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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by emperess

  1. i did an assignment on nero and about a month later i saw this movie. i thought it was quite good although the entire time it was trying to put nero in a good light and it seemed to have excused for all the bad things he did. when i did my assignment i really showed him to be a bad person but it was good to see another view on him
  2. why not? in revelations the anti-christ was based on nero
  3. i joined a group a year ago that follows the ancient egyptian religion and worships its Gods anyone else want to join?
  4. i'm catholic and all souls day is the day before all saints day
  5. i stumbled across the site when i was searching for information on the caesars
  6. ofcourse the republic had been falling apart for sometime, but octavian and antony were very important figures to me, especially the conflict between them and also octavian becoming the first emperor
  7. without octavian would the republic have ended at all
  8. Suetonius his writing is entertaining even if he does take certain liberties
  9. if octavian hadn't been in caesars will, do you think he would have risen to such a rank?
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