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Sextus Roscius

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About Sextus Roscius

  • Birthday 12/03/1992

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  • Location
    A small town named after a little church on a hill
  • Interests
    Wondering why in the world some one would put a star bucks across from a starbucks.

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Tribunus Angusticlavius

Tribunus Angusticlavius (9/20)



  1. Anyone else know that the town of Waterproof, LA, was moved 3 times due to flooding?
  2. Cybernations I've really gotten into it. A bit too much really I suppose.
  3. Finale Notepad is great if your just trying to write music.
  4. I apologize that I've been gone for so long. I just couldn't bring myself to come back for quite a while becuase I lost my intrest in Rome for a moment, then summer came and I've been jumping around. Anyways, now I'm back, but probley won't be very constructive for a week or so... Anyways, just has possibly the best day of the summer yesterday for reasons too long to explain. Basiccally just happy to be back. Thats all I've got to say for now I guess.
  5. I don't really know any besides "Praise Fortuna" or something like that. The Romans being not very religious probley didn't have as many saying of that sort.
  6. The equestrians were more trustable becuase they didn't bother with politics as much, and weren't as dangerous. Simple as that. I apologize for my undetailed posts. First day back in months...
  7. Severus's home town was the city of Leptis Magna along the coast of what is now libya. Severus however was in all likelyhood not black (unless his family had furthur back eithiopian roots or something like that) he certainly would've been semetic.
  8. Villages in Italy its self after the introduction of the Latifunda system were not as common as one might think, the closest thing in most cases is a collection of Villas around a similar point.
  9. That ones particularly attractive. Its a site called the "Old Well" as best I remember. Its on the UNC campus here. Its a newer image though Thats an older photo of a football field Thats a library I beleive durring the Civil war, probley after the Union took NC
  10. You mean West-Germany, East-Germany was Communist Soviet Terretory, till it became a German-Communist state that existed from 1949-1990. Thanks for the correction, I wasn't thinking...
  11. But Germanicus, why take the chance.... theres so much that might be a possibility. Are we going to say "well it will probely be nothing" What type of attitude is that. Honestly, we never would invented anything or discovered anything with that attitude.
  12. Honestly Ursus, this is being ridiculous, surely you can agree that by studying the kennewick man we can learn very much about earth's history. He could be a european, who knows. We could learn something from him that could completely remap history as we know it. Who knows! Though maybe after we've done everything possible (testing all the possiblilities) we'll have him buried, but honestly... Also, I'm very muched biased too I suppose, I'm an atheist and have little sympathy for people's rituals who to me are pointless....
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