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  1. Difficult without a given ''terrain'' and the importance of the battle. It would be actually reduced to a puzzle in characterology or one for a headhunter. I'd go for Sulla as the better strategist and the one who would take advantage on the enemy's slightest errror without mercy.
  2. I once heard someone say that the Romans used a kind of 'morse code' from watchtower to watchtower, though it seems not likely to me that they could have built the next watchtower always in sight of the former one. A fairy tale?
  3. I agree with xtreme. see joseph conrad's novel: 'heart of darkness'
  4. Something I always wondered about, considering the dimension of the Roman Empire, is how the 'Roman Post Office' worked, especially for the legion. During Hadrians time, for example, how long did it take to send a message from Roma to Londinium? Was there an accurate intelligence/messenger system, and if, how was it organised in those days? Was there a 'real-time' information system, e.g about an on-marching enemy, and thus a major advantage for the Legions to rely upon?
  5. I 'd say Late Republic, (e.g. Lucullus, Pompeius, Caesar) the army then seems to me a truly Roman one, with all the virtues that had made it so great.
  6. I 'd say the Roman Republic was the first really working political system, and it has, at least basically, been adopted all over the world.
  7. Rome's worst defeat was not the Teutoburger Wald fiasco-- i.e. not in military terms, but it certainly was the worst one for Octavian's ego, and it found its way into literature. On the other hand, modern Germany made a propaganda victory out of it (the 'Arminia battle'). Probably these two combined account for the 'popularity' of the varus battle as Rome's worst one. Then I 'd even prefer Gergovia ;-)
  8. Maybe somebody can help me> Who was L. Marcius Philippus (portrayed on a coin)?
  9. Can anybody indicate where in the commentarii belli gallici the war dogs are mentioned?
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