's Manor).avi 09/09/2008 01:18 734,093,312 Time Team - 2004 - 13 - Cranborne Chase, Dorset (Brimming With Remains).avi 27/04/2008 13:06 734,119,936 Time Team - 2005 - 04 - Drumlanrig, Dumfries and Galloway (Fighting On The Frontier).avi 24/02/2008 13:00 733,855,744 Time Team - 2005 - 07 - Standish, Gloucestershire (Going upmarket with the Romans).avi 08/02/2008 05:00 733,732,864 Time Team - 2005 - 10 - South Perrott, Dorset (The Puzzle Of Picket's Farm).avi 27/04/2008 10:49 733,947,904 Time Team - 2005 - 12 - South Shields (Hunting The Romans In South Shields - Tower Blocks and Togas).avi 28/08/2008 11:31 296,408,124 Time Team - 2006 - 02 - Withington, Gloucestershire (Villas Out Of Molehills).avi 28/08/2008 11:32 576,753,664 Time Team - 2006 - 11 - Ffrith, North Wales (Early Bath).avi 28/08/2008 11:29 396,992,512 Time Team - 2006 - 12 - Alfoldean, Sussex (The Taxman's Tavern - A Roman Mansion).avi 18/06/2008 04:05 734,119,936 Time Team - 2007 - 02 - Blacklands, Somerset (There's No Place Like Rome).avi 27/04/2008 08:57 398,487,552 Time Team - 2007 - 04 - Amlwch, Anglesey (The Druid's Last Stand).avi 10/06/2009 22:53 398,497,792 Time Team - 2007 - 06 - Stilton, Lincolnshire (A Port And Stilton).avi 10/06/2009 22:52 398,516,224 Time Team - 2007 - 08 - Warburton, Cheshire (No Stone Unturned).avi 10/06/2009 17:42 398,495,744 Time Team - 2007 - 11 - Godstone, Surrey (Road To The Relics).avi 18/08/2008 16:32 733,945,856 Time Team - 2008 - 02 - Binchester, County Durham (Street Of The Dead).avi 18/08/2008 15:41 734,058,496 Time Team - 2008 - 05 - Coberley, Gloucestershire (Mysteries Of The Mosaic).avi 18/08/2008 15:53 734,040,064 Time Team - 2008 - 11 - Hamsterley, County Durham (Five Thousand Tons Of Stone).avi 18/08/2008 16:23 733,696,000 Time Team - 2008 - 12 - Wickenby, Lincolnshire (The Romans Recycle).avi 05/01/2009 11:09 734,109,696 Time Team - 2009 - 01 - Friars Wash, Flamstead, St Albans, Hertfordshire (The trouble with Temples).avi 02/02/2009 00:59 1,114,048,563 Time Team - 2009 - 04 - Caerwent, South Wales (Toga Town).mkv 01/03/2009 11:20 733,937,664 Time Team - 2009 - 07 - Radcot, Oxfordshire (Anarchy in the UK).avi 01/03/2009 11:20 733,618,176 Time Team - 2009 - 08 - Yarwell, Colworth, Bedfordshire (Mystery of the Ice Cream Villa).avi 09/03/2009 00:21 733,587,456 Time Team - 2009 - 10 - Lincoln's Inn, London (Called to the Bar).avi 07/01/2011 20:50 44,191,970 Time Team - 2010 - 03 - Piercebridge Bonus Clip - Roman Bridge Building.avi 14/05/2010 21:07 403,588,026 Time Team - 2010 - 03 - Piercebridge, County Durham (Bridge Over The River Tees).avi 24/11/2010 22:19 1,323,710,386 Time Team - 2010 - 06 - Cunetio, Mildenhall, Wiltshire (Potted History).mkv 08/01/2011 14:55 405,441,876 Time Team - 2010 - 11 - Litlington, Cambridgeshire (There's A Villa Here Somewhere).avi 27/02/2011 11:15 1,173,516,890 Time Team - 2011 - 03 - High Ham, Somerset (Roman's On The Range).mkv 17/03/2011 20:15 404,192,238 Time Team - 2011 - 06 - Castor, Cambridgeshire (Under The Gravestones).avi 24/04/2011 07:17 1,228,294,246 Time Team - 2011 - 11 - Bedford Purieus Wood, Cambridgeshire (Rooting For The Romans).mkv 02/05/2011 07:14 409,827,856 Time Team - 2011 - 13 - London, England (Looking Underground).avi 04/02/2010 00:06 376,829,952 Time Team - Digs - 03 - The Roman Invasion (2002).avi 04/02/2010 00:11 376,643,584 Time Team - Digs - 04 - Roman Britain (2002).avi 25/02/2008 17:26 75,358,720 