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FLavius Valerius Constantinus

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Everything posted by FLavius Valerius Constantinus

  1. Yes, yes, such a cool guy Vlad was that he dipped bread into his victims blood and squeezed the bread to get the blood instead of eating the bread.
  2. I meant that impaling wasn't their favorite method( something that really designated the Roman way)of punishment unlike crucifixion which was. But Vlad Dracula was known in history to be most reputable with impaling his victims.
  3. Pretty sure I'm wrong, but I think its because when the inhabitants surrendered, they promised to comply to the conditions with turning in all their arms(swords) and so they did, but with the exception that a 1/3 of them kept their weapons.They then went back inside and fought with Caesar. In the end Caesar won and he because he was so piss, he allowed the slaughtering of them and their bondage into slavery.
  4. Sadly, technological advances of the British farout repels the legionary tactics due to the tech. gap.
  5. Your method of punishment is not at all Roman. That style of punishment right there belonged to Vlad Drucula(that's right, the real one) whom impaled tens of thousands of his enemies ( inluding innocent men,women, children,..). I think his victims were mostly Ottoman-Turks.
  6. I was about to slap you silly, I also agree that Nero was a horrible politician( only thing he ever learned was assassination).
  7. I would depose Tiberius, meaning assassination. Marched around the empire with my legions to strengthen my cause to be emperor with show of force. Then I would go on a major campaign against Parthia and come back with spoils and riches. And for those who disagree, Parthia can be beaten(I mean we did take over Mesopotamia for a while). All you have to do is ally yourself with Armenia, unlike Crassus, and used their land as a base point. Also use their fiercesome calvary.After that campaign, I would do the death choke on the Germans and bring back more slaves and men for the recruitment of the Legion.
  8. What's that Zulu movie where the English soldiers are surrounded by the 4000 Zulus, I believe that the Zulus had this really cool chant, but I think Gladiator really ripped them off by stealing the chant. If you watch Gladiator and that Zulu movie and compare it, they are almost identical in sound and chant.
  9. I also believe Napoleon when he himself was exiled to Corsica used it, also know known as the island of exiles, as a rallying point for 1000 disgraced soldiers on the island. My point is Corsica still remained an exile island later on.
  10. Teams fail to recreate Archimedes' fabled death ray SAN FRANCISCO (AP)
  11. Impossible!!! If that happened, the gene pool would be very limited and that means bad thing.
  12. I have also read the Gallic Wars and sieges are quite common in it. There are some siege tactics described but I don't think they were detailed or all covered. Also, is it true Caesar's men could complete siege fortifications in a matter of days. I also remember that in one point, a large section of siege fortifications were undermanned.
  13. I remember on the history channel (that gave me the idea)that he found what was it and said eureka( did he really ran naked down the streets). Did the Romans actually want him alive, what a tragedy that the Romans killed him.Who knows what else he could have achieved.
  14. It seems like this Spartacus really drove this forum crazy. I wonder where the guy is posting now.
  15. The Germans I think were less brutal than the Romans. What makes the Germans seem more cruel than the Roman is just that their rituals or traditions aren't civilized(more likely culturally foreign to the Roman view) and so it brings on an impression great savagery than any other people. And oh, didn't the Romans have a favorite time of day to watch executions.(I got it from the history channel documentaries.)
  16. I clicked one, and it says error, so your calender must be wrong, the other one works.
  17. Your site is very nice, it's much more artsy than UNRV, but still classical in a way. It's very nice, and you sure do have some graphic pics.
  18. Lol, I wonder what would happen if I joined F. Cornelius revolt.( I also wonder what the Mods prefered method of punishment is, crucifixion maybe
  19. Natural Economy( would that be the barter-system? or just farming)
  20. G-string,huhhhhhhhhhh???????????(overexaggeration) But a G-string and a whip(that sounds like masochism.
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