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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by Zeke

  1. Ok this is my opinion and its going to sound kind of religious.....but the Roman Religion is my religion so I deffend it..... The Romans empire fell because of 6 reasons........The Gods stop supporting the Romans as soon as they started to be converted to Christianity.....The gods were angering at the sins of mortals. The Military of Rome was too strong, the water in the anqueduts was poison it is a know fact that the average Roman lived to about 40 and many of them died of lead poesioning. And finnally the Romans were letting too many Barbarinas into the empire intill finnally came to an all out invasion by Barbarians.....Franks, Vandals, Goths, Huns, Lombards, Alamani, and several others. Finnally Econimoic faliure. I wouldn't cout poor leadership as a factor most empeoers were either insane or extreamly power hungry. Christinity help make the empire fall however because the gods in my views took away their favor from the Empire. Zeke
  2. Hello I like your site alot I am getting really into Roman history so I am a newbie. I know alot about Hannibal however so I hope I can be of asistance. sorry about spelling I am going to start posting right away The Olympiains be with you, the Celt from the North of Rome, Zeke
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