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Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
UNESCO team to probe Bosnia's "ancient pyramid" Mon Jun 5, 2006 1:36 PM BST6 SARAJEVO (Reuters) - Bosnia's mystery pyramid will now be probed and inspected by a team of experts from the U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. "We shall send a UNESCO expert team to Visoko to determine exactly what it is all about," UNESCO Secretary General Koichiro Matsuura said in an interview published on Monday in Dnevni Avaz newspaper. Amateur archaeologist Semir Osmanagic has caused a stir with his find, although local and European archaeologists denounce it as nonsense. Geologist Aly Abd Barakat, an Egyptian researcher sent by Cairo to assist Osmanagic's team last month, has said that the Visocica hill did appear to be a primitive man-made pyramid of uncertain age. Barakat said huge stone blocks found on the three sides of the hill used the same type of artificial cement used in ancient Egyptian pyramids. Osmanagic's team is also investigating the Pljesevica hill -- which he calls the Moon Pyramid -- as well as underground tunnels he believes connect three pyramids. The researchers have also found a sandstone monolith in the underground tunnel with enigmatic symbols engraved on it, which will be sent to Egypt for analysis. Osmanagic, who studied pyramids in central America for the past 15 years, said that satellite and radar analyses have revealed the perfect geometry of Visocica and precise alignment of its sides with four cardinal points. -
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
Edited - -Moonlapse -
Written in the stars at least 4200 years ago May 17, 2006 ARCHAEOLOGISTS working high in the Peruvian Andes have discovered the oldest known celestial observatory in the Americas - a 4200-year-old structure marking the summer and winter solstices that is as old as the stone pillars of Stonehenge. The observatory was built on the top of an 11-metre-tall pyramid with precise alignments and sightlines that provide an astronomical calendar for agriculture, said archaeologist Robert Benfer of the University of Missouri, who presented the find last month in Puerto Rico at a meeting of the Society for American Archaeology. The people who built the observatory - three millenniums before the emergence of the Incas - are a mystery, but they achieved a level of art and science that archaeologists say they did not know existed in the region until at least 800 years later. Among the most impressive finds was a massive clay sculpture, an ancient version of the modern frowning "sad face" icon flanked by two animals. The site, protected from looters beneath thousands of years of dirt and debris, marked the position of the winter solstice. The find adds strong evidence to support the recent idea that a sophisticated civilisation developed in South America in the pre-ceramic era, before the development of fired pottery sometime after 1500BC. via LA Times
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
16 May 2006 Egyptian experts back pyramid theory Leading geologists from Egypt have confirmed that the pyramidal structure discovered near the town of Visocica is indeed a pyramid. Dr Aly Abd Barakat (an expert on Egyptian pyramids) visited two areas of excavation - the north and east faces - at the structure, which is now known as the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. His conclusions about the blocks on the eastern face is that they are of a similar construction to those found in Egyption pyramids - the blocks are handmade and polished; in Egypt, stones were polished to reflect the sunlight. Barakat also believes that the blocks, 4m x 1.5m in size, were brought here from a different location. Some of the blocks in the eastern face of the pyramid have been laid on top of each other, to a depth of four blocks. This gives some indication of the massive size of the ancient construction. After studying excavations on the north side of the pyramid, Barakat concludes that the blocks here are handmade and have been created using a mould to form the blocks, which consist of an ancient 'concrete'-like mix. He also noticed a white line some 0.5cm thick between the blocks, indicating a cement-like substance has been used to adhere the blocks together. A similar method has been seen in the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. Barakat went on to visit another excavation site located at the base of Pljesevica Hill, which is named the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon. He concludes that the 'steps' that form the sides of this pyramid are made by human hands. Some 20m above this part of the excavations, he noticed a large number of blocks placed symetrically, proving they too are manmade. http://www.bosnianpyramid.com/index_files/News.html -
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
Posted on 16 May 2006 by NEWSBot Yesterday arrived at Visoko Ali Abdullah Berekat, the leading egyptian pyramid expert. He will stay for a month in Visoko to attend the excavations. Already today he was very impressed to see the sandstone blocks and materials. -