Time Team - Live 1997 - 1x01 - 23 August 1997.avi 25/02/2008 18:06 163,333,120 Time Team - Live 1997 - 1x02 - 23 August 1997.avi 25/02/2008 18:13 99,835,904 Time Team - Live 1997 - 1x03 - 23 August 1997.avi 25/02/2008 18:15 110,159,360 Time Team - Live 1997 - 2x01 - 24 August 1997.avi 25/02/2008 17:49 109,617,664 Time Team - Live 1997 - 2x02 - 24 August 1997.avi 25/02/2008 18:11 164,372,480 Time Team - Live 1997 - 2x03 - 24 August 1997.avi 25/02/2008 18:12 53,812,224 Time Team - Live 1997 - 3x01 - 25 August 1997.avi 25/02/2008 18:03 346,557,952 Time Team - Live 1997 - 3x02 - 25 August 1997.avi 26/02/2008 01:15 203,675,648 Time Team - Live 1998 - 1x01 - 29 August 1998.avi 26/02/2008 01:39 178,066,944 Time Team - Live 1998 - 1x02 - 29 August 1998.avi 26/02/2008 01:31 187,263,488 Time Team - Live 1998 - 2x01 - 30 August 1998.avi 26/02/2008 01:27 101,000,704 Time Team - Live 1998 - 2x02 - 30 August 1998.avi 26/02/2008 01:34 217,916,416 Time Team - Live 1998 - 2x03 - 30 August 1998.avi 26/02/2008 01:22 109,456,384 Time Team - Live 1998 - 3x01 - 31 August 1998.avi 26/02/2008 01:37 372,553,728 Time Team - Live 1998 - 3x02 - 31 August 1998.avi 26/02/2008 01:28 129,056,256 Time Team - Live 1999 - 1x01.avi 26/02/2008 01:36 438,469,120 Time Team - Live 1999 - 1x02.avi 26/02/2008 01:35 245,983,744 Time Team - Live 1999 - 2x01.avi 26/02/2008 01:14 204,281,344 Time Team - Live 1999 - 2x02.avi 26/02/2008 01:31 320,083,968 Time Team - Live 1999 - 3x01.avi 26/02/2008 01:29 401,014,272 Time Team - Live 1999 - 3x02.avi 26/02/2008 03:33 234,733,568 Time Team - Live 2000 - Day 1, episode 1.avi 16/12/2008 00:35 142,410,752 Time Team - Live 2000 - Day 1, episode 2.avi 16/12/2008 00:49 213,529,088 Time Team - Live 2000 - Day 2.avi 16/12/2008 00:50 389,787,648 Time Team - Live 2000 - Day 3, episode 1.avi 16/12/2008 00:47 371,694,592 Time Team - Live 2000 - Day 3, episode 2.avi 26/02/2008 03:30 547,555,328 Time Team - Live 2000 - The Best Bits.avi 25/02/2008 23:40 201,942,016 Time Team - Live 2001 - Day 02.avi 21/12/2007 12:52 524,292,096 Time Team - Live 2003 - 01 - Sunday, 22nd June 2003.avi 21/12/2007 11:33 262,131,712 Time Team - Live 2003 - 02 - Monday, 23rd June 2003.avi 21/12/2007 11:57 262,146,048 Time Team - Live 2003 - 04 - Wednesday, 25th June 2003.avi 21/12/2007 12:35 262,156,288 Time Team - Live 2003 - 05 - Thursday, 26th June 2003.avi 21/12/2007 12:43 262,068,224 Time Team - Live 2003 - 06 - Friday, 27th June 2003.avi 21/12/2007 12:57 733,943,808 Time Team - Live 2003 - 07 - Saturday, 28th June 2003.avi 25/02/2008 22:20 734,083,072 Time Team - Live 2003 - 08 - Sunday, 29th June 2003.avi 25/02/2008 22:07 509,736,960 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 01 - Saturday 02 July 2005, part 1.avi 25/02/2008 22:07 357,298,176 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 02 - Saturday 02 July 2005, part 2.avi 25/02/2008 22:11 417,142,272 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 03 - Sunday 03 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 22:03 414,895,616 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 04 - Monday 04 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 22:00 416,126,464 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 05 - Tuesday 05 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 22:05 414,780,416 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 06 - Wednesday 06 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 