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Everything posted by Zeke

  1. I thought the Romans ate with their hands? Zeke
  2. But do you think the Males ever started to "Love" each other?
  3. lol I thought the Patriot was great, what are you talking about!! hehehehehe But yeah they did make the Brits look preety bad. The "Robe" in my opinion is one of the worst of the "Histrocial films"" I have seen. As weel as the "Ten Commandements!" They were both lame and horrible! Zeke
  4. lol was it really that bad???!?!?! Would you suggest even watching it? Zeke
  5. lol wern't those "Zeolots"......Spartacus???? Trying to sign up several times, man that guy is irking me! Zeke
  6. Wonderful and very educational, Zeke
  7. Well it did produce much of the Wine the wind that Rome consumed correct?? Zeke
  8. I was never good at anything when I was younger. I sucked at everything, I didn't learn to ride a bike till I was about 8, I couldn't draw, I had a hard time reading up until about 10, I couldn't run very fast or climb trees or do math or play a muscial instrument. I can't spell (as you can tell) and well I was basically SUCKED at everything. Then one day I saw a history book laying in my 5th grade class and I started to read it, within about a day or so I had memorised the whole chapter of the "Early History of North America and its Geography" ANd then we took a test on it and I got the first A+ of my entire life! I was overjoyed and from that point on the joy of history has never left my eyes. I just love facts, and dates and wars and the past. ANd how could people not like history????!?! It is the most wonderful thing in the world. Zeke
  9. Well then it was the stupidity of Valens......because the Romans had held out against Calavary before! Zeke
  10. I would go with Gaul it provided much food and economic proserity to Rome. Zeke
  11. But no I doubt the Romans had any contact with those nordic people. Zeke
  12. lol I remember Xena that was such a werid show and no offensve to lesbians but Xena and Gabreal had something going on! I much prefear Hercules the Legandary Journey. Zeke
  13. I would have to say the laws, they are foundations for Republican Goverment
  14. Provinces that rebeled alot more likely were taxed heiver. While places like Spain which were never attack may have been lighter in acual money, yet rich in natural recources which they gave to Rome, Sorry for the short post tired tonight, Zeke
  15. I find that concept of adopting forgien gods as extreamly fasinating lol (sorry if I spelled that wrong) Zeke
  16. I have changed my philosphys greatly on the subject of my Fatih after debting with Christians and other Pagans. It is much different in prespective then what is was, it is more reasonble and logical in gneral though it remainds that I still and always shall worship Roman/Greco Gods and any god or goddess that came into the Roman Pantheon from conquet. Zeke
  17. Yes I think I should read it...... Zeke
  18. oh yeah......or what about the Sumerians??? They are pratically the first recorded civilzation with a set up laws...The Jewish Laws came a couple hundred years latter. Also English Comman Law first proposed by the Saxons was orginally not even written down as were several basic Roman ones.....the Saxons and other Barbarian people were illirterate until the got some help from the rest of the civilized world Zeke
  19. I find it a quite intresting religion but now a days it is suppresed by the Islamic Theocracy of Iran. Zeke
  20. Without the Roman and Greeks, people would still have 'law'. To argue that...I don't think think they would have a very advanced law, when the Saxons invaded England all the places of goverment were still there even though the Romans had recently pulled out. There laws wern't as advanced as Roman Laws, they were more tribal in nature and somewhere along the line Roman laws must have effected them to make their laws more fair on the general populance. Also I know that most of the US. Constitusion is based of English Common Law but I only said several areas not the whole thing. Did the Romans invent the first courts and Judge or was it the Babyalonians? Zeke
  21. Yes I know, I just wanted to point it out again, Zeke
  22. Too add......Christianity most likely took the heaven and hell concept from another Faith. Zeke
  23. Indeed....In my opinion I don't think it was just warriors, I assume most of the virtious Roman Pagan Emperors, poets such as Ovid and Virigl and Homer all ended up in Elyisum for their controbutions to lititure and the buildings of soceity. Virgil himself describes Elysium. Also while were on the topic of afterlifes Dante also wrote an intresting account "The Divine Comedy" or "Dante's Inferno" is bascially a very Christian Book desrcrbing the events in the afterlife. Being un-baptizeds and not being born before Christ people such as Julius Caeser and Virigl are stuck in "Limbo." As with most virtious Pagans, I assume the other bad Pagans end up buring in horrible pits of fire and ash and such like Nero or Decius lol. My own personal opinion on the afterlive even if it sounds quite childish I find it tolerant of other religious faiths. What ever you believe in that is what will happen when you die, it seems logical because thats all you ever believed in life. Now if you believe your going to heaven for example and your a good person then sure I assume your going to Heaven or Vahalla or the Garden with Vishnu or the desert paradise of Allah etc. Now I think all of us know if were bad people or not and we know we will either pay for it or not. An atheist (Not to sound really mean) has no Soul because they don't believe in anything and the soul leaves the body supposadly and heads of to the other world after death. Atheists simply stop existing having decided in life that is what will happen. I assume I am going Elyisum, having lived a good and virtious life in services of the gods and soceity...and I assume people of the Christian and Muslim Faiths are going to their own paradises in services of their god. But I don't think Christians are going to Tarsus because their Christian. To be liberal in my beliefs I think Christians most of the time will find Pardiso in Heaven. The only people who head to Tarsus is the people who worship the gods and then leave the Pagan Faith of Rome and convert to another faith, if I went back to the Christian for example...I may or may not find Jesus or I might head back to my orignial hell. It all depends really.....for all I know my faith could be false and I am going to burn forever in hell.....or for all everyone else knowns their is only one truth and that is the Polythestic truth is the only way. Who knows! But to go to more pleasent subject of it....I imagine Elysium as this.... Someday ,maybe 70, 80, 90 years in the future, I am going to die I don't know how but I will....or I might get poisioned when I am young etc...but which ever way I die I believe that my spirit will be set free from my mortal limmitations and either remain as a spirit on this mortal plane or head to the afterlife. If I head to the afterlife...I imagine that I will suddenly apear before the River Syx and head across on the boat, I will linger for a few moments in the more deppressing part of the world of Hades then enter Elyisum. (My imagination is at work here) I shall enter the gates that our a marble arch and then walk through wheat fields (Like in the movie Gladiator) and then walking out of those perfect wheat fields I will enter a green field where hundreds of children will be running and playing and delightful music will never stop playing. I will meet all the dead memebers of my family and all the famous good people that have walked the world, Caeser, Napoleon, Jack Landon, numerous writers and philosiphers. I will be made to drink the water of forgetfulness and shall wander about eating ambrosia and nector for the rest of eternity, it will rain warm rain whenever it pleases me and the pardise called Elyisum shall provide all the comforts of life. -Just to give you some happy thoughts Zeke
  24. Probably the Seige of Tyre by the Maceadonians under Alexander was as epic as the seige of Celtic Alesia. But Tyre held out preety long against Alexander! Zeke
  25. The descision is very hard because it is both answers. He probably secretly wanted to become some sort of King and take over Rome, yet he was also trying to deffend himself against the Senate....I think he used the Senate as a scape goat to gain power for himself, the Senate's declaration of War upon him was his pretext to finnally end the corrupt game of the Oligarchs. Zeke
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