The Pelasgian Problem. "...The most significant among Hellenes are Athenians and Lacaedemonians. The first come from Ionic tribe, the second - from Doric tribe. And, Ionians are of Pelasgian origin, and Dorians - of Hellenic." (I, 56.) This message belongs to Herodot, who wrote his "Historia" in the 5th century B.C. Pelasgians are so often met in different Ancient Greek manuscripts that we do not practically doubt they lived in Greece. The most widespread theory in ancient times was that Pelasgians were the Pre-Greek population of Southern Balkans and the Aegean Islands. Greek authors placed their native land in Fessalia, in Northern and Middle Greece, and on the majority of islands in the Aegean Sea. According to Greeks, in the 5th and in the 4th century B.C. Pelasgians still lived in some regions of Greece, on several islands, and spoke a language Hellenes could not understand. Later they were assimilated completely, leaving practically no inscriptions, no books, no signs of their language in Greece, just some descriptions Greeks made themselves after them. http://indoeuro.bizland.com/archive/article4.html
Macedonia's Megalithic Kokino Observatory Places 4th on NASA List 11/05/2005 Kokino Observatory in Macedonia, discovered two and a half years ago, has placed fourth on the NASA list rating old observatories. Explorations aimed at learning more about the observatory resume next month. http://www.setimes.com/cocoon/setimes/xhtm...5/11/feature-02 An archeological team claimed that the megalithic archeological site of Tatikev Kamen in north Macedonia actually was a 4,000-years-old observatory, which indicated that there was a Stonehenge in Macedonia, MIA news agency reported recently. According to the team, the site discovered a year ago by archeologist Jovica Stankovski and had served both as a ceremonial place and as an observatory. http://www.megalithic.co.uk/article.php?sid=2146411269
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
Dig for ancient pyramid in Bosnia. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/europe/4912040.stm -
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
http://archaeoastronomy.co.uk/2006/04/28/t...y-and-pyramids/ -
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
Satellite detector LINANAL confirms existence of pyramids in Bosnia -
An equivalent of a modern day highway. Ancient engineers did such a good job that the Via Egnatia remained in use for some 2,000 years. http://www.hindu.com/2005/07/28/images/2005072807581501.jpg Milestone of the Via Egnatia Milestone of the Via Egnatia, found near the river Gallikos, circa 130 BC, Thessaloniki, Archaeological Museum. http://www.macedonian-heritage.gr/Hellenic...mb240/a176a.jpg
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
Formal excavations at the Archeological park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun site will start in April and continue to October 2006. A range of people with varied experience and skills are volunteering to support project at this exciting phase in its development. Many of those volunteering, including skilled archaeologists from as far afield as Australia, see this as a real opportunity to be involved in the early stages of a project that could change how we view the history of Europe. The Archeological park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun foundation is currently involved in preparing the site and logistics for the start of the excavations in the spring: An entire village may need to be created to support the planned excavations. These will begin on each side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun and at the access to the plateau, with six separate areas due to be excavated. Tunnels will be mapped and security measures put in place. The Foundation has requested support for the initial stages of the project, including materials, transport and food, as well as volunteers who can provide skills in excavation and tourism. The second session of The Archaeological Park: The Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation's Board of Directors was held in Sarajevo. It was concluded that the works on excavation of the pyramids in Visoko will be the largest archaeological and geological project in Europe this year. Thanks to the interest expressed by archaeologists worlwide, the Project teams have been established, gathering the leading experts in archaeology. The following archaeologists confirmed their participation in the expert teams: Mrs Grace Fegan, a leading Irish archaeologist, Mr Royce Richards, an experienced archaeologist from Australia, as well as archaeologists who graduated from the University of Insbruck (Austria), Glasgow (Scotland) and Ljubljana (Slovenia). The international team will be joined by a Bosnian team of young archaeologists including Mr Sead Pilav, who graduated in Sweden, Ms Silvana Čobanov (graduated from Zadar University, Croatia) and