22:06 415,918,592 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 07 - Thurdsay 07 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 22:04 409,558,528 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 08 - Saturday 09 July 2005, part 1.avi 25/02/2008 21:54 458,275,328 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - 09 - Saturday 09 July 2005, part 2.avi 25/02/2008 22:20 38,670,848 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - 01 - Saturday 02 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 21:37 29,573,120 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - 02 - Sunday 03 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 21:20 77,632,512 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - 03 - Monday 04 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 20:44 55,055,872 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - 04 - Tuesday 05 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 21:23 72,961,536 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - 05 - Wednesday 06 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 18:24 45,394,432 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - 06 - Thurdsay 07 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 19:57 68,127,744 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - 07 - Saturday 09 July 2005.avi 25/02/2008 20:25 12,330,932 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - Activities with Big Roman Dig.wmv 25/02/2008 19:01 3,717,632 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - Advert.avi 25/02/2008 18:09 2,021,888 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Extra - Final episode advert.avi 25/02/2008 18:09 9,729,735 Time Team - Live 2005 - Big Roman Dig - Tony Explains Just What It's Like To Work On A Live Time .wmv 07/06/2009 10:45 455,992,320 Time Team - Special - 01 - Much Wenlock, Shropshire (1997).avi 05/06/2009 20:28 396,994,560 Time Team - Special - 02 - Barley Hall, York (1999).avi 05/02/2009 17:32 734,058,496 Time Team - Special - 04 - York (Time Team Live 1999 Highlights) (2000).avi 30/01/2007 13:07 628,185,088 Time Team - Special - 06 - History of Britain (2000).avi 12/02/2009 08:53 528,506,368 Time Team - Special - 13 - The Big Dig In Canterbury (2002).avi 15/11/2010 11:16 650,268,018 Time Team - Special - 14 - Londinium (Edge Of An Empire) (2002).avi 30/01/2007 13:07 366,817,280 Time Team - Special - 17 - Hadrian's Well, London (2003).avi 07/02/2008 13:15 734,093,312 Time Team - Special - 24 - Colchester, Essex (2005).avi 30/01/2007 09:25 393,246,720 Time Team - Special - 27 - The Big Roman Villa (2006).avi 27/12/2008 12:35 366,395,392 Time Team - Special - 39 - The Mystery of the Roman Treasure (2008).avi 08/05/2011 00:22 1,610,090,116 Time Team - Special - 49 - Boudica's Lost Tribe (2011).mkv 127 File(s) 54,197,469,504 bytes Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe\Gaul 13/01/2007 14:48 482,199,552 2006 Terry.Jones.Barbarians.Part.1.avi 18/04/2009 06:35 350,267,152 2007 COTUW - Catacombs of Death.divx 08/08/2011 04:50 733,759,488 2009 Lvtece - Paris Gallo-Romain.