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Everything posted by claudia

  1. I guess I would be prepared to try anything once, but not too sure about the "not perfectly clean" part, does he mean that blood makes it more tasty *gag*
  2. You scored as Antoninus Pius. Your attention to good character and stability has earned you your standing as Antoninus Pius. Your long and moderate reign is probably one of the most peaceful epics in human history up to the modern age. It is too bad more emperors did not share your humility. Augustus 86% Antoninus Pius 86% Trajan 79% Tiberius 75% Nerva 71% Vespasian 68% Domitian 68% Hadrian 68% Nero 64% Claudius 64% Marcus Aurelius 57% Vitellius 46% Commodus 18% Caligula 4% I guess its because I wasnt pro military expansion
  3. I would have thought it was obvious I Claudius and Claudius the God are a couple of my favourite books and inspired my passion for Roman history.
  4. I have read that the Julians claimed the founder of the family was none other than Aeneas, who escaped to the Italian peninsula after the fall of Troy. He was seduced by the goddess Venus, so the family claimed divine origins. I THINK there may be some reference to this in Virgil, actually given it is called the Aenaid, I am pretty sure it is mentioned! LOL Didnt Virgil write the poem in order to flatter Augustus anyway?
  5. Oh definitely a Vestal Virgin.....LMAO Nah I would have been a physician in Alexandria during the reign of Augustus. Nice weather, best library in the world, interesting local architecture not to mention the scantily clad dancing boys! Living the life of a strict and virtuous Roman matron doesnt really appeal, but Oriental hedonism sure does!
  6. Hi guys I am looking for a list of senators and nobles who fought on both sides at Phillipi. Does anyone know a link, book etc??? Thanks
  7. She must have been an amazing lady - pity how the kids turned out though
  8. Im interested to know what everyone here does to earn their daily bread. I personally would love to dedicate my life to researching ancient Rome, but unfortunately my pesky need to eat and pay rent got in the way of my ambitions. I'll go first - I am a registered nurse and work in operating theatres full time, so I am only a history buff on weekends (Interesting sideline: Since I started working in OR, I realised how much blood the body contains and was just thinking how revolting the ancient battlefields must have been. It is bad enough doing what I do, which is in a clean and contained environment - imagine the GORE with thousands of wounded bleeding in all different directions! The smell would have been rank.....)
  9. Loving the new Coldplay album, good for mellowing or wallowing in self pity Theres this new Aussie band called The Cat Empire who are brilliant for bouncing around When I was a student, I used to listen to a lot of classical
  10. Born in Newcastle, NSW, living in Sydney now
  11. [fon t=Garamond] [/font] Hi newbie here I have loved Roman history ever since I watched and read "I Claudius" as a teenager but one burning question has always been "Was Livia really as bad as all that?" I realise that Robert Graves was influenced by Suetonius and Tacitus (indeed having translated at least one of them) and hence his portrayal of Livia was unsympathetic. So I am wondering if there are any other sources apart from Suetonius, Tacitus and Dio Cassius that mention the great Lady Livia? Obviously any sources regarding Tiberius and Augustus will mention her peripherally, I would be grateful for any assistance Thanks
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