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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums

Decimus Brutus

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Everything posted by Decimus Brutus

  1. theres me right bef ore my 13th b-day woot woot its 11:31 29 more minutes
  2. I have mediviel total war and am dying fur rome i beat the demo it sucks you have to be hanniball i won one time the other i wanted to see rome crush hannible. Also what century soldiers are those? I don't like them I prefer 3rd century more. And what"s with the three houses julli brutii and scippi or whatever are they enemies and why? I like julii becaus I prefer red uniforms lol
  3. talk about I say we get our armor and weapons and guard hadrians wall!!!....................until the cops come.
  4. Sorry if i didn't include all of them i couldn't remember alot.
  5. I remember in a book it said most soldiers wore a red tunic because it was the color of the gods, and rome was very superstitous.
  6. I really want to be in a reenactment group but i live in washington and am only 13 anyone know a place i can see a reenactment i love roman warfare and culture b ut it seems im all alone in washington all i have is gladiator the movie and computer games
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