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe\Germany 06/12/2009 09:40 383,463,424 2005 Roman Frontiers - Limes in Germany - 1. Main Film [Dual Eng-Ger].avi 06/12/2009 10:39 346,894,336 2005 Roman Frontiers - Limes in Germany - 2. Course (incl. Forts) [Dual Eng-Ger].avi 06/12/2009 11:01 118,851,584 2005 Roman Frontiers - Limes in Germany - 3. Frontiers [Dual Eng-Ger].avi 10/12/2010 00:13 749,744,128 2007 The Germanic Tribes 1 of 4 Barbarians Against Rome.avi 09/12/2010 08:53 749,285,376 2007 The Germanic Tribes 3 of 4 Pax Romana.avi 09/12/2010 22:44 743,712,768 2007 The Germanic Tribes 4 of 4 In Ihe Sign Of The Cross.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe\Greece and Turkey 20/09/2009 18:21 146,890,752 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Travels Through Greece.avi 26/12/2008 13:26 366,087,618 2007 Lost Worlds S02E19 Lost City of Aphrodite.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe\Italy 03/10/2011 20:15 734,003,200 1995 Valori di Napoli - Subterranean Naples.avi 20/09/2009 23:18 155,097,088 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Ancient Cities Bordering On Latium.avi 21/04/2009 11:19 350,230,248 2007 COTUW - Beneath Vesuvius.divx 03/12/2010 23:28 576,952,991 2010 Secrets Of The Dead s10 e03 - Lost Ships Of Rome.avi 04/10/2011 09:56 786,444,288 2011 Naples National Archaeological Museum.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe\Italy\City Of Rome 23/07/2008 14:01 366,397,440 1999 Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World - Ancient Rome.avi 23/07/2008 23:36 366,290,944 2000 Rome and the Vatican.avi 25/07/2008 03:16 244,316,160 2000 Rome Reconstructed.avi 14/12/2008 03:18 366,372,864 2003 Pilot Guides (Lonely planet)-Rome City Guide.avi 05/02/2009 10:29 708,220,182 2005 Brian Sewell's Grand Tour Ep 5.avi 23/04/2009 10:57 350,277,462 2007 COTUW - Rome The Rise.divx 22/04/2009 11:24 350,563,374 2007 COTUW - Rome's Hidden Empire.divx 23/04/2011 08:35 810,942,410 2007 Hidden Worlds Underground Rome.avi 29/05/2011 14:48 365,592,576 2007 Rome's Buried City.avi 10/09/2011 18:00 390,183,260 2008 Tomb Of 1000 Roman Skeletons.avi 31/01/2011 06:06 314,578,944 2009 Ancient Rome In 3D.avi 01/02/2011 22:41 366,591,526 2010 When Rome Ruled - Part 5.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Europe\Italy\Pompeii and Herculaneum 01/05/2010 17:02 524,257,280 1974 Chronicle - Pompeii.avi 16/09/2009 14:39 325,554,176 1994 Great Cities of the Ancient World - Rome and Pompeii.avi 31/12/2009 22:26 368,898,048 1995 Ancient Mysteries - Pompeii Buried Alive.avi 03/10/2011 18:59 733,992,960 1995 Valori di Napoli - Pompeii - Vol 1.avi 03/10/2011 19:41 733,982,720 1995 Valori di Napoli - Pompeii - Vol 2.avi 03/10/2011 18:25 734,003,200 1996 Valori di Napoli - Herculaneum.avi 23/07/2008 12:08 366,368,768 1998 Lost Treasures Of The Ancient World - Pompeii.avi 23/07/2008 21:44 243,009,536 2000 Pompeii Reconstructed.avi 09/12/2009 23:44 914,764,366 2001 Private Lives Of Pompeii.avi 21/03/2007 23:12 524,275,712 2001 Riddle Of Pompeii [dual Eng&Spa].avi 20/09/2009 02:45 219,242,496 2002 Secrets Of Archaeology - Pompeii A City Rediscovered.avi 24/11/2008 00:49 385,777,152 2002 The First Pompeii.avi 07/04/2008 05:30 780,478,464 2002 Vesuvius.Deadly.Fury.avi 11/08/2008 12:49 734,633,984 2003 BBC.Pompeii.The.Last.Day.avi 04/02/2011 22:43 367,259,648 2003 Out Of The Ashes - Recovering The Lost Library Of Herculaneum.avi 05/02/2009 01:37 731,116,554 2005 Brian Sewell's Grand Tour Ep 6.avi 08/04/2008 06:21 357,935,104 2005 Digging.For.The.Truth.s01e03 Pompeii Secrets Revealed.avi 13/12/2008 21:46 104,544,256 2005 Journey To Pompeii - 1) Pompeii A.avi 13/12/2008 22:39 104,624,128 2005 Journey To Pompeii - 2) Pompeii