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Everything posted by futurehistorian1

  1. First off id just like to say that im back i used to be a very very active member on this site then kinda forgot about it. Well im back now so heres my question How often did the romans use torture. Did they use itr for reasons other than punishment how often did they use it and what kind of devises did they use.
  2. im a middle school student in the 7nth grade
  3. hanks alot guys i was just asking because someday ive decided i want to open up a mueseum and i dint want to be the idiot doing somthing wrong
  4. this realy isnt somthing i think anyone would know but i dont care ill ask any way does any one know if mueseums are privatly ownd or if they are funded by the state.
  5. I am a fan of a fairly new comedian dat phan
  6. Rome is is actualy secondary only to comedy. I am a comedian. you wouldnt know it by the way i talk buti am. is any one else here a fan of comedy or a comedian themselves
  7. I found it while i was just becoming intrested in rome and waited for almost a year 1/2. I never tried it because i thought i would it be discredited for being a kid but i finaly tried it and i would like to thank you all for being so undiscriminating
  8. Any one who sauys that is an idiot and i think shoulnd not talk about things the dont know one thing i cant stand is when i tell people how i study rome they say they like the greeks for there gladiators i cant stand it when the stupid pediphile greeks get credit for roman things. the only thing i give greece an ounce of apreciation for is letting us prepare food in them lol
  9. i just likr to put my feet up and type i dont worry about it unless its importanr
  10. No i can wright when i feel i need it to write perfectly. I feel like t is less fun to wrte when i pick out every detail now im sory for an anger but if you dont like dont reaad my posts in my opinion its your loss. now can we get off of this writing thing please
  11. mOST OF MY INVINTIONS ARE NOT medical but things to make every day life easier. I apologize if i try to make myself seem like i am the best but thats my personality and also why i am intelegent in the feilds that im good in. You see i dont play sports becaause im not built right and cant be the best I did play violen quite well if i say so myself. But i quit because my best friend was better and i could practice forever and he would still be betterl. Then i heard the verry same friend talking about scince. I was always intrested in scince but when i found out he was better than me i beacame adicted. SAme with history he was talking about it and we were both about as smart in it so i worked and worked and worked untill i Was best and then i decided i would be even better so i keep studying rome a different part every 2 months. i Realize this is both a good and bad personality but this is what makes me good at what i do.
  12. I find it intrsting that once you become intrested in rome it becomes intangled with every thing you do.I hav tried to keep rome out of a book boou of course it found its way in.
  13. so you invint thigsroman wargammer . I was just kinda wondering i have invinted somthing that i think could be very succesfull and could you explain to m how i get a patent for my in vintion
  14. well i say if you ignore my posts it your loss my theries and ideas are heard by all that apreaciate it. and for the record i have a mental reason for my spelling so think about abot things before you say them
  15. I have theries on how big the universe in that i would like to keep to myself. But i will give you one of my more simple theries i beleave that simply by puting an electron into the brain of patinacts that are not brain dead bad can not speak or move. Eventualy the brain will make conections into the electron and it will intersept the electric pulses the brain uses to think and therefore if he thinks about moving his arm the signal will be intercepted and sent to a computer moving the curser how about that.
  16. im ben i may only be a kid but pleas dont discredit me because of it
  17. The most annoying thing for me being a kid is being discriminated against. I have complex scintific theries that i cant afford to investigate but i know are probably right. When i share these stories i am lauphed at and they say to my mom creative one isnt he or somthing dumb like thaat. and i always want to say i am probably right and if you had a brain big nenouph to understand the scince behind it you would know im right of cours i never do. Maybe if i was a protogy i would be taken seriously. And evry adult in here has done it you may not even realize you do it but you do. Maybee you should think about possable consiqueces a kid could discover a cure for aids and be laouphed at and ignord why because its a kid and not some geniouse scintist
  18. Bad news rape isnt a death penilty offense although i beleave it should be. Any ways back to rome i realy screwd up this post and wish i hadent made it but i have learnd from my mistake and apologize for the kid question that i asked im realy sorry i feel stupid that i asked a question without first trying answering it myself
  19. several history falsifacations accur because there is no clear proof like that isaic newton discoverd sunspots no one realty knows but the evidense pushes more tword johan goldsmid
  20. i am expressing myself corectly im saying exactly what i meen to and i do respect the english language just not the enlish systym of writing it kinda dumb i mean periods and quotations are all we need in my opinion. If you think about it you understand what i mean and this isnt a stress to type i do it corectly when i feel i need to not whaen other people do [i personaly apologize if the way you reads this seem ofensive its not meant to be its just my opinion sory oh ya these are usless to]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]
  21. i realy dont think its barbaric either and i feel kinda stupid for not realizing that it was christianity i quess i should have thought this through more sorry ill try not to make kid mistakes any more
  22. I beleave freaking out about tiny details on your writing is dumb unless it is a very important things and i type what i think i dont think capitals and periods although i ususaly add periods. see theres one over there to the left of this scentence thers one after this word to. but i seriously think of this a a converstaion on aol with a slow computer
  23. From the roman systym of death for punishment to having people say to abolish the death penalty, what changed us. Why in sports now do people just fight but not die what big thing happend to convince us that this was barbaric why i dont expect anyone to be able to answer this but it is weird.
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