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  1. A front view of the same cube: see: https://app.box.com/s/engxlcawv19yjdemtluxm28m294dre5n
  2. Here is a picture with this small roman cube the size of Rubik's cube. see: https://app.box.com/s/gogtrtu03s05qe7w1a9usc58eitiqoiw If you have seen something similar to it please tell me.
  3. I have more information now. The inscription is like this: S.P.Q.R IMP. CAES. DIV NERV. F. TRAIA. IMP. VI. COS. P.
  4. Yes, the cube does not seem to have been a part of a monumental structure. Most probable it is something equivalent with a modern jubilee medal (just a speculation). Anyway, I do not believe the cube is singular. Similar cubes should have been discovered in various places across Europe.
  5. The cube looked like this: https://sites.google.com/site/minisatellites/cube/Cube.JPG The letters were yellow, carved in the body of the cube using something thin like a needle and they were filled with some yellow material, possible wax. The cube was well polished and there was no indication that it once had something on it, for instance a bust. Note: I repeat, I do not remember the inscription exactly. Somebody reading the text translated it quickly in: "The Senate and the Roman People decided to make emperor Nerva Trajanus consul, for the seventh time." But again I do not remember the exact words, precisely.
  6. Red cube 7 x 7 x 7 cm having the inscription "S.P.Q.R. NERV TRAIAN VII CONS." I have seen a small red cube made of polished stone, possible marble. It had, on one face, an inscription reading something like this: S.P.Q.R. NERV TRAIAN VII CONS. I do not remember exactly all the words so I could miss three of four but anyway the inscription was short. As far as I know the cube was found buried in the ground in the yard of an Orthodox church situated close to the inferior course of river Danube, about 100 - 120 years ago, during renovation work. Question: Have you ever heard about similar cubes made during Roman Empire? Is there any link over the internet where I can find pictures with cubes like the one described above? UPDATE, December 2015 I am finally able to post two pictures of the real cube: 1) Front - lateral view https://app.box.com/s/gogtrtu03s05qe7w1a9usc58eitiqoiw 2) Front view https://app.box.com/s/engxlcawv19yjdemtluxm28m294dre5n
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