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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by futurehistorian1

  1. Yes yes yes yes yes. what ever country did it would become rich to it would be the greatest tourest atraction in the world Question would the laws of crime and punish ment of rome apply there or normal laws
  2. I relaize what you are saying i do not bother on scentence structure on a casual thing like this but im still not grat at it spelling has always been the f on the report card. I already have novels written and hidden away unntill i decide to publish them. What i do is just write them to the best of my ability untill its finished then i actualy have my dad go through and fix spelling and puntuation mistakes thanks for the concern though
  3. I actualy plan on getting a docterins degree. I allready have a colledge piggy bank as i call it. But i also realize that i wont have enouph money for it so i have a plan i am a writer and an invintor i plan on getting patents on all of them and getting my books published all at once to get a small head strt i know not all invintions make money but my books are just ass good as tolkin himself and so i will hopfully get some extra money and i may even try for a scolership
  4. ive hit a little snag on the poem ill need a nother week or 2 sry
  5. I am a 12 year old chess enthusiast i have plaayed in tournaments and beat the same man who tought me to play. if you wanna play say where and when
  6. history for me is somthing i plan on doing as a career and a hobby. I regard myself as a self made genious ( exept for in spelling that is ) and for me although i invint and wright fiction and non fiction books i find that they all revert back to history no matter how hard i try to keep rome out of a book i always seem to make the book about rome things i invint because history has expanded my imagination. I love history because all tings scince or not has to do with history. Now that i think history isnt a hobby a career or an intrist its a life style. One that i try to intill in every on i come in contact with.
  7. I just realized somthing i want to be a hostorian but i honestly dont know what exactly they do as fr as making money lol cold any one give me a quick description
  8. Napolian a great conqorer better than alaxander the great in my boook yet i am continuasly annoyd that my friends can give me a slight backround of alaxander the great and when i asked one of my friends who napolian was he actualy said " Isint that a donut or somthing" as a result i began to get curiouse maybe alaxander was the best what do u think
  9. I was thinking of breaking deeper into gladiatorial combat and geting out of speacializing in law and crime. I think your site is very informative and could help me greatly
  10. i like toying with the minds of my friends by using advancec words and historical refrenses that they dont understand i tell them what it means after a few minnutes of seeing them try to guess.
  11. Thats funny you talk and you present your self to be much older because of your advanced conversation.
  12. I have been trying to find a online corse for latin.
  13. I was just wondering i f any one on this site played rune scape
  14. Me being only 12 i enjoy doing dumb things. I Like juping out of trees and seeing what the safest way to fall is or at least less painfull. And ive never been hurt beyond a crape. So you mitre say im lucky but i dont remember the last time somthing hapend to me.
  15. I am just curious because i have notaced that many people on this site know as much as i do. As a result i got curiouse im only a 12 tear old kid but how many people on this site are historians
  16. iT would be kind of funny to see two skilled worriers flinging tere swords around and stumbling.
  17. There is a strong amount of evidense saying gladiators somtimes fought witth out seeing there opponite. What do you think about this
  18. im replying far after this was posted so i dont even know if ur still doing this or if you will even read this but i enjoy writing fiction books on rome and i could help you create a story line aswell as provide you with a decent amount of historical backround
  19. I like a challenge and im finding writinthese poems easy so ill limit myself. What do u think should i do a serious or funny poem.
  20. ROME VS. Greek This is roman inovation against greek philosiphy. I would rather have a road than understand astronamy people may compare them but it`s no contest. Any one with brains would know that rome is best. People might say that greek was civilized and rome was barbaric. How i answer this is by telling them what greeks did to kids in the gymnasium I personaly think michal jackson would join them. This was just a little joke the real one will come in a week.
  21. i would also have to say the one of augustes wearing the hood is my favorite.
  22. I will return to this topicin a week with my finished program and befor i forget your poem was amazing.
  23. The romans slightly influence nearly every thing including the biggest sports event in the country. Roman numerals are used in the super bowl even.
  24. I am a young roman enthusioust i have written many books oon anciant rome witch i somday hope to get published i would enjo the challenge of trying to wrie one i would be happy to write one if any one would read it.
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