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Everything posted by Decimus_Vitus

  1. Well off and on it took me 7 months. That doesn't mean I worked everyday on it. I would guess 16-24 hours per week. That's split between making the models walls, furniture, pots and creating the textures which were a real pain in the butt. 3rd and 4th style Pompeian walls art master pieces themselves so I had to settle for something similair. I have the slave/servant quarters to finish and a ton of fixes and text changes. Suggestions are welcome. Thanks again.
  2. Thanks all. I have no other large projects in the pipeline other than adding things to the domus...text and more rooms. The only other thing I might do is "venture out the door " of the Domus and start creating a town of sorts. Such that the user would be able to walk out the door into a street and visit say the bakery or tavern across the street or something along those lines.
  3. Well I finished the beta version of Roman Domus. It's set up as a point and click way to navigate. I still have much work to do but for the most part you can "walk" around each room Atrium, tablinum, peristyle..so on. Just go to my home page and "knock" on the door. Ancientvine.com
  4. Good input ...yes from an accurate historical perspective I admit I'm a bit off on this. Lol I had good intentions ... So I finished it off as a Hollywood version (sorry guys). Most of the stuff I create I try to get as close to historical fact as I can. In this instance I believe the catapults are fairly accurate as a model. My other stuff is also very close (Forum of Pompeii, Temple of Isis, and Hadrians Wall). Rendering history is sometimes a PITA
  5. Thank you all for your valuable input. Yes I know the time period is of. I'll have to scratch Carthage then. Perhaps this image would be more fitting of Vespasian and his army. Thanks again.
  6. First off I'm sorry if this post may be in the wrong topic. Feel free to move it. I'm working on a scene of involving siege weapons. The link below is a sketch, far from finished, but I wanted to get your opinion(s) to see if anything really looks wrong or out of place for the period. The theme of this is the siege of Carthage. I included some onagers. I tried a siege tower but it just didn't like the way it looked. I will be putting up ladders/soldiers where you see the breach in the wall. Archers will go out front of the Legionaires and of course some dead scattered about. I was thinking of putting a tortous just below the guy falling. So if you feel like adding your input, suggestions or expertise I'd appreciate it. That way I can make the changes before I finish... Thanks EDITTED to change link and Title ...no longer Carthage http://www.ancientvine.com/thebreach.html
  7. Thanks guys, Pertinax I'm not sure how far I will go with the pigmentation hierarchies and I need to keep filesize in mind as people may tour the house although many have DSL or cable nowadays. I may make the interior walls generic for the time period...who knows Gaius So sorry for pulling the plug. My Domain host try to extort an enormous fee on me to keep the site going when I refused his BS he pulled the plug. I'm still persuing things with him. So I had no time to give anybody a warning. My apologies. Mrs. Geriatrix is still around. She and Mr. Geriatrix split up, they were suppossed to get married. But something went wrong. And well as far as the tavern wench, last I heard she was still serving patrons in a rundown taverna in Ostia. Primus there were other images on my old site but those were created by other people. I hope to put up a guest gallery soon to help promote a visual classic culture on the web.
  8. Thanks Pertinax & Decimus, I'm thinking the Domus will be of the first Century AD since I have quite a bit of reference material to go by. It will be about the size of the House of Meander decorated with the Second and Third style . The texturing will be the most difficult to recreate. Other projects/drawings for the year may include a Roman siege scene with artillery. An maybe a classic road building scene. Or a gladiator arena scene. Of course suggestions are welcome. It's good to be back. Regards
  9. Salve Pertinax! Visions of Rome was replaced with Ancient Vine.com http://www.ancientvine.com/ . Right now there is only a temporary site up with some of my digital reconstructions and a few other images. My latest is a reconstruction of the Temple of Isis in Pompeii. Presently I am constructing a typical Roman Domus in which the user will be able to "walk-around", complete with an atrium, tablinum, triclinium, vestibulum etc. As I have more time available I will be adding more content. I even have plans to use my programming experience to create a simple RPG game similiar to kingdomofloathing.com but set in ancient rome, Pompeii specifically. Of course visuals will always be in the forefront. Content writers are always welcome to help! VOR went down because my domain host pulled the plug and basically screwed me over. But all is well and I'm going forth with the Ancient Vine. So please drop by or drop me a line at admin@ancientvine.com
  10. No exchanges...tis a shame. To each his own. Thank you Flavius. Some of us like to write or read about antiquity and some of us like to visualize it. Think about all the frescoes and mosaics found in Pompeii alone. Indeed we learned much from those visions. And some of the images are graphic but no more than one would find in ancient Rome. Decimus
  11. I've been playing RTW for some time now. Fantastic game in my opinion, Rich graphics and good game play make it interesting. I haven't purchased the new barbarian add-on yet. Has anybody tried it out? Winter is coming and I need a new game during the winter!! Cheers, Decimus
  12. Ave!, I am Decimus, Praetor Urbanus and Site Admin of the municipia Visions of Rome (www.visionsofrome.com). Visions of Rome is a new Roman themed site featuring a forum and gallery. Like most of you I discovered Rome and haven't looked back. My specific interests include Roman engineering and architecture, Pompeii, and the roman army in general. My intent is to create images of ancient Rome via computer graphics. Currently I am in the process of recreating a scene from Hadrian's Wall. Please feel free to visit our site. And what fantastic site you have here! Surely a good reference and source for info on Rome. I am interested in exchanging banners with UNRV for mutual site promotion. I am in contact with other roman website admin's to spread the word that Rome lives on the web. Cheers, Decimus
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