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FLavius Valerius Constantinus

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Everything posted by FLavius Valerius Constantinus

  1. Regarding my Age of Flavians class, I was (jokingly) told that I was halfway through my classics major even though I'm not majoring in it. Apparently, 4 years of Latin does get you somewhere. Perhaps I will have to consider classics now. Additionally, turns out that I'm the only freshman(to the light-hearted jealously of some seniors, wait until I tell them that I already had a year of greek done), the only other one freshmen seemed to have bailed out. Lastly, two of my classics classmates are gay and really fun in a way. I had an inkling one was gay, but the other one was too scholarly to know. There might be a third one, the one we call a "severe classicist." Definition of a severe classicist- one who was inflicted with the classics cancer cells and then died and ultimately was resurrected as a classics zombie.
  2. Interesting, 15 hours is the recommended at my school. I was even told that next year, I'd probably have to take 6 classes. 128 cred is what I need to graduate.
  3. Hist 101- Evol Wst Idea/Inst to 17c LATN 287- Age of Flavians PLSC 101- American Politics Theo 110- Intro to Bible Theo 180- Theo and Intrdis Study UNIV 102- Loyola Seminar I go to a Jesuit University by the way, so religious classes are mandatory(people actually like them though). The only interesting classes I can see is Age of Flavians and my history class. I have no darn idea why I chose something advanced like Age of Flavians when most people haven't even taken Latin like I have.
  4. Just google her. The resemblance comes to me through your first picture by the style of hair and color in comparisont to the video game character.
  5. This is the Caucasus, not Canada. Russia provoked the Georgians and so the Georgians call on us to help them. Why, because Russians are in Georgian territory and an American presence is most certainly welcomed in Tsibisi. What do you suggest, let Russia run over our allies and install a puppet government. Such a letdown of that kind will screw us over for decades with our Eastern European allies.
  6. You are of course deluding yourself. We cannot win a confrontation with Russia, especially one on their doorstep! You clearly are misreading my comment and also are too pessimistic. First, I don't want shots to be fired. I want the US military to show itself as a buffer against Russian tanks and we'll easily win that confrontation. So Clodius, what do you suggest. Should we become defeatists and useless like Nato or the EU because now that would be delusional. Kowtowing to czar-like people such as Putin and his little puppet.
  7. Honestly, it's gotta be creepy for Archaelogists to burial works especially when there are remains.
  8. The US doesn't really need to go to war with Russia since the Russians won't dare attack us either. The only solution I'm seeing is to send in a Marine Brigade accompanied by mechanized forces(id tanks) and of course US attack planes(bombers). That is enough of a deterance for the Russian convoy to withdraw. In my opinion, Russia is of course the bad guy.
  9. I hope everyone knows that cutting the overhanging trees from the lake would be ecologically detrimental. Ever wonder why the lake with trees has cooler temperatures, clearer waters,and more biodiversity than treeless lakes?
  10. Which is why such flamboyant personalities make millions----> Limbaugh.
  11. Can't we all get along. Funny, I believe in both evolution and intelligent design(I'm not like hardcore creationists). As for influential people, hmm, Constantine and Caesar I would agree too. Oh um, there's the guy named Enrico Fermi----> Big Kaboom guy.
  12. As a Republican, I have my own lists of blogs and news sites to read( the following are only a fraction of stuff I look at): http://hotair.com/ http://www.drudgereport.com/ http://www.michaeltotten.com/ http://michaelyon-online.com/ http://littlegreenfootballs.com/weblog/ http://www.breitbart.com/index.php http://www.drudgereport.com/ http://pajamasmedia.com/ http://www.longwarjournal.org/ http://www.politico.com/ http://mypetjawa.mu.nu/
  13. I wish I could, but everytime I try watch BBC online, it says something is wrong with my videoplayer.
  14. Uh...one, Barach's idea is stupid because it appears to be mathematically impossible. Two, why would the consumer want to pay more.
  15. Is it me or it is that the oil baron's are the ones who are responsible introducing the new biofuels on the markets? I just realized that Shell and BP, for example, seem to be too focused in drilling instead urging US farmers to stop using corn for ethanol.
  16. Yes, but then Churches will lobby their elective leaders and so the politicians again are the lifeline. I don't disagree with you, but the GW-issue will ultimately come down to politics if you want anything done.
  17. With the current rising costs and expenditures of using/buying energy, I'd say we're on a incentive, not a start, to hasten the development of energy-efficient technology and embed with the public. Personally, all the hooey about alternative energy sources is stupid because we have always been innovating and that stuff is going to take 2 or 3 more decades before it is commercially sustaining. In my Environmental Sci class, the emphasis was on Energy Efficiency(not biofuels), slow down population growth, education, et alia....
  18. Just the same as the non-GW agenda politicians are pandering for votes from the discomforted not-so-alarmed/concerned citizens, who doesn't want a better world either. Rings any bell? Yes, point-taken, it goes 360, but referring to Minerva that GW is modestly not a political issue, it has to be since politicians then also are pandering to just everyone else with votes.
  19. Why would you be ashamed for declaring your own political ideas(either I agree with them or not)? That's just nuts. Oh, that comment was to poke fun at those with Bush DeRangement Syndrom. I still like Bush though.
  20. I'm not sure about the "propaganda part," but if you care about Global Warming, it must be treated mostly as a politicial issue since government is where things are solidly done. Therefore, what the public wants the politicians must pander to. But sometimes, that makes the problem worse. Just look at the "greentowns" in Britain, they are a logistical mess and ironically not good for the natural environment of the countryside. Cadrail was simply saying that politicians are just pandering for votes from the alarmist/concerned citizen. Honestly, who doesn't want a better world. As a politician, you say what the public think/want to hear is better for mother earth.
  21. Hmmm, sounds like a server transer/switch. If it's gone for that long, it seems like they might be changing hosts.
  22. OHhh, I got one. Here's the mystery: Why do people still believe in the Loch Ness Monster.
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