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  1. The same ease was demonstrated by Germanic Goths when they wiped out Scythians (who are often regarded as progenitors of proto-Russian Slavic tribes) and moved eastwards to settle in Crimea (Gothic language used to be spoken there seemingly till the 2nd half of the 19th century). There is an unspoken consensus among some modern Russian scholars that Slavic tribes formed a coalition with the Huns to drive Germanic Goths westwards from the territories that were once under Scythian/Slavic control. But frankly this all is rather imaginary because Slavs didn't have writing before 9th century. The truth however is that historically Slavs were much easier and more willingly to enter a coalition with the Asians than with the Europeans. Even during the WW2 about 8% of the Soviet military losses were soldiers of the Soviet Turkic minorities.
  2. Yeah, the same topic popped up yesterday in the feeds from ancient-origins https://www.ancient-origins.net/news-history-archaeology/attila-0017671 I think we've touched this topic too on the forum not so long ago https://www.unrv.com/forum/topic/19390-a-drought-caused-the-hunnic-migration/?tab=comments#comment-131753 I find the claim a little dubious. The initial push for Huns migration was seemingly due to Chinese who defeated them and drove them away from their boundaries. It could have been that the Huns were goaded to move further westwards by some climate factors, but as we know unlike Central Asia Europe has been mostly covered by forests and has always lacked rich grasslands for horses to graze (with the exception of Alps region, I suppose). Although the proponents of the theory may find some support for it in the books by Soviet historian Lev Gumilyov: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Gumilyov Gumilyov wrote the whole book tracing the roots of Xiongnu (who lately transformed into Huns in Europe). Attached below is a screenshot in Russian highlighting the same idea of climate change that affected Huns migration (it's taken from the book which is missing in the list of references for Gumilyov in the above English wiki-article). I actually saved the screenshot years ago because I found it ridiculously naive 😁
  3. The video mainly touches the religious aspects of the ancient Egyptian world. The narrative draws some parallels of comparison between the Egyptian religious cults and the Christian Bible, confirming the well-known fact of the religious syncretism in the ancient world. The biblical story of the poor in Heaven and the rich in Hell from St.Luke (a milestone of the Christian propaganda for millennia to come) and its parallel with the tale of Si-Osiris is somewhat interesting as it illustrates how well St Luke must have been familiar with Egyptian sources (neither English wiki article on Luke the Evangelist, nor the corresponding Spanish article don't mention Egypt at all, while the Russian article says that St Luke had travelled along the southern Mediterranean coast up to Libya via Egypt, which probably contributed to his later work). I've always been a little sceptical about the factors behind St.Luke's exceptional literary productivity (perhaps voluminosity would be a better English word) compared with 3 other evangelists, always suspecting that there could have been a group of people writing under the common name of St Luke (in mathematics a good example of such collaborative work would be Nicolas Bourbaki - even some mathematicians believe that Bourbaki was a person 🙂)
  4. Well, you are touching too complex question: what is real? Do the images of Putin or King Charles projected by the media reflect their true personalities? The power of propaganda is capable of turning a mature paedophile into a benevolent highly-respectable MP much admired by everyone. So could be the case of St. Pudens too. These days even some renowned physicists, such as American Prof. Leonard Susskind, speak of the holographic principle that guides our universe, while Buddhists take it even further when they say that there is no "I", no Ego at all (so-called "anatman"). So back to Jesus, clearly his image and the whole story around him has been professionally concocted. But does this mean we should refrain from studying the history or stop watching movies about him? The movie series "Altered carbon" is anything but real too, nonetheless it does convey some ideas, which some folks may find interesting. So are the adoptations of the biblical story, ranging from the Da Vinci Code to the Body by Jonas McCord (2001). That's what culture is all about, ain't it? 🙂 Raising new questions, offering new interpretations, sharing new thoughts based on new findings (Dead Sea Scrolls, new excavations in Jerusalem etc) ... Actually, a few years ago I wrote by myself a big post about Christianity. The post was inspired by a number of books that I'd read (esp. 3 books by Rodney Stark that influenced me a lot). The post is in Russian, but just in case someone can read it (or alternatively you can right-click in your browser and try to translate the page into your preferred language automatically): https://topos.ru/article/ontologicheskie-progulki/o-hristianstve-na-osnove-knig-sociologa-i-istorika-religii-rodni Some folks say that my post is clearly atheistic, but frankly when I was preparing it I was just trying to wrap up my own very mixed thoughts into some more consistent shape that could make it easier for myself to understand and to summarize everything that I'd read. The post has collected over 100 likes as I see now, which makes me believe that I ain't quite lost as a writer (professionally I have nothing to do with creative writing, and have to deal more with digits than people)
  5. Sounds like a moan of intolerance to me 🙂 I know of your atheistic attitudes, caldrail, which I happen to share too. Nonetheless my prediction is that within next 10-20 years we'll see a number of interesting adaptations of the ancient stories that've been circulating lately in the public domain, incl. bookstore shelves. Knowledge sharing empowered by the Internet and technology has made it possible for the ideas to spread quickly, so that even ignorant folks like me with no religious education whatsoever could easily pick up the story and follow the research advancements.
  6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Way_of_the_Wind https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10937004/ Looks like a good cast and an interesting biblical interpretation. Has anybody watched it yet?
  7. I'd agree with Caldrail and Dr. Dawkins that Jesus we know from the Bible is a fictional type of character, which emerged as a product of syncretism of ancient cults. There could have been though one or a few real historical characters who eventually merged into what appeared to be the biblical Jesus. The Roman influence in writing the biblical story and shaping the literary character of Jesus is undisputed, and we've been touching this on the forum: https://www.unrv.com/forum/topic/19364-praetorian-guard-praefects/?tab=comments#comment-132380 Romans clearly tried to mollify the flock by portraying Jesus as a peaceful preacher. The real Jesus could have been more like the rebellious Jewish gangster Judas of Galilee who started the "4th philosophy" (terrorism) and was eventually killed: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judas_of_Galilee In fact, some sources even claim that real Jesus shared the common lineage with Judas of Galilee. Anyone who tried to delve into the biblical story thoughtfully must have found a number of inconsistencies in it. I've been collecting them for years by reading what other researchers shared in their publications.
  8. I thought it would be interesting to share the publication that's just come out 🙂 https://www.mdpi.com/1911-8074/15/12/547 In Russia the Orthodox church was also renowned for its wide-scale investments in tobacco imports in the past .. ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Табачный_скандал More info can be found at the below link for someone who reads Russian ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Экономическая_деятельность_Русской_православной_церкви
  9. Well, it all seems to be straightforward .. Jesus doesn't look like a peaceful shepherd when he is delivering a hateful speech like that, does he? 🙂
  10. If the father was always the same, there would have been no Mt 10:34-35 😅
  11. Surprisingly, lions ain't as deadly as often thought
  12. The quotation seems to emphasize the intolerance as if other religions (Islam etc) were misleading and Christianity was dominant Although Islam has such things too (eg hadith 1.24) https://islamichouse.tripod.com/hadith/bukhari/vol1/bvol1-21-30.htm
  13. I wonder what adder and lion are supposed to mean... Does anybody read Latin to translate that bit from the book Jesus holds?
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