Mr Sania Janković (graduated from Department of Archaeology, the Univeristy of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro). The following experts in geology will be in a joint expert team: dr Stjepan Ćorić, a member of a distinguished Geological Association from Austria, Nadija Nukić (Sarajevo), Mr Ibrica Repisti (Montenegro) and Mr Nedim Jukić from Tuzla (BiH). It is envisaged that during the Project implementation cycle a permanent team will consist of over a hundred experts and excavation teams at Visočica and the surrounding excavation sites. A number of volunteers and enthusiasts will join them and work under the experts' supervision. Updated progress reports in the current Project planning phase can be found at the Foundation's official web site www.piramidasunca.ba. The Foundation's Board of Directors pointed out that all scientific results of the excavation will need to be validated by the Foundation's International Scientific Committee, which will gather the leading experts for pyramids from all over the world. -
The Grave Circles Immediately south of the Lion Gate and the Granary, Schliemann discovered a circle (Fig. 1, D), which contained six royal graves.1 In the 1950
Dnevnik 24 Mar 2006 The mummies that have been found in the Kumanovo village of Lipkovo and that are at least 24 centuries old are in a sufficiently good condition for preservation, age estimation, and preservation of the organic substances that have been naturally kept in the earth over the centuries, explains archaeologist Zvonimir Nikolovski, advising inspector at the Cultural Heritage Protection Bureau. He was in the team that was asked to inspect the mummies
The Butrint Chessman La pi
Greek Temple Discovered In Albania
Ancestor replied to Denec's topic in Archaeological News: The World
http://albania.curtprins.com/images/apollonia.jpg About eight miles outside the city of Fier are the ruins of the ancient city of Apollonia ... uncovered from a 1000-year nap. Founded in 588 BC by Greeks from Corinth, the city quickly grew to 50,000 residents by the second century BC. Apollonia later became a free Roman city after it sided with Julius Caesar during the war against Pompey. It developed into a cultural center of the arts until the 3rd century AD when an earthquake rerouted a river and lead to the city's decline. The Austrians started escavating the site during W.W.I and the French later continued the work through the 1920s and 30s. While Albanian archaeologists have made some progress over the last few decades, much of this ancient city still remains buried in the hill -
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
Watch Reuters TV-report at: http://politiken.tv/VisArtikel.iasp?PageID=384103&ExtID=344 -
Pyramid Found - In The Heart Of Bosnia!
Ancestor replied to Ancestor's topic in Archaeological News: The World
Read more to: http://dino.avdibeg.dk/blog/2005/10/pyrami...-of-bosnia.html -
Near the city of Visoko, 30 km north of Sarajevo, there is a stone pyramid of monumental size, claims the Bosnian archeologist Semir Osmanagić, who lives and works in the USA. After several months of geological and archeological research, Mr. Osmanagić concluded that under the present hill of Visočica hides a stairs-like pyramid, about 12,000 years old. Osmanagić, who intensively researched on pyramids in Americas, Asia and Africa for the last 15 years and wrote several books on the subject, says he's quite sure he found the first pyramid in Europe, which is quite similar to ones in the Southern America. He believes that the project would completely change Bosnia's significance in the world of archeology. On the top of "Bosnian pyramid of Sun" was a temple, built by pre-Illyrians, people who lived, according to Osmanagić, 27,000 years ago. Mr. Osmanagić thinks he will solve the "Bosnian pyramid of Sun" in the next five years, but also prove the existence of "Bosnian pyramid of Moon", lying under the neighboring hill of Kri
Thanks Diegis. "Strigoi" in my language (albanian) does it mean - "shtriga". In english is - witch! So I think that a lot of old words are preserved miraculously in albanian language. The Shtriga, in Albanian folklore, was a witch that would suck the blood out of infants at night while they slept, and would then turn into a flying insect. Also in Romanian mythology, "strigoi" (same form singular or plural) are the evil souls of the dead rising from the tombs during the night to haunt the neighbourhood. A "strigoaicǎ" (singular feminine form) is a witch. These names are derived from "strigǎ", which in Romanian meant "witch" or "barn owl", cognate with Italian "strega", which means "witch", and descended from the Latin word "strix", for a shrieking vampiric bird. "Strigoi viu" (plural: Strigoi vii) is a live vampire witch. "Strigoi mort" (plural: Strigoi morţi) is a dead (undead) vampire.
To have a better idea about the Pelasgians, I think that it's better to find and to read the book: "Enigma" by Robert d'Ang
Who were the Illyrians? http://www.geocities.com/protoillyrian/