B.avi 13/12/2008 23:38 104,601,600 2005 Journey To Pompeii - 3) Herculaneum A.avi 14/12/2008 15:14 104,452,096 2005 Journey To Pompeii - 4) Herculaneum B.avi 01/07/2006 04:53 665,880,576 2006 Pompeii Live.avi 03/10/2011 17:18 965,228,544 2007 Herculaneum - Diaries of Darkness and Light.avi 05/02/2011 09:37 470,568,612 2007 Secrets of the dead - s06 e03 Herculaneum Uncovered.avi 31/12/2009 22:56 245,665,792 2008 Pompeii And The Roman Villa - 1. Main.avi 31/12/2009 23:00 33,927,168 2008 Pompeii And The Roman Villa - 2. Artifacts Gallery.avi 31/12/2009 23:02 6,983,680 2008 Pompeii And The Roman Villa - 3. Old Photo Gallery.avi 31/12/2009 23:07 30,652,416 2008 Pompeii And The Roman Villa - 4. Interview With Archaeologist.avi 31/01/2011 05:45 104,908,800 2009 Ancient Rome in 3D - The House Of Julius Polybius.avi 09/10/2009 21:27 388,851,712 2009 Kevin McCloud's Grand Tour of Europe - Pt3.avi 09/10/2009 20:40 366,847,910 2009 Sex in The Ancient World - S01E01- Prostitution in Pompeii.avi 07/01/2011 22:14 182,896,640 2009 Travel Channel Essential Bay Of Naples.avi 04/10/2011 10:09 687,155,200 2010 79 AD Pompeii - A Virtual Tour.avi 20/12/2010 09:42 1,855,814,578 2010 BBC.Pompeii.Life.and.Death.in.a.Roman.Town.mkv 23/04/2011 13:19 1,172,704,883 2010 Pompeii Back From the Dead.mkv 17/04/2011 10:04 733,003,776 2010 Rome Revealed 3 of 8 Doomsday Pompeii.avi 14/12/2010 09:23 365,801,472 2010 When Rome Ruled - Part 3.avi 04/10/2011 08:56 786,085,888 2011 Love, Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum.avi Directory of C:\Files\Ancient Civilizations\Roman Empire\Military 09/06/2008 11:00 215,869,302 1994 TLC - Ancient Warriors 3 - Legions Of Rome.avi 30/11/2008 23:07 400,123,392 1998 The Roman Way of War.avi 25/12/2006 14:43 245,311,206 1999 Secrets Of The Ancients - The Claw.rmvb 28/11/2010 10:48 471,879,680 2002 Meet The Ancestors S05E02 Malaria And The Fall Of Rome.avi 14/09/2009 23:50 269,090,816 2007 Modern Marvels - Barbarian Battle Tech.avi 17/04/2011 11:35 735,096,832 2010 Rome Revealed 6 of 8 Power of the Legion.avi Hey cilius, old thread but, do you still have "Britain's Lost mega-Fortress'' on dvd?
  2. Hi Crispina Yes on second thoughts, Julius was in Italy at the time, but why portray him as they have?
  3. I love this controversial cable series in all and am still entertained enough by this "War of the Damned" series that I'll keep viewing, despite it's odd forays into historical fantasy upon occasion, but what the heck has happened to the character of Julius Caesar? He is more like Gannicus than Gannicus! He is [in this] blonde, muscular and handsome, which I assume from the classical sources that Caesar was perhaps none of those, but instead maybe slight, dark-haired and balding, hence the famous laurel 'tiara'? Also I understand Caesar was quite stern and serious, like the portrayal of Octavian in 'Rome'? I may well be completely incorrect though. Also, why is he featured here in the slave revolt of Spartacus at all - when he most likely wasn't even in Italy/Sicily at the time, but held as a valued prisoner by Aegean Pirates? I notice there was no mention of Caesar's rumoured affair with King Nicomedes of Bithynia, the epithet of which "Queen of Bithynia" was levelled at him throughout his career and sung by his troops, whose campaign [in this series] he had just returned from? Great show, but Caesar's visual and character portrayal is putting me off.
