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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Zeke

  1. yeah I suppose your write......but according to the victors he was rather Lazy and sloppy in all the things he did. But who knows he could have been much greater! Zeke
  2. I found this site while looking up "Celtic Sack of Rome in 390 B.C because at the time I was a Celtiphile!! But I have embraced Roman Culture and don't see it as evil like I did way back in the old days. Zeke
  3. Aggripa was blond haired boy??? How authentic is that, wasn't he Italian and had black hair. And why does everyone have a British accent? Why can't they get people who look like Romans!!! And Mark Anthony putting Asps in the beds of the Senators? That is very very sad. Mark Anthony was a drunken idiot and a womanizer in reality, though he was a high general under Caeser he didn't pay much attention to politics and was only powerful because he commanded some Legions. He didn't have the intelligence to put Asps in people's bed. He was a fool basically and he was weak and a horrible tactician according to history. I have a feeling that Caeser simply put him in a high command because he was so stupid he would never betray him! lol: And where was his Villa? And why is Octavian so stupid? I would think the guy would be smarter...this show is horrible. I give it like a 2/10 only because I like Roman stuff and the costumes. Are the costumes even authentic!!!?!?!?!? I can't wait to mock the next show, Zeke
  4. lol I am going to give in as well, when I was 12 I didn't spell that bad! Zeke
  5. Oh my gods......when Brutus was appointed Pontifex Maximus I almost smashed the screen in with a hamer, I was horrified! It was Amelius Lepdius that was appointed Pontifex Maximus until his death in like 11 B.C or something and then Octavian took over his role as the main priest to enrich his power. And they make the Senate look like their the ultimate bad guys, when in relity they wern't as evil and bad as they appeared. Geez, that show is so off track, disgusting! lol But I am still going to watch it to point out all the errors. Zeke
  6. hmmm intresting thoughts you have there Sequestan Zeke
  7. When I mean by Spirits.....it is like strong spirtual energy in certain areas, sometimes it takes physical forms. Or thats what I believe anyway. So in my religion....there are thousands of spirits all around us, from spirits in the water, to spirits that inhabit the trees to spirits that control a certain stones. And then there are places that are devoid of all spirits. Like a super market or something, there is no spirtual energy in a super market becuase it is a superficial place.
  8. Hope my spelling isn't to bad. I think I spell perfectly normal, though I admit I do have my mistakes I try my hardest to make everything look decent and correct. Futurehistorian.....don't worry man, when you really try hard at spelling and take hours to write something out and you stay here on these forums you will learn to spell very well. Because communication is the key to the future. Zeke
  9. What I am wondering is why you put Antonious in charge of Parthia and Dacia.........there thousands of miles apart. How would Anotnoious run those provinces effectivally??? And everything else sounds preety cool except for the details about the invasion of Australia which is way to far fletched! And the Vikings....I don't think the vikings would have ever started to exist. If Rome was the domniante power...and its Empire spread all the way to Vietnam then it would probably push so far into Germany that the Germanic Barbarians would never had time to spawn in the first place. And if Rome is powerful then trade with China would be very intrecet...and China would have been so powerful that the Mongols would have never become a threat. But its your story..I am just giving you some comman sense here. If I were you I would stop at Vietnam.......Australia is way to out there. The Empire can't govern an island halfway arcoss the wolrd in that point in history. Zeke
  10. Well when is EMPIRE going to be on again? I missed the first show. lol Zeke
  11. So Moonlapse??? Where is our chat room!?!?!?!?! lol Zeke
  12. I don't think rape should be a death penatly thing at all. Because guys are just (Excuse my laungue) get really horny sometimes and they do really stupid stuff. So yeah rape shouldn't be an offense. Its primal urges...though it violates a woman's space I think that sometimes it is not the guy's fault. Its just his urges get the best of him. I am sorry if thats kinda of offensive I hope you know what I am talking about lol. Zeke
  13. Wow...thats really cool Seqstran. I believe life is paradise to....that living is much better then a paradise really. Death is deppresing it's not ment to be fun so I think you should live life to the fullest just in case there is nothing over that hill. Zeke
  14. Hey everyone! Listen up, There is this cool game that I just found called, "Kings of Chaos" Its basically a rolyplaying game where you can choose from four races: Humans, Drawfs, Elves, and Orcs, then once you have chosen you become a general who commands an army. It starts off small but it gets biggers it's really fun. Registar and then start playing.....its extreamly easy. And if anyone is intrested......become an officer in my army. Here is the link: http://www.kingsofchaos.com/logout.php Here is how you become an Officer in my army: http://www.kingsofchaos.com/recruit.php?un...uniqid=efh2d7m4 Or you can be a rebel and not join my army! But I don't see why you would not want to join a comrade from UNRV So anyway start playing and post how you like the game, Zeke
  15. Zeke


    ....Didn't all citizens of Italy not have to pay taxes? Only the provinicial people??? Zeke
  16. Zeke

    Rome: Total War

    havn't even got the original Rome Total War game yet... they are already comming out with an expansion pack! I am so ashamed. Zeke
  17. As with Ursus...I go for the rustic forest areas. And if I could go on vacation anywhere it would be Ireland. Zeke
  18. To response to the eating thing, I thought the Romans thought beef and pork were "barbaric meats" lol. My bad, Zeke
  19. Zeke


    Woa.....Ursus! Thats the most opinionated thing I have ever seen you type. Most of the time your like neutral on everything and anyalis the facts and then state a well written report. I have already found the Gods.....I am not really worried about "Re-finding them" and the meaning of life isn't important just live it! So I am not going to waste my time on that Ursus. But seriously Ursus....are you suggesting that I should invest in stocks? Right when I am out of highschool? Because you are oviously a very sussesful business men...or so it seems. So I will heed you advice on that one. Zeke
  20. Zeke


    I think I would have to support small businesses, with goverment support. I don't think we really need to the corporations. Though I think someone day I will invest in stocks, get rich fast or get in debt quick! Zeke
  21. Back to the Sense of Honor............ Zeke
  22. Yeah I agree with Ursus. Alot of Pagans are kinda freaky, hope I am not too freaky Zeke
  23. Well to answer some of these random questions, The Romans thought that having a beard was either Barbaric, or you were a philopsher. Alot of peole thought that facial hair was undesirable and was the sign of a drunk who couldn't take care of himself. On Bars and restraunts most of the city of Rome ate out at bars and restraunts because they couldn't cook in their own homes because their was no space and it was dangerous, a simple greese fire could turn deadly. So they chose not to chance it and just went to eat out everynight. Thats really cool I think. And on the types of foods Roman ate...though it's not one of the questions......The Romans thought beef and pig were "barabric" and were much more inclined to fish and bird meat. Just a fact! Zeke
  24. Zeke


    Well......everyone would become appreictices to a guild. There could be several in the field of "shoe making" or "Rootbeer brewing" So there would be hundreds of guilds in one field so their would be competition and lots of appreinticships avaliable, everyone would have a job.....people are denied jobs because they don't have any skill in anything in today's modern soceity. If we had guilds then people would have certain skills they could use in life insteand of being idiots. And things wouldn't fall apart and they would last longer. Small business instead of large coporations would control the goverment which I see as more fair and Democratic. Today the Corporations rule the goverment. Tommarow it could be the councils of hundreds of guilds and farmers that would rule the goverment if you really think about it in those terms. Hmmm this is an intresting idea, I should devolop it more about how the econmies of the future could be runned by guilds. Use Venice and Florenece as ideal Guild systems. hmmmm (ponders) Zeke
  25. The sense of honor.....to beer drinking. What is the world comming to? Zeke
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