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UNRV Ancient Roman Empire Forums


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Everything posted by calliaume

  1. Please note we have an updated link: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-etruscan-prize-1m-for-deciphering-etruscan#/
  2. I'm working with a nonprofit that is sponsoring the "Etruscan Prize." $1 million for an archaeologist who finds a sufficient new inscription that allows for the deciphering of the Etruscan language, and $1 million for the linguist that actually deciphers it. Such prizes have motivated discovery in the past, for things like calculating longitude and pioneering transatlantic flight. All the information can be found here: A Prize to Scholars for Deciphering Etruscan. Our specific ask is you help spread the word by sharing it on all your social media: blog, Facebook, Twitter, mailing list, and so on. Please send us the links to your posts or tweets as well. If there are any questions, please let me know by emailing me here. Thank you. Sincerely, Curt Alliaume Email: decipheringetruscan@gmail.com
  3. I'm Curt, from suburban Illinois. Thank you for accepting me to the forum. My primary purpose for being here is to make people aware of our work in developing research on deciphering Etruscan. But I'm an amateur historian who's always interested in learning more about the past.
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