  4. Hi Maty, thanks for that excellent post! I think you've probably nailed it on the head, Venutius lacked the military and perhaps the factional support to take his [ex] queen/wife on. I am disliking Nikki Howarth's book on Cartimandua less and less. Although the Brigantes seem to have revolted in 47ad (and 51 and 69) at the same time as the Iceni did the first time?
  5. Venutius was the husband of Queen Cartimandua of the huge Brigantes tribe, or conglomeration of smaller tribes, a client kingdom in what is loosely Yorkshire today, since 43ad when '12 kings' submitted to Emperor Claudius. Whatever Venutius, perhaps a minor British noble who married 'above' himself, was doing prior to his huge rebellion in ad69 (until 72ad when the tribe was crushed?) we aren't sure? Why did he, as a presumably anti-Roman with much support amongst the tribes (and Welsh anti-Roman tribes?), not revolt in 51ad after his wife's 'treacherous' handing over of the heroic Caratacus to Rome? Was it due to the fact that Venuitius' own family were held as hostages by his wife? Was Venutius ill during ad60-61, or serving abroad? Was there an arrangement between him and Cartimandua, to put aised differences and keep the Brigantian peace? Was he biding his time for what he saw as 'the right moment' (69 when Rome was weakened and embroiled in a bitter civil war?)? Was he fearful of Rome's solid support of his pro-Roman wife and queen, especially after seeing the doomed first Iceni revolt? Or was he only stirred into action when his queen and ex-wife married Vellocatus? Possibly this new lover/husband was a Roman (author Nicki Howarth suggests -
  6. I'd always understood that before battle, Hannibal's war elephants were given plenty of alcohol to stir them, plus fed figs so as to irritate their skin and anger them. The mix of being drunk and irritable made them unstoppable.
  7. I emailed the site to ask how much p&p would be to the UK, I got this reply;- "Dear Mr/Mrs, Thank you for your e-mail. Our shippingcosts to the United Kingdom are euro 14,35 per order. We hope to have informed you accordingly.Met vriendelijke groet, Tim bol.com Klantenservice"
  8. Well done, Kieronus!! Top marks for you and a very happy Christmas!
  9. Wow! That's what I call dedication!? Thanks. There's alot for me to get my teeth into- when I have a spare year!
  10. Thanks, gilius. I have since 'acquired' the series Rome: Rise and fall of an Empire. I enjoyed the 'Bloody foreigners' series too.
  11. Thanks, guys, I knew you guys would have a good idea of recommended documentaries.
  12. The Dacian Wars under Trajan/Domitian and Agricola's/Severus's gruelling campaigns into [then] Scotland are fascinating eras, but have there been any decent documentaries about either? I thought I remembered one about the former many years ago, but I may be mistaken? I'm thinking Timewatch or possibly History Channel?
  13. Thanks, Virgil, You're probably right, but there's so much about this era that seems to be missing, or propagandised by the Romans? The IInd could possibly have been involved in quashing a revolt in that region, or simply that as Posthumus' legate was away (serving on Paulinus' staff?) he may have heard about the fate of the IXth and, with only part of a legion, stayed put? I think that Cerialis was Vespasian's brother in-law, married to Flavia (older sister of Vespasian)?
  14. Someone from my forum posted about this recently. The contemporary sources are relatively scant regarding the entire Boudican revolt of 60-61ad, but a possible timeline of the second Iceni revolt of 60-61ad could be;- - Thetford 60ad, where Boudicca launched her carefully-planned campaign, having bided her time- despite her rage at her flogging/daughter's rapes- and stealthy gathering of warriors and weapons in secret from beneath Roman eyes. - Two days march, in a seething mass of Iceni-Trinovantian warriors, to cover the 40m and reach Camulodunum (Colchester) - One, maybe two more days to ravage and sack the vulnerable city. Claudius
  15. It's semi-fantasy, just as Kubrick's version was, chill out without heavy reviews and just enjoy the Roman excesses on the five senses!
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