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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Stefan Kruithof

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Everything posted by Stefan Kruithof

  1. Yeah the nature of these games is that once you sign up you'd have to stay active (or be replaced) or the game will fall apart. A game doesn't have too last much longer than about a week though, as you can see in the links.
  2. I am from the Netherlands Good to see so much internationalism going on!
  3. Hi everyone, as you may be aware there's a wide variety of forum games out there. Many are so silly and simple that they're hardly fun, but there's also a number of more complex and strategic games. I would like to moderate one or two of these games on this forum, of course giving them a thoroughly Roman theme. Before I'd start anything like that up, I'd prefer to find out whether there is an audience for it. These games are great fun, but only if the people are active. Mafia Mafia is one such forum game. Here's an example of how mafia works: 20 players sign up 15 of these are 'townies' - they know nothing but their own role and cannot communicate with the rest 5 of these are 'mafia' - they know their mafia friends, and are the enemy of the town Day mode: During the day all the players discuss in the thread on who to lynch. Of course the mafia pretends to be town. Night mode: The mafia sends in a message to the moderator who they want to kill. Day and night keep changing. The winner is the group that remains alive while the other group is gone. Of course this is totally lame. To make mafia fun there are roles: Cop, a townie who can investigate someone at night to see if they're guilty or not. Doc, a townie who can protect someone at night from being killed. There are many roles with investigative, killing and protecting powers. I hope you get the general idea, send me messages if you don't understand, or perhaps even better, check out this: http://forums.utopiatemple.com/showthread.php?t=70237 - This is a general introduction to the game on the UtopiaTemple forums where it's been played for years http://forums.utopiatemple.com/showthread.php?t=69930 - This is a game ran by me with the Roman transition from Republic to Empire as its theme. http://forums.utopiatemple.com/showthread....976#post1471976 - Here is a link to the end of the game, when I revealed all the roles to everyone. The town, played by the traditional republicans, won the game. Battlefield This is a much simpler game. It's played on a board made on the forum like this: http://forums.utopiatemple.com/showthread....987#post1538987 Every player gets a base and a number of points. The points work as an army. If a Green 5-pointer meets a Yellow 3-pointer, 2 Green points remains and the Green unit survives but is much weaker. It's as simple as that. http://forums.utopiatemple.com/showthread.php?t=71331 - This is the link to entire game. I want to convert this into a game about the Hellenistic period. The Seleucid Empire could have a slight numerical advantage but weaker defenses and stuff like that. --- --- So... Is there enough interest to play these games? If so, I'll start one
  4. Worst general is Julius Caesar of course, and worst politician must be Cicero. Perhaps Marcus Aurelius or Diocletian. Nah just kidding. Worst political figure is Nero in my opinion. Not sure who would be the worst general.
  5. I always learned something rather similar to the above post. He was drawing geometric figures in the sand while the Romans invaded the city, when a Roman soldier then ran through his figures he actually said to the soldier "Don't disturb my circles" (or something), at which the soldier killed him.
  6. Yes, of course I meant him abusing it as a reason for his further campaigns.
  7. I'd say Thucydides...or Herodotus. Everyone here seems to be sticking to the Roman-times guys, which makes sense considering this is a site about Rome. Still, the Greek early historians are in my opinion certainly better than Suetonius.
  8. I'd want to be a scholar under August, in his circle of trusted friends and from a wealthy family I'd probably be spending my time with writing history and philosophy.
  9. I wonder how many people actually believed that...does anyone here think Caesar actually believed this was a valid reason for his campaigns? Concerning the 15 BC...it does seem to be about the right period in which this area became permanently Roman territory. However, it never was an official province to my knowledge.
  10. Greetings friends, after receiving an e-mail from this site I figured I might start posting occasionally. I have no idea how often I'll be able to contribute, but at least this introduction is a start. My name here is my real life name, my location is the Netherlands. I am a second year student in Archaeology at the University of Leiden. Here in Leiden, the first year is a broad introduction to Archaeology and ancient cultures all over the world. From the second year onwards, a student chooses his/her specialty. You won't be surprised to find out that I chose Classical Archaeology. Next to Archaeology, I started studying Philosophy this year. I'm only a beginning Bachelor student in Philosophy and a second year Bachelor student in Archaeology, but I hope to earn Master titles in both disciplines. Before University, I attended what in Dutch is called 'Gymnasium' and in other countries is usually known as 'grammar school'. Here I learned Latin and a bit of Greek. (In retrospect, it's a shame I dropped Greek!). Apart from this 'formal' introduction, I can tell anyone who is for some reason still reading that I have a lovely girlfriend and that I train a lot (running, Aikido). I have no job, since I do two studies fulltime. I hope to be able to visit this forum regularly. Have a wonderful day, Stefan Kruithof
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